The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 888: Straw bag net red ancient farming (22)

  Chapter 888 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (22)

  Da Ying opened his mouth: "The Great Witch..."

"Da Ying, we have moved here, far away from the river beach, and it is not very convenient to obtain materials. Since the Cross River Tribe is so sincere, we will give them a chance. After all, we have experienced fighting side by side and killing enemies back to back, so we can be called brothers Horde."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Kun suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and rubbed his hands excitedly, "We, the Cross River Tribe and Xu's Tribe, have been brother tribes whose blood is thicker than water! We have good things, and we will come to share them with you of."


  Da Ying snorted.

  You're taking advantage, of course.

  Kun couldn't help asking: "Big Wu, the bow and arrow..."

   "The same goes for bows and arrows. I will teach you how to make them. You will provide us with six sets of bows and arrows every month as a fee for using the technology for a period of one year."


  Kun was overjoyed, afraid that Xu Yin would go back on his word, and he didn't talk about going back to discuss with his clansmen.

   What kind of consultation is there! For such an advantage, the decision was made immediately: "Okay! I agree! On behalf of the Cross River Tribe, I agree to this cooperation!"

  Daying was so worried that Dawu was too kind, why should he teach them methods? Wouldn't it be okay to let them exchange their treasures?

  Whether it is pottery or bows and arrows, they are all precious wealth of the Xu tribe! Just give it away like this?

  Min hasn't even agreed to teach the great witch in the foresight technique.

  He was a little irritable: "What if they learn to violate the spirit of the contract and repent? What if they don't deliver it on time every month?"

   "No, no, no!" Kun repeatedly assured, "I swear to Empress Nuwa, if my cross-river tribe reneges on today's agreement, all tribesmen will be punished by thunder."

  Da Ying snorted, but said nothing more.

  The latter two cooperations were reached. Xu Yin asked A Lie to take Kun and the others to the Hakka Cave. After climbing the mountain for two days, I was tired after thinking about it. The teaching will be postponed until tomorrow.

  Kun joyfully took his clansmen and followed Ariel to resettle them.

When only Big Eagle was left, Xu Yin said to him: "Don't worry, I only teach them how to make basic bows. The crossbow is what you figured out, it is the crystallization of your wisdom, and it is also the trump card of our tribe. I will not teach them how to make bows." Their."

  Da Ying scratched his head shyly: "That's not what I meant."

"I understand that you are worried about safety. But if only our tribe knows how to make a bow and spread it to the ears of the northern and southern tribes, will they be moved? Will they send hunting teams to plunder? To save their lives, It will still spread. Since it is a matter of time, why not enjoy some benefits in advance? You have worked hard for three to five days before grinding out a set of bows and arrows with stone knives. After teaching the cross-river tribe, we every You can get six sets of free basic bows and arrows a month, and you can save your time and use it to improve the range of the crossbow, what a bargain?"

  Daying thought about it, and it seemed to be the reason.

Xu Yin continued: "As for the technology of low-temperature pottery, it's not too difficult. Didn't you just watch me demonstrate it once? It's okay to teach them, and we can save time to do other things. My side I have another task for you. I need a kind of high temperature resistant clay, and a kind of red sandy soil. The former can be fired into porcelain that is countless times smoother than pottery, and the latter can be fired into bricks. With bricks, we can Build a solid house, and then build a big blockhouse, and the enemy will not be able to attack even if they want to attack."

  Daying heard that there are utensils that are more exquisite and smooth than pottery, so he no longer struggles.

   As for what is a brick? What is a bunker? Is it important? What the big witch said must be a good thing.

   "Dawu, what kind of high-temperature clay are you talking about? I'll go out and look for it tomorrow."

   "No rush, we will teach Kun and others tomorrow. The church will send them away. We still have a lot of things to do."

  Xu Yin told him about the nuts that he picked, some of which can be used as staple food, some can be used as vegetables, and some can be squeezed for oil. They are all good things.

  Da Ying became happier the more he listened, and he no longer cared about taking advantage of the Cross River Tribe.

I can’t wait to teach Kun how to knead pottery and how to make bows and arrows tonight, and drive them back to their own tribe early in the morning, and stay one more day, lest they see all the good things about Xu’s tribe, and then come to fight with them What should I do?

  The good life today is all led by the great witch.

   Early the next morning, Daying came to wake Kun up: "Didn't he teach you how to knead pottery and make bows and arrows? Why are you still sleeping? You don't care at all?"

   What you said is called a person who hates iron but not steel.

  Kun: "..."

Can it be said that he was so excited that he couldn't sleep last night, chatting with his clansmen about pottery, bows and arrows, and the beautiful life in the near future, didn't fall asleep until dawn, and only took a nap when he was caught by the eagle woke up.

   But when they heard that they were here to teach them, the sleepy people ran away in an instant.

  Kun sat up with a tiger leap, his eyes were bloodshot, but his spirit was very uplifting: "Thank you Brother Big Eagle, shall we learn now?"

  Early learning and early meeting, he couldn't help but want to bring these two technologies back to the Cross River Tribe, shocking the tribe's attention.


  In the Xu tribe, except for the newcomers, it can be said that no one knows how to knead pottery, from the old to the young.

   It is also more complicated to make bows and arrows, because stone knives are needed.

  I was worried that the cubs would hurt themselves, so I didn't let them learn.

  However, they can use everything. When the men have free time, they also make a small version of bows and arrows for each of the cubs.

  Take advantage of this time to teach them, and by the way, gather the newly joined people together and let them learn together.

Kun saw that there were not only men but also women in the temporary study class, and some of them had big bellies, so he couldn't help asking Daying: "Kneading pottery is indeed a woman's job, but why are they also allowed to learn bows and arrows? "

  Da Ying glanced at him: "Our great witch said that there is no distinction between high and low in labor, and there is no difference in technology between men and women. As long as you are willing to learn, you can learn."

  Kun: "..."

   OK, got it.

  Stop showing off.

  The new people of the Xu tribe were overwhelmed with excitement.

   Especially women with big bellies, originally thought it would be good if the tribe could take them in, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.

   Unexpectedly, not only can they use pottery, bows and arrows, but they are also lucky enough to learn how to knead and burn pottery, and how to make bows and arrows?

   Woohoo! Dawu treats them too well!

   They must live up to expectations! Don't let Dawu down!

  Brilliant ceramic art derives and develops from this moment.

  Daying is responsible for teaching them how to make bows and arrows, and Dawa is responsible for teaching them how to knead and burn pottery.

  When you get tired of making bows and arrows, you go to knead pottery. The kneaded pottery needs to be dried before being fired. After the drying process, you can return to continue making bows and arrows.

  The two technologies are taught alternately, and there is no idle time.

  Although busy, everyone is very excited, wishing to engrave them deeply in their minds one day.

  (end of this chapter)

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