The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 837: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (23)

  Chapter 837 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (23)

  At half past eleven, He Shi took an old classmate's car and arrived at the restaurant in a low-key manner.

  Papa Xu had hung a "Closed Today" sign on the door in advance, and before they arrived, the bamboo curtains in front of the French windows were also lowered.

   "Ashi, why did you choose this store? It doesn't even have a box."

   "It's okay, isn't a private room the same as a big box?"

   "Does this restaurant have any special dishes?"

  Several classmates looked around, such an unremarkable small restaurant, before, their buddies would never patronize at all. Unless its specialty dishes are so delicious that people are willing to ignore such a poor decoration.

  He Shi looked calm: "You will know after you taste it."

   As soon as the words fell, Dad Xu came out with grilled fish to say hello.

  I grilled two fish at noon today. They were grilled slowly and the heat was in place. They were absolutely crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Then came the fragrant and tangy chicken pot, fresh and delicious stone pot bullfrog, fried yellow beef that is super delicious with wine and rice, three stir-fried seasonal vegetables, two cold dishes, and a delicious fish soup .

Knowing that Heshi does not eat spicy food, a grilled fish and chicken pot, fish soup, and seasonal vegetables are not spicy, and the bullfrog in the stone pot is not spicy, so it is slightly spicy, and there is another grilled fish that is also garlic Fragrant and slightly spicy.

   Dad Xu helped them refill tea and open wine, and then went to the back kitchen. After a while, he brought a plate of refreshing seafood with lemon instead of chili.

   "This is a new dish that our store intends to launch in the next year. Today, I just try it out and let you try it without charging any money. If there are any deficiencies, just say it, and we will improve it."

  He tried it in the back kitchen. This dish is sweet and sour, delicious and appetizing. When the weather gets hotter, it will definitely become one of the mainstream dishes alongside crayfish and grilled fish.

  He Shi and some classmates tasted the chopsticks, and they all said it was delicious.

   "I know why Ah Shi chose this place. The food in this restaurant is really delicious!"

  He Shi and the classmate in charge of driving replaced wine with tea.

  The others drank the red wine they brought, and everyone raised their glasses and clinked.

  Red wine with grilled fish has a special flavor.

   “Mingzhou Grilled Fish is the most authentic I have ever eaten.”

   "I really like this fish sauce seafood dish. There is a restaurant that specializes in seafood next to our school. I don't think it is as delicious as this."

   "I still remember last year when we had dinner together, we went to a private restaurant in an old alley. The price was astonishingly expensive, but the taste was the same."

   "This store is a bit shabby, but it's clean."

   "Why don't you come here to eat with Ah Shi's cleanliness?"

   "That's right, hahaha..."

   After Xu Yin delivered the takeaway, when she opened the heavy curtain and returned to the store, the table of people who were eating happily raised their heads when they heard the movement.

  He Shi smiled at Xu Yin: "Are you delivering food again?"

   "Ah, but there are not many orders today, and they have already been delivered. Enjoy your meal, tell me if you don't have enough food."

  Xu Yin greeted them generously, took off the bloated down jacket, put on the apron in the store, and went to the back kitchen to help Dad Xu prepare dinner for the evening.

  Get ready early, so she will have time to read in the afternoon, and Dad Xu can also take a nap to catch up on sleep. After all, he has to get up at three or four in the morning to go to the wholesale market to eat food. It is not easy to get up early and go to bed late to do business.

  He Shi's five classmates withdrew their gazes, and all turned to look at He Shi.

   He Shi raised his eyebrows: "See what I'm doing?"

   "Oh..." The five students looked at him meaningfully and said in unison.


  Zhu Kaijie, who was sitting next to He Shi, bumped his elbow into He Shi: "To be honest, the real purpose of bringing us to this restaurant for dinner is not because the food is delicious, right?"

   There is still half a sentence left: Did you bring them to meet their families?

   Fatty Hao on the other side winked at congratulations: "I think I know the main reason why Ah Shi chose this store, don't you... hmm?"

"What is it! You can't stop your mouth even if you eat it?" He Shiyu poured himself a bowl of fish soup and drank it slowly, "Hurry up and eat, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I don't have time to spend time with you. "


   All right, if the person involved refuses to admit it, they will stop interrogating them, and there will always be a chance to find out in the future.

   "Having said that, these dishes taste really good, and I want to pack them up."

   "Boss, do you still have seafood in seafood sauce?"

  After drinking for three rounds, when Dad Xu came out to ask them what staple food they wanted, Zhu Kaijie asked.

   "I don't have this one anymore. Today is just a test dish and I don't make many. If you like it, I will make it for you in the next year."

  Xu Yin heard the conversation between Dad Xu and them in the back kitchen, and smiled crookedly: Look! She said there must be a market for this dish.

  The sauce recipe in her hand is the only one in the world that left a manuscript when she and Comrade Xiaojin traveled around the world and had the honor to exchange experiences with several Michelin-level chefs.

Of course, the method of handling small seafood is also different from other restaurants. The small seafood processed by her is fresh but not fishy, ​​tender but not powdery, so that seafood and fish sauce can truly achieve a win-win situation where I achieve you and you achieve me. .

Three days before the Chinese New Year, Father Xu posted a red paper notice on the door saying "Closed from now on, open on the 16th day of the first lunar month", saying that "I have been busy for a year, and I must take a long holiday for myself during the Chinese New Year". That said, in previous years, the market would open on the eighth day of the first lunar month.

  Jiang Zhaoyu has been rushing to the recording and broadcasting of the TV Spring Festival Gala for the past few days, and promised Dad Xu to come back as soon as possible for the New Year's Eve. Unexpectedly, before the New Year's Eve, his black fans sent him to the hot search again.

  #三字歌手 Each Satellite TV Bounce#

  #Jiang Zhaoyu is short of money#

  Xu Yin is also a group friend who inadvertently discovered "yue, you didn't discuss it".

  Since receiving the task issued by the system, setting goals and concentrating on studying, I have been staying in Dad Xu’s shop to help during the winter vacation. I really forgot that I still have a persona of "Jiang Zhaoyu's black fan".

  Xu Yin read the messages sent by group friends, and then poked into the group.

  During the period when she was not online, someone would cue her online every two days.

  [Why hasn’t Xingshen been online recently? ]

  [@星沉海人拍? Disappeared? ]

  [Little Xingxing, you won’t really receive a lawyer’s letter and be interviewed, right? ]

  [Jiang Zhaoyu is really disgusting. He couldn’t make it to Yang’s father’s Spring Festival Gala, so he just jumped around on various satellite TVs. Reuters had him on several channels of the Spring Festival Gala, so annoying. ]

  [So thick-skinned that he can hit a city wall, the more he scolds him, the more he jumps. ]

  [Have you seen the hot search? An insider revealed that he was short of money, and he would accept any request for a song from him. ]

  [My brother Shi also asked him to ask him to sing a song. It really made me love and hate him. Brother Shi himself doesn’t know how to compose. Why did he sing a song written by Dead Fish Eye? It's so irritating. @星沉海星沉, if Brother Shi released a new song, would you listen to it? ]

  [Xing Shen Xing Shen Xing Shen, do you still remember the song we composed two years ago? —We black fans are powerful! Hey ah hey day and night, if you don’t make that dead fish roll its eyes, we swear we won’t give up! ]

  Xu Yin almost choked on her own saliva when she saw the black fan song that Yuan Chen took the lead in making up.

  What the **** did Jiang Zhaoyu do to make people complain? It’s because these people don’t work hard at work, don’t study hard at school, and just let it go and make fun of him every day.

  (end of this chapter)

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