The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 908: Selfish vanity female supporting role (4)

  Chapter 908 The selfish vanity female supporting role (4)

  At this time, the proprietress came out: "Oh, if someone wants to rent it, you can rent it to her. Don't we have one?"

   As she spoke, she pouted at the man.

  The boss followed his wife's eyes and saw the rusty old tricycle in the corner that he had eliminated for several years.

   It was used to collect scraps before he turned into a car rental business. He hasn’t ridden it for many years. Who knows if it will work.

  Xu Yin took the initiative and said: "It's okay, I'll take it to repair it, and it should be able to ride. Boss, I rent it for half a month, how much is it?"


  The boss really couldn't open the lion's mouth, so he finally charged a symbolic 50 yuan.

   Broken cars can earn 50 yuan in rent without repairing them, which is better than selling them as scrap copper and rotten iron.

  Borrowing a small sentry box from the property, Xu Yin unloaded the tricycle for cleaning, repaired, replaced parts, and finally reassembled.

  After putting it back on the car, when you kick it up, you can't tell that it is a broken car that hasn't been ridden for a few years.

  The security guards were stunned: Ms. Xu can even repair tricycles? Riding a tricycle?

I used to see her wearing a beautiful skirt, carrying a delicate handbag, and stepping on a beautiful sky high. No matter it was sunny or rainy, she always held a lace umbrella in her hand, and her long black hair hung over her shoulders. With a graceful figure on his shoulders, he walked in and out of the community, thinking that he was a white-collar worker in the office of some big company.

   Today, I saw her wearing sportswear, ponytail, and the neat appearance of disassembling and assembling the tricycle. Could it be that she is actually a maintenance technician from some car dealership?


  Xu Yin patted the ashes on her body, admired the repaired tricycle with satisfaction, and relied on it for transportation in the next half month.

   Six o’clock in the evening, Tongluo Old Alley Food Street.

  Shang Lili stepped over and looked around the stalls that had been set up. Where is Xu Yin?

  She said that this woman was unreliable, and she repented within a few hours, which made her a waste of time.

  I would have called to confirm before departure.

  Shang Lili muttered angrily and was about to evacuate.

  Worried that there will be too many people later, the place where she parks the small eDonkey is full of cars, and she can't push it out even if she wants to.

   "Shang Lili!"

  At this time, she heard Xu Yin's voice.

  Looking at the prestige, the pupils shrank slightly, and the shock overflowed his words:

   "Xu Yin, what are you doing?"

   "Set up a stall, selling skewers."

  In front of Xu Yin is a long charcoal grill, and behind him is a tricycle with several food-grade transparent boxes stacked on top of it.

  With the still dark sky and street lights, you can see what's inside, which are marinated beef and mutton skewers and fresh vegetables suitable for charcoal grilling.

   There is a box of anthracite in the corner of the tricycle.

  Shang Lili: "..."

  The stall this woman mentioned is selling skewers? Instead of selling clothes, shoes, bags, and trinkets?

   "Have you had dinner? If not, eat a few skewers first to fill your belly, and I will treat you to supper when the stall is closed." Xu Yin said while busy.

After she repaired the tricycle, she went to the farmer's market and bought a few catties of beef and mutton, mushrooms, potatoes, leeks, eggplants and other vegetables. After bringing them home, she soaked them in spiritual mist for two hours, then marinated them with the spices she had stockpiled, and roasted them. eat.

  Of course, after deducting the 50 yuan for the car rental, there is only 200 yuan left in the pocket. How much beef and mutton can I buy? Most of the meat and vegetables in the box are stocks in the system warehouse, and it hurts to sell them cheap.

   Therefore, the price she wrote on the whiteboard may scare off many customers in the early stage.

  Shang Lili came to the grill with stiff steps: "I have eaten it, I didn't expect you to sell skewers, I thought..."


   What did she see?

  #Secret spice grilled skewers#

  Beef and mutton: 20 yuan/skewer

  Baked rice cake: 8 yuan/skewer

  Grilled vegetables: 5 yuan/skewer

Look at the strings of skewers grilled side by side on the barbecue grill. The size of the meat is larger than that sold by others, but they only sell 5 yuan for a skewer, or 10 yuan for 3 skewers. This woman asked for 20 yuan. money!

   "If you price it like this, can you sell it?"

   "You get what you pay for. This is already the lowest price. We can eat it ourselves if we can't sell it."

  Shang Lili: "..."

   Forget it, the deity who is in debt of 500,000 yuan is not in a hurry, she is in a hurry.

   At worst, just go out and go shopping in the night market. If you can’t make any money, it’s not a loss to eat a few skewers for free.

   While roasting, Xu Yin taught Shang Lili how to season the dish, when to turn it over, and to what degree it is considered done.

   Once the seasoning is sprinkled, the fragrance will linger for miles.

   "It smells so good! Where are you selling skewers?"

   "I know there is a restaurant at the entrance of the alley, but the skewers at that restaurant are not as delicious."

The college students who came to visit the night market walked on the street in twos and threes. Some went out to digest food after dinner, and some went back to the dormitory to sleep after class. This one just woke up to look for food, and suddenly smelled a domineering fragrance. After sniffing, he vigorously found the source of the fragrance.

  Shang Lili salivated when she smelled it, and muttered: "It smells so good! What kind of seasoning is this?"

   "Barbecue spice, I made it myself."

  Xu Yin unhurriedly turned over a large handful of mutton skewers in her hand.

  Transparent mutton fat dripped down and landed on the smokeless carbon, making a sizzling sound.

   It seems that with every drop of oil, the aroma of the skewers becomes stronger.

   "When did you know this skill?" Shang Lili wondered.

When Xu Yin talked about setting up a street stall, she thought it was selling clothes, bags, trinkets, and so on. Just because of this, she also felt that Xu Yin's appearance did not match the night market stall owner. Subconsciously, she felt that she was just talking casually, not at all Come.

   Never expected that not only did she come, but she also sold skewers.

  The charcoal fire is sizzling, although it is anthracite carbon, there is still a bit of smoke and dust.

   After roasting overnight, her body is full of spicy barbecue smell, full of human fireworks, and she can't be connected with this woman no matter what.

  Shang Lili glanced at Xu Yin from the corner of her eye. The fair-skinned and beautiful little fairy turned out to be the owner of a barbecue stall. What a crime!

   The mutton skewers in Xu Yin's hand had just been grilled, and a group of college girls who smelled the smell squeezed over.

"right here!"

   "How many strings, boss."

   "Wow, she is a beautiful lady! Miss sister, how do you sell the skewers?"

  Xu Yin pointed to the whiteboard beside her and asked them to look at it by themselves.

  She sprinkled the last dry spicy cumin powder on the mutton skewers in her hand.

  The rich fragrance is fully stimulated.

The student who originally thought that a string of 20 yuan was really expensive couldn't help swallowing, picked up his mobile phone and scanned the payment code posted by Xu Yin on the bottom of the whiteboard, and said to the companion beside him: "A string of meat is still worth it. It’s quite big, I won’t eat anything else tonight, just a bunch of mutton skewers and a bunch of roasted rice cakes.”

   It smells so good! She couldn't resist such an alluring fragrance.

   Several of her roommates also want to eat, but beef and mutton skewers are 20, which is too expensive.

   "I want a bunch of grilled rice cakes, and another bunch of grilled shiitake mushrooms."

   "I want a bunch of mushrooms and a bunch of potatoes."

   "I have two strings of rice cakes and one string of eggplant."

  Shang Lili, who is in charge of baking rice cakes and vegetables, has no time to worry about it and gets busy.

  (end of this chapter)

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