The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 876: Straw bag net red ancient farming (10)

  Chapter 876 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (10)

  Xu Yin took a sip of notoginseng scented tea, which was slightly bitter and astringent. Although she felt sweet, it still made her miss the finely brewed sweet fruit wine in the system warehouse.

   But right now, there are wild fruits, but there is no sugar to promote fermentation. She doesn't guarantee whether she can make delicious fruit wine, she can only say that she is trying.

  The female compatriots of the collection team will pick a lot of wild fruits every time they go out.

  Xu Yin picked some sweet fruits like wampee, crushed them and put them in the pottery. Spread a fresh leaf on the mouth of the jar, and then cover it.

   "Big witch, the fruit is rotten, can I still eat it?"

  Da Ying frowned, and tentatively asked the aspirations of all the people.

  Xu Yin said: "Give it a try, I hope the fermentation will be successful and turn into fruit wine."

  Everyone looked at each other with blank eyes: "Fruit wine? What is that?"

"nice drink."

   "Is it better than tea?"

  They have recently become obsessed with Panax notoginseng flower tea. Although it is slightly bitter and astringent, compared to the bland boiled water, it is simply the nectar bestowed on them by the Nuwa Empress.

  Speaking of boiled water, they used to go to the river to drink water when they were thirsty. How could they scoop it up and boil it before drinking it? Isn’t boiling water also? It won't be turned into other food, boil it and drink it, wouldn't it be a waste of fart by raising a hula skirt?

   Besides, on such a hot day, who can drink hot water? Also wasting firewood in vain.

  Since the arrival of the big witch, teach them to drink boiled water and eat well-cooked meat, otherwise it will be unhygienic, and if it is serious, they will get sick, die,

  What is hygiene? They don't understand.

  But they know about sickness and death.

   Fei Chai, Fei Chai! The big deal is to start early in the future, cut more branches, cut more grass and come back to dry.

  The words of the great witch should be listened to. Otherwise, what if she ran away when she was upset?

  Empress Nuwa appointed such a capable and loving great witch to their tribe, if they couldn't keep him, wouldn't it be their sin?

   Fortunately, not long after, the big witch taught them to make Sanqi flower tea. With this tea, some people who hate boiled water no longer resist.

  Unexpectedly, today the Dawu said that there is a better drink than Panax notoginseng flower tea, which made them lick their lips that were peeled by the hot sun, and couldn't help thinking: How delicious and sweet would that be?

Xu Yin drew a cluster of sugarcane in the mud with branches: "This is called sugarcane. When you go out, if you see similar ones, remember to cut a few and show me. Its skin may be green in color." Yes, or maybe purple-black."

   "Does it serve any purpose?"

   "Well, it's pretty versatile."

   "Good witch, we must look carefully."

  Xu Yin thought about it, and drew horizontally and vertically, and it would be the same if she drew more.

She moved her position and drew a cluster of bamboo: "This is called bamboo. It is segmented like sugar cane, but it is much thicker and taller than sugar cane, and it is hollow inside, unlike sugar cane. Plump and juicy."

  Xu Yin has always wanted to build a house, living in a rock cave. It may be warmer in winter, but it is really not a good place to live in summer.

  The entrance of the cave should not be blocked, for fear of wild animals intruding at night; if it should be blocked, there will be no windows or doors, and it will be really boring.

  Xu Yin has been thinking about building a house.

  The slime that can be kneaded is not suitable for firing bricks, but the mud that is suitable for firing bricks and tiles, she hasn't found yet.

  At first, I thought, after I had been busy for a while, I would lead the hunting team to cut more rough wood and come back, and build a few stilted wooden houses first.

  But it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to hew the rough wood section into a thickness suitable for building a wooden house.

  When she was painting the sugar cane just now, she thought that if she could find the bamboo forest, she would not have these troubles.

  Cutting bamboo is definitely easier than felling wood; moreover, the bamboo can be cut to build a bamboo building without much processing, which is cool and safe.

   After all, stone knives are too blunt, if only iron ore could be found.

  Thinking about this, she said to her people: "When you go out, if you find a dark red or even black hard stone, show it to me."

  Everyone nodded in unison.

  Don't ask, just asking is useful.

   gave Xiao Huwa a peaceful and beautiful full moon, and then continued their fulfilling and busy days.

  The materials in the tribe gradually increased with hunting, gathering, weaving, breeding, boiling salt, and firing pottery.

  Especially boiling salt and firing pottery, has become a project that tribal people are proud of.

  In the open space in front of the department, a bunch of bonfires are lit every day, and those who cook salt cook salt, and those who burn pottery burn pottery.

In addition, in order to improve the working efficiency of everyone, Xu Yin set up a shift schedule. Except for the hunting group and the cubs who are too young, everyone else has to be on duty. Those whose turn it is, do not need to go out, and stay in the tribe to take charge of the day meals.

  Looking at it this way, the Xu tribe seems to have never extinguished the fire.

  The cross-river tribe on the other side of the river was very puzzled by this, and took some time to gather in front of their big witch's cave to discuss:

   "According to my observation, the Xu tribe started the fire very early every day recently, and it didn't go out in the middle until dark."

   "What are they doing? Are they driving away beasts? But I haven't heard of any beasts appearing nearby recently, let alone during the daytime."

   "Could they have found some kind of food, but it takes a long time to cook?"

   "Big Witch, what do you think?"

The big witch of the Cross River Tribe is called "Min", and he is the oldest old man in the tribe. No one can tell how old he is now. When the contract was formed, the big witch was already graying at the temples and needed crutches to walk on mountain roads.

  At this moment, Min is so old that his teeth are gone, his back is so hunchbacked that he has a big bump, and his gray beard reaches his knees. Only his wise eyes are still hale and hearty when he lifts his wrinkled eyelids.

  He looked around the people of the tribe, and the old voice sounded:

"Xu's tribe is a young tribe. It is normal to have some deviant ideas and practices. However, the Yuyi tribe has been very restless recently. I watched the sea of ​​stars a few days ago and had a premonition that the sky over our tribe will be covered by dark clouds recently. , this is a great ominous omen, but there is a faint glimmer of life. It's just where the life is located, I haven't seen it yet."

  As soon as these words came out, the people of the Cross River Tribe felt panicked.

  The Great Witch will not lie to them! The great witch's predictive ability has never been missed!

  So, their tribe will really suffer a disaster?

   "Da Wu, can vitality save our entire tribe?"

  The big witch shook her head: "I haven't seen through it."

   "Great witch, is it related to that mysterious stone?"

  Someone among them muttered in a low voice.

  Everyone was shocked. The elders of the tribe all thought of the exiled woman who had been taken in more than ten years ago. Before she died, she gave them a mysterious stone from the Guangming tribe.

  According to her, this mysterious stone can bring light and hope to the tribe, otherwise the great witch of the light tribe would not regard it as more important than life.

  In order to keep this secret, they are alienated from other tribes, except for trade fairs, at other times, they will close their doors to thank guests.

  (end of this chapter)

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