The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 905: Selfish vanity female supporting role (1)

  Chapter 905 The selfish vanity female supporting role (1)

"Miss Xu, right? You owe our company 120,000 yuan, which is due on the 20th of this month. If it is overdue, our company will sue the court. If you are really in trouble, I can provide you with two solutions. One is housing. , vehicle mortgage, and the second is the transfer of business projects..."

"Hello, is this Ms. Xu? I am Xiaomi, the personal customer service of the Baba platform. Your 200,000 loan from our company has expired. Please log in to the APP to repay the loan within three days. The interest within three days will still be calculated according to the loan interest. Overdue It will be transferred to our Ministry of Justice..."

   "Hello, Ms. Xu, your accumulated credit card arrears of 85,320 yuan in our bank has been overdue for three months and has not been repaid. Late payment fee..."

   "Hello, Ms. Xu, the accumulative arrears of your credit card handled in our bank is 11,250 yuan, which is overdue..."

  "Dear customer, if you fail to repay the loan business handled by our company, you will be charged a late payment fee on a daily basis from now on. If you still fail to repay within ten days, you will sue to the court."

"Xu Yin, I'm Jiang Haiyan. I haven't answered your calls. Can you pay me back the 20,000 yuan you borrowed from me last year? I know you don't need money, maybe you forgot, but I need it urgently. Can you pay me back?" Pay me back first?"

   "Girls, why haven't you come out to play recently? I called you and didn't pick up the phone. What's the matter with the plane! A few days ago, the AI ​​family released a new bag, let's go and see it together!"


  Xu Yin opened her eyes and answered no fewer than ten debt collection calls, received six or seven debt collection text messages, and several text messages asking her to go shopping and spend money.

  I was a little dizzy when I first put it on, but now it's even more painful.

This is also a novel she has read before. The protagonist of the novel is Xu Shan, who graduated from 211 college and returned to her hometown to take the public examination. After entering the system, she was pursued by the male protagonist in the same department. , Daily life unfolds.

  Xu Yin's original body is Xu Shan's next-door cousin, a vain female supporting role who values ​​pleasure first.

  The original body is 23 years old this year, graduated from a college, and has been employed for two years, but he spends three days fishing and two days drying the net, and no job can last more than half a year.

  In addition to feeling tired from work, there is also vanity.

  Obviously the family conditions are average, but they insist on shaping Bai Fumei's personality.

  Since I went to college, I have to buy branded clothes, bags, and electronic products and cosmetics.

  When I was in school, I was a little restrained. Although I bought branded goods, they were not luxury goods.

  All the money I used was from my parents. If I didn’t have enough living expenses, I called my parents to ask for it. The excuse was that the school would organize activities or send her to participate in national competitions, and I had to bear the travel expenses myself.

  How did Xu’s father and Xu’s mother, who had a primary school diploma, know this? They thought that their daughter was highly regarded by the teachers at school. There were competitions and activities every two days, and money flowed from the couple’s pockets to the daughter in the big city like running water.

   But after graduation, those excuses are no longer available.

  Besides, she still knows how much money the family has. Although her family has a mountain cherry orchard of about five acres, all the cherries grow are small. Big cherries like cherries are popular now, and small cherries can't be sold at a high price. If you can earn 80,000 to 90,000 a year, it's not bad.

   Therefore, after her parents' savings were almost squandered by her, she turned to online loans.

   Once you step into the door of online loans, you find that it is so convenient to borrow money. You can buy new bags and cosmetics by filling in your ID number, registering your home address and parents’ information?

   This loan was out of control.

  She is obsessed with luxury goods, and ordinary brands can't satisfy her anymore.

  The first job I found after graduation was the secretary of a foreign trade company.

  Secretary, of course you have to dress up nicely.

  She wore five-figure clothes, jewelry, and bags on her body, and she really won the envy of female colleagues and the love of male colleagues.

  However, she has no intention of falling in love for the time being. The male colleagues in the unit are all very frustrated, and the family conditions are also average, so they are not worthy of her beauty.

   What she enjoys is the envy of her female colleagues.

   But after all, she is not the real Bai Fumei. She spends a short time with her colleagues, so she might be able to pretend. How can she pretend after a long time?

   You can’t carry old bags and wear old luxury clothes all the time, can you?

So, she changed jobs every three days. Every time she arrived at a new unit, she used the original device to charge a battery of Bai Fumei, went shopping with new colleagues, added a set of expensive cosmetics or new bags, and won the envy of her colleagues. Eyes, enjoy the feeling of being touted, and change to another one when money is tight.

   Come and go in style, in the eyes of colleagues, she is just a Bai Fumei who takes work as a pastime, without any pressure to survive.

  But in fact, I owe a lot of debt.

  After two years of graduation, the online loan platform owed no less than 700,000 yuan. I also applied for more than a dozen credit cards, and I owe almost 300,000 in total.

   In addition, she also asked junior high school and high school classmates to borrow money, and she borrowed almost all the old classmates before junior college.

   The borrowed money is mainly used to repay the interest of online loans.

   If the interest is not paid, the online loan company will repeatedly press for it. She still has not paid the principal amount at all, so she can only pay the interest first.

  If the classmate couldn’t borrow it from there, they would go to their parents and say that they wanted to change jobs. The current job was not suitable for them, and they said that people in big cities had a lot of things, and they were so fussy that they kept running on her.

Parents felt distressed when they heard it. It was really hard for a child without money to settle in the city, so they transferred the money they earned from planting cherries to their daughter's account, so that she should eat and drink, don't worry about it. I wronged myself because I had no income when I changed jobs, but I saved money on food and expenses.

  It wasn’t until her parents couldn’t afford any more money, and none of her classmates were willing to lend her money, and the online loans and credit cards began to urge her in a series of urgings, saying that if she didn’t pay back, she would be handed over to the legal department to sue her, and then she became afraid.

   The debt can be as high as more than one million yuan, and it can't be repaid no matter what.

  So secretly transferred the family house and cherry orchard to the online loan company.

   When the debt collection agency came to the door, Xu's father and Xu's mother found out that the daughter they held in their hands, who would rather suffer than herself, lost the only house in the family and the cherry orchard on which they depended.

   The couple seemed to be poured from head to toe by a basin of ice water.

Although the online loan company cannot really take away Xu’s cherry orchard and house based on the contract and land certificate, it is only natural to pay back the debt. The monthly interest rate of 1.99% is indeed frighteningly high, but it is not illegal, even if it is sued to the court. , the debt that should be repaid still has to be repaid.

   What if I don’t pay back? Are you watching your daughter being cornered by a debt collection company?

  Finally, Xu’s father’s cousin, the father of the heroine in the original text, bought his family’s house, and a large homestead next to the house was almost half bought and half free.

  The cherry orchard, together with the cherries that are about to ripen, was bought by a cherry buyer at a low price.

   But even so, all the money from the sale was not enough to pay off the debts, and the couple had to go door to door to ask relatives for help with their old faces.

  In the end, Father Xu's younger brother borrowed a sum of money from his own brother in private, mainly because he was worried that the trouble would spread to the old man's ears, and he would not be able to recover from his illness.

   But unexpectedly, Mr. Xu still found out, and he was so angry that he was sent to the intensive care unit overnight.

  After Xu's father heard about it, he was ashamed of his father on the one hand, and offended by his daughter's indifferent attitude, he had a myocardial infarction on the spot.

  Although he was rescued, he became a vegetative state due to too long brain hypoxia, and the doctor was not sure when he would wake up.

  Xu's mother turned gray all night, running around looking for relatives to raise medical expenses.

   But that is not an ordinary disease, it is a vegetative state that may drag you down for a lifetime, can you borrow it for a while, can you borrow it for a lifetime?

Mother Xu's eyes were swollen from crying, she was at a loss, she found her daughter, and tried to persuade her: "In the past, I thought you were ignorant, but now that the family is in such a state, you should be a governor. Your father is still lying in the hospital. When will you wake up?" I don’t know, the medical expenses are hundreds of dollars a day, my mother asked the head nurse to help, and found a job as a nurse in the ward area, and you also find a job, work hard..."

   Yuanshen still hadn't repented until then, but felt that Xu's father was a burden. Hearing that the medical expenses cost hundreds of dollars a day, and she has only one child in her family, won't she have to pay for it from now on?

  That night, she slipped into the ward and took off her father's oxygen mask.

   No matter how secretive it can be, it was still captured by the surveillance camera in the corner.

  On the day her daughter was arrested by the police, Xu's mother fell down the stairs in a daze and died on the spot.

   This is the fate of the cannon fodder family as the protagonist's happy life control group.

  Xu Yin frowned with a headache.

  In the original text, at this time, the original body has not yet paid the online loan interest and bank overdue fees. After returning home, he stole the real estate certificate and the cherry orchard contract without telling his parents, and mortgaged it to the online loan company.

  Should she be glad that she got through in time?

  (end of this chapter)

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