The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 912: Selfish vanity female supporting role (8)

  Chapter 912 The selfish vanity female supporting role (8)

  Because of this cup of chrysanthemum tea, the boys came to Xu Yin's barbecue stand one by one the next night.

  Some bought a bunch of roasted rice cakes, some bought a bunch of mutton skewers, and some bought roasted rice cakes... Then, they stood in a row and asked if they could have a cup of chrysanthemum tea.

  Xu Yin: "???"

   "Beauty boss, I found that the chrysanthemum tea you sent can clear up acne." It was a rich second-generation classmate who spoke.

  He drank the most chrysanthemum tea yesterday.

  I thought that after eating three skewers of roast lamb in a row, the looming pimple on the wing of the nose would definitely burst out. I didn’t expect to wake up this morning and see that not only did it not explode, but it disappeared a little.

  Recalling yesterday's diet, I suspect that it is the chrysanthemum tea.

  Although boys are not as fastidious as girls, they are also at the age of loving beauty and handsomeness. Who doesn't want to have a clean face?

Xu Yin took the time to look at them: "I usually eat less when I get angry, right? Drinking some chrysanthemum tea can really reduce the anger, but if you want to improve your easy-to-get angry physique, you can try honeysuckle, tangerine peel, aurantium, chrysanthemum, and mulberry leaves." , Su Hua, drink 8 grams of boiled water each day, and drink for a period of time."


  The boys looked at each other blankly.

   Didn’t they come to buy skewers and drink a free cup of chrysanthemum tea? Why does it feel like sitting in a Chinese medicine hall for consultation?

  Shang Lili sneaked a glance at Xu Yin in her busy schedule: "You went to see a Chinese medicine doctor? No wonder you look so good."

  The boys suddenly realized: It turned out that the beautiful boss asked the doctor from Chinese medicine for a good way to fight the fire.

  Then quickly write down the prescription in the memo on the mobile phone, and go back to the Chinese medicine store to grab some tea and drink it.

"thank you boss!"

   "Boss, can we still eat skewers?"

   "It's better to stop for a few days, come, drink another cup of chrysanthemum tea."

   If you don’t make money, why not give them chrysanthemum tea? Boss, are you not afraid of losing money?

Chen Xuan, who came a step late, looked at the steaming and fragrant oysters and scallops on the grill, swallowed, squeezed forward and said, "I'm not on fire, I want an oyster... No, Two servings, and two more scallops."

  All the boys looked at him together, with resentful eyes as if they were accusing him of being a traitor.

  Chen Xuan laughed: "I didn't eat it myself, I gave it to my sister."

His sister is in charge of the seafood and beer bar in the downtown square. Yesterday, I heard him say in the family group that there is a restaurant in the food street night market that sells barbecue, and the grilled oysters are better than their own store. Our master chef was recruited by me with a high salary, and the barbecue seasonings that come with him have strict recipes, not just sprinkle cumin, pepper, or put some garlic sauce on it."...In short, his sister is right The grilled skewers and grilled seafood at the night market stalls sniffed.

  He intends to give her a copy to try, he can't be the only one who is greedy.


Maybe it's word of mouth among college students. If they want to eat barbecue, they go to her to buy it. Even the teachers and staff in the school have heard that there is a beauty grill stall in the food street night market. Sending chrysanthemum tea to relieve fire and acne, and occasionally patronizing, making Xu Yin's bakery business better day by day.

  The ingredients brought over every day have gradually increased from 200 skewers at the beginning to the current 500 skewers, and they can still be sold out before 9:30. Even if there are leftovers, there are not many skewers.

  Shang Lili earned a thousand in five days with a bunch of one-yuan commissions.

   An average of 200 yuan a day, which is more than what I earn at work!

   Besides, it didn't take up her working time, it was only three and a half hours at night, and she was lying down at home playing with her mobile phone.

  Shang Lili's heart was very hot, and she wished that Xu Yin would set up a stall every day, and she would come to work for her every day.

   Even more worried than the boss Xu Yin—

   "Xu Yin, I think I can add another 20 skewers of mutton skewers tomorrow."

   "The sales of oysters and scallops are getting better and better. Don't you plan to buy more?"

   "The rice cakes are selling well as always, and the leeks are also selling better than before. Remember to add more."

  In short, I look forward to the steady growth of the roast stall business.

  Xu Yin's business is good, but the barbecue stall at the entrance of the alley is naturally not doing well. After all, the traffic in the night market is here, and these are the people who come to consume.

  Although Xu Yinding's price is high, but the food is delicious, and the quality of the ingredients is good. Anyway, I don't eat it every day, and occasionally eat a bunch to satisfy my cravings, so I must buy something delicious.

   What's more, there is free chrysanthemum tea. I heard from many students that drinking chrysanthemum tea and eating skewers will not get angry.

There was a girl in the Academy of Fine Arts who drank free chrysanthemum tea once. When she woke up the next day, she found that the acne on her face had really disappeared. After that, she came to drink a cup of chrysanthemum tea every day, but she didn’t buy anything. Xu Yin publicized on campus forums.

   As a result, the roast stall at the entrance of the alley has almost no business.

   In the past, 500 skewers could be sold casually in one night, but now even 100 skewers can’t be sold out.

Liu Laowu stared in the direction of Xu Yin's barbecue stall with a gloomy face: "Isn't it just a skewer, how delicious can it be? Go! Ah Qiang, buy me a skewer. I want to try it. It's also a barbecue skewer." Skewers, is it her family that can eat flowers?"

  His son Liu Qiang went to Xu Yin's stall and bought a bunch of grilled shiitake mushrooms.

  If you don’t want to buy expensive ones, why should you make money for your peers? Vegetables are the cheapest. Among vegetables, the wholesale price of shiitake mushrooms is more expensive than potatoes, eggplants, and leeks. They are also 5 yuan a bunch. Of course, you can buy shiitake mushrooms.

   After buying it back, Liu Laowu took a bite bitterly.

   "Dad, how are you doing?"

   Liu Qiang looked at his father and asked.

   Liu Laowu didn't say anything for a long time, but his mouth didn't stop, and he finished a bunch of mushrooms while chewing.



   Liu Laowu threw away the bamboo sticks and stared at the grill on his stall, not knowing what he was thinking, his eyes dim and uncertain.

"Ah Qiang." He called his son aside, "The reason why the business of this bakery stall is good is that the seasoning is well prepared. You see, she is alone. It is not safe for the girl to close the stall at night. You can help me later." Help her, by the way, how the seasoning is prepared. We don’t want it for nothing, we pay her a thousand yuan, and we don’t drive her away, and we can help her clean up the stall at night.”

   Liu Laowu felt that he was too sincere, not only giving money, but also helping, who in the same industry had such kindness?

Of course, buying a seasoning recipe for 1,000 yuan is still very painful, but thinking about the sluggish business these days, I thought that as long as I can attract customers back, I will pay 1,000 yuan. When the seasoning recipe arrives, he will also increase the price. Meat skewers are also sold for 20 yuan, and all vegetables are sold for 5 yuan. Calculated based on the previous turnover, one thousand yuan can be earned in one night.

In addition, the woman is young and beautiful. She came out to set up a stall alone, but no man came to help. It can be seen that she is not married yet and has no partner. Let Ah Qiang help her. Maybe the two of them will be fine after a while. , By then, won't these two stalls belong to my own home?

  Thinking about it this way, Liu Laowu felt that the thousand flowers were worth it, so he waited for his son to coax the seasoning formula over.

  (end of this chapter)

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