The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 849: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (35)

  Chapter 849 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (35)

  The competition for the number of national scholarships is already fierce. Some people questioned Xu Yin's moral quality and demanded that her qualifications for the national scholarship be revoked. Otherwise, it would be unfair to other students!

   As soon as Qian Mingyue saw this post, she forwarded it to Xu Yin.

   "Yinyin, is this really your mother? Why are you slandering you and uncle in front of the media?"

  Xu Yin was reading in the library when she received a voice message from Qian Mingyue, and read the news links she forwarded from campus forums and popular searches. The early autumn sunshine could not drive away the chill in her eyes.

   Zhou Meiying is such a woman who can turn right and wrong.

  What happened back then, Dad Xu never criticized others behind his back, whether it was in front of the original body or with relatives in his hometown, he gave her enough face.

But it doesn't mean that the relatives in my hometown don't know what she's doing. They are neither deaf nor blind. Do that stuff with people in the tea room in the chess and card room.

When Yuanshen was young, Dad Xu was worried that the foul language in the village would affect her healthy growth, so he took her away after finishing the divorce procedures, thinking that there were many opportunities in big cities, and he could always find a job that could support their parents. The girls work.

  I traveled to several cities in a row, did a lot of odd jobs, and finally came to the capital. After someone introduced me to Jiang Ma, I decided to start my own business and open a restaurant to end my wandering life.

   It can be said that this restaurant is not only devoted to Dad Xu's life, but also the place where his new life started.

   Zhou Meiying’s indiscriminate fabrications not only caused Dad Xu to be accused of ethics and morality, but also affected the restaurant’s business. The double blow, how much harm will it do to him?

  Xu Yin squinted her eyes as she browsed a few false news about "the media interviewing Zhou Meiying".

  If Zhou Meiying just accuses her daughter of being unfilial, she doesn't care, let her go dancing, but obviously, her purpose is not only to complain, but also to use this matter to force Dad Xu to remarry her.

  Is this woman's face made of a city wall?

   "Yinyin, are you okay?"

   "Yinyin, if you need us, just say it."

  Zhao Wenyi and Chen Lu also sent voice messages to comfort her.

  Xu Yin replied "ok" to them one by one.

   Later, she collected these videos and news on the Internet as evidence and went directly to the police station to report the case.

   "I want to sue this media and my biological mother."

  Jiang Zhaoyu has been writing songs in retreat during this time, during which no one answered the phone, the person looking for him called Xiao Cen.

  Xiao Cen went in to report a few times before, but he was annoyed, so he simply locked the door.

   This time I read the news and learned that something happened to his house, and wanted to tell Jiang Zhaoyu, but the phone didn't answer, and the door with excellent sound insulation couldn't be knocked open, so I was in a hurry.

  If this matter is allowed to continue to simmer, and the relationship between Brother Yu and the Xu family is involved, it will be really troublesome.

   He Shi saw the news and called him: "Where's Brother Yu?"

   "Brother Shi, Brother Yu was writing songs inside and locked the door. I didn't answer the knock and didn't answer the phone."

  He Shi said: "It's fine if he doesn't know, I'm afraid he will be too impulsive. Leave the outside affairs to me."

  When He Shi called Xu Yin, she was at the police station.

   "Did you call the police?"

"Of course." Xu Yin faced the police badge in the lobby of the police station, stood upright, and said righteously, "The red line of the law must not be touched, and the bottom line must not be crossed. This is the obligation and the most basic quality of every citizen. It runs counter to laws and regulations. People and things like this must not be tolerated!"


  He Shi chuckled at the other end of the electric ring: "Okay, wait for me."


  Hey—what am I waiting for you?

   You said that you are a traffic star, is it appropriate to go to the police station? Is that where you can come?

   But he hung up the phone after speaking, and Xu Yin called again. After pinching him, he replied: "I'm driving, I have something to say later."


   The comrades at the police station didn’t know whether they were moved by her righteous words, or they were shocked by He Shi’s arrival. In short, the process of filing the case was very fast, and the collection of evidence materials was also quite smooth.

  It was mainly Tian Rong's newspaper office, and Xu Yin never expected that Xu Yin would call the police.

   This is similar to the news that is true and false, and attracts people's attention. They used to post it often. At most, after the person concerned came forward to clarify and apologize verbally, it would be nothing. So far, no one has dared to confront them.

Compared with the media that frequently guides public opinion, individuals are vulnerable groups. They are always worried about offending the media, and they will feel uneasy in the future. One thing more is worse than one thing less. Everyone thinks this way, which leads to this kind of "no matter for the bottom line of traffic" The abuse of small media is becoming more and more rampant.

  Xu Yin used the "red line of the law" to confront them hard.

  That afternoon, Tian Rong’s newspaper office welcomed two comrades from the police station, and asked Tian Rong and the person in charge of the newspaper office to cooperate with the investigation.

  The surprise was Zhou Meiying. As soon as she entered her ID number, several related cases jumped out. Is the co-author a person with a criminal record?

  Her creditors heard that she appeared in the capital, and immediately bought a plane ticket and rushed over.

What she owes is not a small amount of thousands or tens of thousands. The highest single debt amount is 600,000, and the less is 50,000 or 100,000. The sum of multiple loans is as high as 2 million, which is not counting interest Woolen cloth.

This money was all owed by her online loan when she lost her reputation in gambling a few years ago. The interest rate of the online loan is too high, she can't bear it, and she is afraid that those people will be violent, but they are timid. No, just borrow it from a man you've known not long ago.

  The reasons for borrowing are various: tell this man that the parents are seriously ill and go to a big city for treatment; tell the man that the child has no money to study...

  She was beautiful, and when she borrowed money, Lihua cried sadly with rain. These men felt pity for her at the time, and lent her everything they could, but they didn't expect her to run away after borrowing money.

   This is no longer borrowing money, this is a scam!

  They chased them to the capital, and Zhou Meiying had no money to pay them back.

  Fraud + slander, the former is a huge amount, the latter is serious, and was punished for several crimes and sentenced to ten years.

   Xu Yin did not expect this result.

   Zhou Meiying herself did not expect it.

  She was sobbing in the dock, regretting coming to the capital, hiding in a small southern county, nothing like that.

  In addition to Zhou Meiying, Tian Rong and his newspaper office also assumed corresponding responsibilities.

  However, Tian Rong said that he was also deceived, thinking that what Zhou Meiying said was true, and wanted to help her, so he did something bad with good intentions.

  His mistake was that he released it without verification and careful investigation.

  He was detained for three days, the newspaper was ordered to rectify, and made a public apology to the entire network.

  After the police report came out, together with the newspaper’s apology letter, it was actively listed on the hot searches by the government, taking this opportunity to warn the world: the legal red line cannot be touched, and the legal bottom line must not be crossed!

  When this matter came to an end, the publicity period for the national scholarship had already passed.

  Before the police report came out, there were countless posts about her on campus forums. Many students asked counselors and department leaders to report that she thought that the scholarship for the previous school year was probably gone.

   Unexpectedly, in mid-November, the bank card bound to her campus card received two sums of money, totaling 23,000.

  She was wondering, when the counselor sent a message: [Has the scholarship arrived? ]

  Xu Yin froze for a moment, then replied: [I haven't been canceled? ]

The counselor was too lazy to type, so he sent a voice message: "On the day you told me to report the case, Professor He from the Design Institute came to the leader of our institute and said that he could vouch for your character and that we must trust you. Fortunately, No change, this is not the news, everyone knows that you are the victim. Xu Yin, the teacher also wants to apologize to you, I was not firm enough at the time, I almost believed it, I'm sorry!"

  Xu Yin said she didn't mind, but how could Professor He...

  At this time, a message from He Shi happened to pop up on the screen.

  She couldn't help thinking: Could it be him who did it?

  (end of this chapter)

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