The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 921: Selfish vanity female supporting role (17)

   Just wondering, I saw the news of Xu Yin@They All, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: Oh my god, it was a false alarm! It's better than borrowing money!

   Originally, everyone just watched and didn’t make a sound, but now the collective frothed:

   "Oh, beautiful girl, why are you being so polite! It's okay for an old classmate to help you if you have difficulties. How can I make you spend money."

   "Xu Yin, I saw the Moments you just posted. Are those photos real photos of your cherry? They look so tempting."

   "Xu Yin, what kind of cherries do you have? They look delicious. I really like cherries, so you're welcome. I'll let you know the address."

   "Miss Xu, don't you work in Anshi? Why are you in your hometown?"

   "Xu Yin, have you returned to your hometown? I'm in Wen County, you don't need to send it to me, it's very convenient for me to drive there, or I can go to your house to pick it up, I don't need you to send it, I will buy it myself."

   "I'm also in Wenxian County. It's not far from Xiangcheng, so I can pick them at my door. I plan to bring my boyfriend along, so it's a date."

  Everyone, you say it, and I say it. When Xu Yin came over with a basket to pick it up, she looked down and said, oh, the chat history has rushed to 99+ so quickly?

  She quickly replied: "I'll post the address later. If you are close and willing to pick it yourself, just come. If the distance is inconvenient, I will send it to you. Three catties per person. Let's try something new."

   In this way, everyone will no longer refuse.

   Those in the county simply called out their friends: "On Saturday the day after tomorrow, which one of you will go to Xu Yin's house to pick cherries? Let's go together? I will drive, but I will go with my boyfriend, and I will bring up to three more people."

   "Me me! Add me."

   "I sign up too."

   "I'll forget it, I'll ask my boyfriend later, if he has time, let him drive me there, so as to save me a lot of waiting."

   "Yo, you two can do it, you both have boyfriends."

   "Aren't you coming too soon? My mother met your mother at the vegetable market a few days ago. I heard that she is arranging a blind date for you?"

   "Tell me, what's the situation?"


  Everyone chatted enthusiastically in the group.

   Those who go to work fish, and those who don't go to work are idle. For a while, the chat history scrolls quickly.

  Xu Yin has no time to watch for now, she is picking cherries.

  Each tree always has a few trees that are well-lit and ripen early. She picks them from tree to tree, packs them in a basket of three catties, and sends them back to these old classmates, which is regarded as loan interest.

  Shang Lili only saw the group message when she got her mobile phone after work. They are not allowed to look at their mobile phones at the counter. If there is any urgent matter at home, I always call the landline.

It took me a long time to read the news of the new group formed by Xu Yin, and she sent a private message to Xu Yin: "You have already paid off the money owed to everyone, why are you still sending cherries? Fresh express is very expensive, so I don't need to send it. real!"

  She has had a lot of Xu Yin, and now she is the chef of the barbecue stall, earning a steady 200 yuan every night. Boss Chen also said that in the second half of the year, he may open an all-day barbecue restaurant near the university, and he will hire her as a master chef at that time, and the salary will be favorable.

   Without Xu Yin, there would be no such opportunity.

   "Xu Yin, I'm serious, the courier fee is too expensive, don't send it to me, don't you thank me enough? Instead, I have to thank you."

  Xu Yin is boxing the cherries at home.

She dug out a bag of food-grade transparent plastic bags from the system warehouse, put a layer of absorbent paper on it, put cherries in it, threw a small cloud of spiritual mist, covered another layer of absorbent paper, put a layer of cherries on it, and finally tightened the mouth of the bag. Pack into foam box.

  Send it to the courier station in the town in a while, and a batch can be sent out today.

  Received Shang Lili's message, she replied with a voice message: "It's okay, I'll give you a taste, it's an advertisement, come to my house to buy it after it's delicious."

  Shang Lili heard what she said, so she asked: "If you sell it, how much is it per catty? Will you send it from Lu Yuan?"

   "Send it! Send it if the express delivery can arrive, but there is no free shipping if it exceeds the range. The price is 15 yuan per catty, and free shipping for more than three catties."

  She contacted the fresh food express station in the town at noon.

Since there are many mountain farmers growing fruits in Xiangcheng area, the fresh express delivery business is still good. In the first half of the year, another one was opened. In order to grab business, the quotation is much more favorable than the other one. He also said that the more you send, the bigger the discount .

  Xu Yin asked, and the express fee for three catties in the free shipping area is only 9 yuan. Of course, you have to pack it yourself. You can ask them to buy the foam box, or you can prepare it yourself.

  Xu Yin injected a little spirit mist into the cherry bag, but the use of spirit mist is not only to keep fresh, she doesn't think it's profitable to sell it for 15 catties.

   But there is no way, the market price of Little Cherry is only this, and there is no profit range.

  But just this time, starting next year, I won’t sell small cherries, I’ll keep a few plants for my own consumption, and the rest will be grafted into new big cherries comparable to cherries, and the profit range will be huge.

Shang Lili sent an "OK" emoji, and then took a screenshot of Xu Yin's post on Jiugongge in Moments, forwarded it along with the quotation to her classmate group, work group, and family group, and advertised Xu Yin's cherries .

   She didn't pay attention when she posted it, and she reposted the newly formed "barbecue part-time job" as a work group.

  Chen Jiao was also in the group, saw the screenshot, poked it in and took a look, and found that the profile picture in the picture was Xu Yin, and asked, "Is this the cherry grown in Ms. Xu's hometown?"

  Shang Lili was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "Yes, boss, her cherries are ripe, and she is looking for a buyer."

  Chen Jiao was proud of the spring breeze recently, and asked Xu Yin to buy the seasoning formula. In just a few days, the turnover of her store hit a new high.

  Prying her corner opponent, after poaching the master, the business is still not as good as hers. I heard that he had a fight with the master a few days ago, and a fight broke out in the nest.

  Chen Jiao's mood seemed to be avenged, she was refreshed, and her walk was windy these days.

  In her heart, Xu Yin is like a benefactor.

   Now that she knows that her cherries are looking for a market, isn't that difficult? She had friends who opened fruit shops and cake shops, and relatives who opened restaurants and KTVs, so she forwarded screenshots of Xu Yin's circle of friends to them one by one.

   "This is a friend who helped me some time ago. Her cherries are quite good. The ripening period is only a few days away. If you need to contact me, I can negotiate a preferential price for you if the quantity is large."

  The business circle is neither small nor big. Even if they are not relatives or friends, everyone is in the same circle, and they can help if they can.

   After all, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Maybe you helped others today, but you will need help from others tomorrow.

  So sometimes helping others is equivalent to helping yourself.

   What's more, judging from the photos, although it is a small cherry, it looks really good, the price is right, and it is not impossible to buy some.

  So, this fifty catties and that one hundred catties reported to Chen Jiao.

  Chen Jiao also paid a hundred catties herself.

   Several people added up to five hundred catties.

  She sent the order to Xu Yin, saying that she ordered so many first, and she might order more later.

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