The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 867: Straw bag net red ancient farming (1)

   "Xu Yin? An idiot? Are you frightened? Hahahaha!"

"I'll tell you, you idiot, where did you have the guts to sign a betting agreement with me? You don't even know how terrifying "Ancient Legend" is, do you? The giant bird that just flew over is just bigger, and some on land are countless times more ferocious than it The beast is waiting to tear your small body apart! Hahahaha! Do you want to admit defeat now? It’s too late! The betting agreement has come into effect, and no one is allowed to quit before the final checkpoint, unless..."

  Xu Yin opened her heavy eyelids, facing a woman with short purple hair and heavy make-up, wearing a silver bodysuit of invisible material, with a strong and hot body, chattering at her.

Seeing that she opened her eyes, the other party gave her a provocative smile, and made a gesture of wiping her neck: "You are so afraid of death, probably you don't have the guts to commit suicide, right? But suicide is considered your loss. Are you ready to praise me? One hundred days! Hahahaha! Enjoy it!"

   "Sister Linna, we are about to land, I and you have chosen the same tribe, let's go together!"

   "That's right, Sister Linna, we are all in the same tribe as you, so we won't be with the idiots."

   "I'm waiting to die with her, and I want to earn enough wealth to go back and get the right to live in the Imperial City!"

"I don't know where she got the guts to bet against you, Sister Lina. Who doesn't know that Sister Lina's ability to survive in the wild is even praised by Emperor Xingjun. She is worthy of being with Lina Sister calls the board."

   "Let's get popular! Didn't the idiot start a live broadcast company?"

   "It's just a small company, maybe it's about to go bankrupt."

"Ha ha ha ha-"

  Beside Zhuo Linna, there are several women with the same colorful hair and silver bodysuits, chirping and mocking endlessly, like pheasants with red crowns on their heads and colorful plumage in the forest, pecking around.

  Beautiful is beautiful, and her figure is also very hot, but...annoying.

   "Xu Yin, what kind of eyes do you have?"

  Xu Yin caressed them lazily, stretched her limbs, and inadvertently lowered her head to catch a glimpse of her own clothes—

   Damn it! Why is she also dressed like this?

  Silver, skintight, onesies! !

   This figure is bulging forward and backward, making it extremely sexy.

  Which book did you wear this time? Hot and dynamic interstellar anime?

  At this time, an electronic voice sounded in the ear:

  【The game is loaded! Closed beta players are in place! After five seconds, it will be put into the initial tribe —]

【five four three two one! 】

  【Welcome to the ancient times! I wish you a pleasant experience! 】

  Xu Yin's eyes blurred, and her body seemed to be falling extremely fast.

  In the blink of an eye, countless scenes flashed in her mind, which were the plots and characters left by the system for her.

  This time she wore a love novel that was dressed in an interstellar sci-fi cloak and focused on adventure and survival in ancient games.

   The game "Ancient Legend" is a virtual game with a fidelity of 99.9% promoted by Dingxing Group, the largest game development company in Dixing.

  This game applies the latest new technology of Metaverse V9. Except that after the player dies in the game, he can wake up in the game cabin where the nutrient solution is supplied. Others are said to be almost exactly the same as the real world.

  The 0.01% lack of fidelity is only due to the slight differences in the restoration of the prehistoric civilization and the survival background of the primitive era by the archaeological experts of the interstellar age.

   After all, everything in the game is deduced from existing ancient books and cultural relics, and no one has personally experienced it.

  Xu Yin’s little cannon fodder is for the 100 million star coin bonus that only the first batch of closed beta players have the chance to have.

  Dingxing Company spent a lot of money to promote this game—

  Whoever can survive a year in the game will win the 100 million star coin prize; if more than two players survive a year at the same time, then it depends on who ranks higher in wealth in the game.

  Other players, even if they haven’t been in the game world for a year, as long as the wealth they create reaches level three, they will still have a reward—a lottery quota for the right to reside in the Emperor Star.

   This makes many players eager to try.

  With the rapid increase in population, the starting price of the residence right of Emperor Star has risen to five million when it is put up for auction.

  Even if you shake it until you can’t live anymore, you can exchange it for a lot of money if you take it to an auction. Although it cannot be compared with 100 million star coins, a few million more is not a lot for ordinary star citizens.

   However, the original body did not go for the number lottery for the Emperor Star residency. Her goal is very clear - 100 million star coins!

  Her family's live broadcast company did have a problem, the capital chain was broken, and it was facing bankruptcy.

It may be that she was better protected by her family since she was a child, and her journey went smoothly. After graduating from Imperial College, unlike other peers who had to worry about employment issues, she directly entered her own company and opened a "lost ancient blue star civilization" out of interest. "The topic of live broadcast, borrowing the knowledge of the ancient blue star dangling in half a bottle of water, became a tepid little Internet celebrity in the live broadcast industry.

  Whether good or bad, the family does not lack her share of income, so her personality is a little naive and ignorant of worldly affairs. Zhuo Linna, who was not used to seeing her since she was a child, gave her a nickname-"Idiot Internet Celebrity".

Knowing that there is a problem with the family's investment project, parents, brothers and sisters are very busy trying to save the family business, and the original body also wants to contribute to the family, just as the new game launched by Dingxing Company has a bonus of 100 million star coins , behind the back of the family secretly reported a name.

   When I went to the scene to confirm and receive the game cabin and other equipment, I met the unbearable and invincible rival Zhuo Linna.

   "Hey! The idiot also signed up? How dare you play this game if you are so weak? Who gave you the courage?"

  The original body was aroused with the desire to win, and his mind turned hot: "Then do you dare to compare with me who is so weak? See who can last longer in the game?"

   "Ha!" Zhuo Linna laughed angrily, "Compared to me? Are you out of your mind? Haven't you watched my live broadcast of Survival of the Stars?"

   "So what? The ancient blue star's primitive era is not comparable to a mere barren star. Or are you afraid?"

  Zolina: "..."

  She will be afraid?

   Immediately signed a betting agreement with the idiot, to see who can play to the end in "Ancient Legends".

   If the idiot loses, she has to praise her in the live broadcast room. If she doesn't do anything, she can praise her vigorously, for a hundred days in a row, without repeating the same thing every day. She lost and paid a foolish one million star coins.

   It's only one million star coins, and she, Zhuo Linna, can afford it. But it's impossible for her to lose. Losing to an idiot, does she still have to lose face?

Original body impulsively signed this gambling agreement, she would regret it when she calmed down, but thinking of the economic crisis facing her family, she cheered up and vowed to survive the game to the end, not only to win Zhuo Linna, but also to win 100 million stars Coin jackpot.

  However, the game "Ancient Legends" is only for the novel "Lian Lian Xing Xing", which is dressed in a sci-fi cloak and uses virtual games to talk about love.

  The hero and heroine in the article are also the first phase of the closed beta players. They met and got to know each other in the game, supported each other, and survived the game for a year.

  Finally, in order to save the heroine, the male protagonist did not hesitate to fall into the beast tide and fight with the fierce beasts. He was seriously injured and quit the game voluntarily. The female protagonist won 100 million star coins.

  The original story ends with the male and female protagonists ending the game and returning to reality, recognizing each other on the tracing wall of Xingwang, looking at each other and smiling as the finale.

  As for the other players, for the hero and heroine, they are either supporting roles or cannon fodder, paving the way for their relationship.

  It is indeed true—

  The original body, this little cannon fodder, died within three days after entering the game.

   After quitting the game, the more she thought about it, the more ashamed she became.

  She is so useless!

The family is working hard to bring the family business back to life. Not only is she unable to help, but she loses to Zhuo Linna after playing a game for less than three days. There was a car accident.

  In addition to the pain of her parents, she had to compensate others for the casualties caused by the car accident. Her credit points were all deducted, she lost her right to live in Emperor Star, and her family company went bankrupt. The family had to move to the dilapidated Edge Star.

  The environment and air quality of Brinkside Star are very bad. The parents are old, plus the double blow of losing their youngest daughter and the bankruptcy of the company, their health is getting worse day by day, and they passed away within half a year.

  Cracks also appeared in her brother and sister's marriage. In short, the ending of the family was not good.

   After receiving the plot, Xu Yin opened her eyes, and the scene has switched.

  At this moment, the place she is in is a dark dense forest, the forest is overgrown with trees, she can't look up to the sky, and she can't see the road ahead, and the shortest bushes are taller than her.

   This should be the territory of the original tribe, similar to Novice Village.

  She moved her feet, trying to explore her surroundings, but suddenly found that she was barefoot.

   Looking again, I almost stumbled.

  What about the clothes on your body?

  Although she also wanted to change out of the bodysuit that showed off her figure, but—

  It’s better than an animal skin skirt that is loosely tied around the waist and narrow enough to cover a woman’s private parts?

  The upper body is even more exaggerated—two leaves are pasted on the chest, and nothing else.


  Xu Yin raised her forehead, hot eyes!

   Not as good as the original one!

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