The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 919: Selfish vanity female supporting role (15)

  Chapter 919 The selfish vanity female supporting role (15)

  After finishing all this work, Xu Yin immersed herself in sorting out the fruit trees in the system warehouse, Qiongye Yulu Peach, Fengyuan Red Apricot, and Cuiguan Xiangli.

  After sorting out, she cut off the best branches, and when the cherries were successfully grafted, she planned to graft all the fruit trees next to her home.

Her parents were worried, and in order to ensure the success of the cherry grafting, she logged into the system mall and bought a bottle of plant repair and protection liquid for 2000 energy points. grow on the mother plant.

  In the last small world, although the system did not issue additional tasks, she successfully survived the crisis and reversed the fate of cannon fodder. The system rewarded her with 20,000 energy points, and the progress bar moved forward two bars, rising to 51%, and finally passed halfway.

There is also an unexpected extra gain - she learned a little bit of stargazing and future prediction from Da Wumin in the game, and it can be used in reality. Can be pre-approved.

  In this life, I don’t know if the system will issue tasks.

  【Ding—If you want to get rich, plant fruit trees! Plant a road to prosperity! Every time you sell 100 catties of self-produced fruit, you will be rewarded with 100 energy points; if you help villagers sell fruits, your energy points will be doubled. 】


   Really said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

   OK, isn’t it just planting? It’s almost my old age.

   As for driving the villagers to get rich, it depends on the opportunity.

   Let’s sell the cherries from our orchard first.

  After breakfast the next day, Xu Yin followed her parents to her cherry orchard.

  The couple carried a water bottle in one hand, and the Anshi specialty cake brought back by Xu Yin, and led their daughter happily up the mountain.

Xu's family lives at the foot of the back mountain, and the cherry orchard is on the front side of the mountain. Going directly up the back mountain, you have to climb over a hill to get to the front mountain. Although the mountain is neither steep nor high, it is more tiring than walking on flat ground, not to mention passing through several houses. fruit forest.

May and June are the peak season for fruit ripening. If you accidentally knock off the fruit in other people's orchards, it's always embarrassing. Therefore, the couple always walk around the village road to Qianshan. avoid arousing suspicion.

  I met many villagers along the way, and saw a family of three exchanging warm greetings:

   "Hey, Lao Xu, is this your Yin Yin? Are you back home? She looks more and more beautiful."

  Father Xu heard the villagers praise his daughter, and replied cheerfully: "Yes, it's better to go home, otherwise, her mother and I will always miss it."

   "That's right, the girl's family lives outside alone, so I really don't feel at ease. Are you going to help on the mountain?"

   "Yeah, the cherries are ripening soon. Yinyin said to take some pictures and find a way to sell them."

  Why do you need to take photos to find a market?

  The older generation was puzzled.

   "Can taking pictures really find sales?"

   After the three of the Xu family walked away, an old woman in her early sixties whispered:

"My family's big cherries have not yet decided on a buyer. The highest price this year is 16. This price is too low. If I can find other sales outlets, I would be willing to let me take pictures. Wouldn't it be good to just smile at the camera? "

  A dark-skinned, muscular young man next to him laughed when he heard the words: "Aunt Baomi, what Uncle Mingkang said about taking pictures is not about people, but about cherries."

   "Huh? Shooting cherries? What's so good about cherries? You can sell them if you shoot them?"

"Maybe Uncle Mingkang's family has opened an online store, and if you put photos of cherries on the Internet, anyone who wants to buy them will buy them." The young man said, shaking his head, "I have thought about this method before, but it takes too much time. In the mountains, there is a small amount of express delivery, and the delivery has to go to the town. The most troublesome thing is the packaging. The cherries are too tender, and they are easy to be damaged if you are not careful. Besides, in this weather, you will be stuck in the express box for two or three days , it’s easy to rot without being bruised, so I didn’t dare to try it.”


  The villagers nodded in understanding.

  Cherries are not like other fruits. It is too troublesome to store and transport. They will hurt if they are slightly touched, and they will rot if they are injured. What's more, the cost of packaging, express delivery, and seventy-seven-eight-eight-eight-eight-eight-eighth costs add up to a lot of money. After a toss, the few dollars higher than the purchase price are used to subsidize the cost. What's the point?

   "By the way, Mingkang's daughter really plans to stay at home and not go to work in a big city?" Aunt Baomi's eyes gleamed with gossip.

  Yesterday, I learned from the village head and the children playing at the entrance of the village that Xu Mingkang's daughter has returned, saying that she will stay at home and not go to work in big cities.

"It seems to be." A woman next to her continued, "I went to chat under the big willow tree by the river last night. Everyone was worried about Mingkang. He is a girl who can't lift her shoulders or hands. She can stay at home. What are you doing? Mostly you have to rely on Mingkang and his wife to support you."

   "According to me, what's the use of going to college? In the end, you still stay at home and rely on your parents to support you."

"You can't say that. The daughter of Mingkang's family is worthless herself. She can't overthrow all the college students with one shot. Don't you think that Shanshan from Mingfu's family is very capable? I heard that she was admitted as a civil servant and her monthly salary is guaranteed. Five or six thousand, and it will increase in the future, the benefits are very good during the holidays, and the work is also easy, sitting in the office with the air conditioner, how comfortable it is."

   "Shanshan from Mingfu's family is really promising. She is the first civil servant in our village, right? You don't have to worry about finding a partner in the future. No wonder Mingfu and his wife grin from the corners of their mouths to the ears every day. I would be happy to change it."

   "It's a comfort to have such a daughter. Mingkang and his wife will have many sad days in the future."

  Women often chat together, talking about the parents and the west, and even the trivial things. They have long since run out of content, and finally come to a new topic, and the chat is full of energy.

No, on the way to the orchard, I compared Xu Yin and her next-door cousin Xu Shan from head to toe, and finally came to the same conclusion: Mingkang's daughter Xu Yin is inferior to everything else except for her delicate face. Xu Shan, Mingfu's daughter.

  They sighed with compassion, and were anxious for Xu Mingkang and his wife—they will suffer from such a lazy girl who only knows how to spend money but not how to make money.

  The young man quickly caught up with the three members of the Xu family while they were chatting about these parents.

   "Uncle Mingkang, Aunt Caitao."

   "Ah, it's the Red Soldier. When did you come back?" Xu's father was in a good mood today, and after greeting him, he asked one more question, "I heard from your father that you changed jobs?"

   "Yes, I've been home for a while. I changed jobs at the beginning of the year and couldn't think of what to do, so I came back to help my parents tidy up the orchard." Qi Hongbing said with a smile, while curiously looking at Xu Yin who was walking beside Uncle Mingkang.

   "No, it's almost harvest time, I'm in the orchard every day, busy from morning to night, and I haven't had time to visit my uncle and aunt."

  Father Xu said cheerfully, "You are welcome. Your aunt and I are the same, working around those cherry trees every day."

  Qi Hongbing nodded in understanding, and changed the subject: "I just heard from Uncle Mingkang that sister Yinyin wants to take pictures of cherries and then find sales outlets. Is she planning to sell them through an online store?"

  (end of this chapter)

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