The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 834: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (20)

  Chapter 834 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (20)

  It turned out that at noon today, a table of regular customers came to the store. They were poker players from the nearby chess and card room. As usual, the four of them ordered two plates of grilled fish and a bottle of white wine, and ate with satisfaction.

  Xu Yin asked Dad Xu to give them a lemon chicken feet and duck feet.

  The original intention was to promote the new dishes in the store, but I didn’t expect to be addicted to it. The small portion I tried was not enough, so I ordered two more. Before leaving, each of them packed a copy and said they would take it home for their wives and children to taste.

  Papa Xu couldn’t have imagined that the lo-mei snacks made by my daughter to help empty the freezer were selling so well.

  If it weren't for the limited quantity, the single-day sales would have surpassed grilled fish and stir-fried vegetables.

   Seeing Xu's father happily sharing the running water with her, Xu Yin's heart moved:

"Dad, when you go shopping for vegetables tomorrow, why don't you buy a few packs of chicken feet and duck feet, and take advantage of the many selling points in these two days, won't there be sales in the next year? When the weather gets hotter, the stir-fried vegetables won't be able to sell anymore. Selling these lo-mei and cold dishes is also good.”

   Dad Xu's eyes lit up when he heard it: This is a good idea!

  In previous years, every summer, the cooking business would be much weaker.

   Fortunately, he learned how to fry crayfish, and relying on crayfish, grilled fish and beer, he set up a supper stall in midsummer.

  Otherwise, the daily flow of water and the wages of fat sister-in-law and Xiao Wu may not be enough.

   Dad Xu immediately agreed.

   On the second day, he went to wholesale a few large bags of chicken feet and duck feet and came back. The boss of the wholesale store gave him a large bag of duck intestines as usual.

  The main ingredients of the three cold dishes are ready, Xu Yin let go of his hands and feet to cook.

   Dad Xu felt distressed when he saw that she was deboning chicken and duck feet or wearing bamboo sticks, while reciting English vocabulary and reading landscape design books:

   "Yinyin, why don't you teach Dad, Dad will do it, and you can just read the book yourself."

"Dad, you have to learn, otherwise I will start school next semester and no one will do it. But you are too busy now, so give it to me during the winter vacation. During the Chinese New Year, I will teach you at home. This is the marinade bag The recipe for the seasoning sauce is a bit complicated, but the others are easy, you can figure it out after a while.”

   "Will that delay your reading?"

   "No." Xu Yin said with a smile, "I just picked up this book because I thought it would be boring to just do this. It's not because I'm in a hurry."

   "That's good." Dad Xu went to the back kitchen to work in peace of mind.

  Xu Yin continued to bow her head and memorize the word string duck intestines.

In the past few days, she has picked up the sixth-level vocabulary by memory. When she has free time, she plays the game in the scene simulation. The vocabulary, sentence patterns, and grammar that she has mastered before are almost all recovered. Next semester, she will try to pass the sixth-level vocabulary. class.

   "Xu Yin, the results are out, have you checked them? How are you doing?"

  At this time, Qian Mingyue called, his tone full of excitement and joy.

   "I haven't checked yet." Xu Yin said.

   Qian Mingyue didn't call, she forgot about it. The main reason is that she did well in the exam and was confident of getting a full score, but she didn't care much about her ranking.

"Quick check! I think you must have done well in the exam. I, Lulu and Wenyi have been reviewing with you for a month, and my ranking has improved a lot compared to last semester. My mother is so happy. Didn't someone come here just now?" Fostering a pet, everyone tells me that I am self-conscious in my studies, and that no one cares about me being able to get into the top five in the university, and that I want to celebrate, hehe..."

   While Qian Mingyue was expressing joy on twitter, Xu Yin logged into the campus network and entered her student ID and password.

  The password has been changed to her own frequently used mobile phone number, and she successfully logged in to open the final grades of this semester, as expected—

  Thirteen courses this semester, whether it is questionnaires, essays or closed-book exams, all of them are full marks, and they end up with perfect marks or close to full marks!

  Class rank: 1

   Ranking of the whole series: 1

   Not only the full score, but also two firsts.

  Xu Yin expressed her satisfaction.

   However, this is only the first step in the study plan.

  The next semester starts, and applying for a minor in a second major is the stage goal of trying to get a good grade.

   "What? You're taking credit for landscape architecture?"

  Qian Mingyue was so surprised that her jaw almost dropped to the ground: "The design majors in our school all require art skills, at least you have to learn sketching, otherwise I'm afraid it will not be so easy to pass."

  Art skills? Sketch basics?

  She has!

   "Can I apply if I have art skills?"

   "That's what I said, but if you haven't learned sketching before and don't have enough art accomplishment, it will be difficult to improve in a short time, right?"

  Hearing what Qian Mingyue said, Xu Yin was relieved.

  This request is nothing to her.

"Xu Yin, why do you suddenly want to minor in a second major? And you chose landscape design, which has a lot of requirements and heavy homework tasks? You don't know, I have a high school classmate who majored in this major. I complained, saying that professional teachers leave more homework than high school, and they often have to stay up late to catch up with homework, and they are almost catching up with medical students. Why are you so reluctant? If you want to pursue a second major, you can choose an easier one... ah !I see, are you...cough, what, do you also like He Shi, and want to get the moon first if you get close to the tower?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Sisters, you think too much!


   "He Shi is from our school?"

   "Ah! Don't you know? Impossible! When the first year of freshman year started, we held a special night meeting to discuss him."

  Xu Yin: "..."

that's not me.

"...he is studying landscape design. I heard that many girls from other departments want to apply for a change of major or a second major in order to be closer to him, but how many of them meet the requirements? Besides, He usually doesn’t show his face very much, he only shows up during the exam week. Even if it’s the same college, it’s not the same class, and even if he transfers there, he won’t be able to see anyone, so it’s better to watch his business online like we do.”

  While talking, Qian Mingyue suddenly thought of something, and her voice was full of disbelief: "Xu Yin, you just said that you want to minor in a second major. Did you get full grade points this semester?"

  University A has two rigid rules for minoring in the second major—1. No failing courses; 2. Full grades in any semester.

  These two conditions are indispensable.

  Xu Yin's grades in her freshman year were similar to hers. Although she didn't fail a subject, she was far from full grades.

  So, she got full grades this semester?

  Xu Yin: "Yes."


After a while, Qian Mingyue screamed in disbelief from the other end of the phone: "Ahhh! Xu Yin, you are so good! You have full grades in every course? How many professional courses are so difficult this semester? Thank goodness if you can pass, you actually got more than 90 points in the test? Real or fake? Ahhh! I can’t be shocked by myself, I want to tell Lulu and the others to go!”

   Before Xu Yin could say anything, Qian Mingyue hung up the phone and went to find other people to share this amazing news.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Shaking her head with a broken smile, she continued to string her duck intestines.

   After a while, the counselor made a voice call and asked her straight to the point: "Do you want to minor in a second major?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Qian Mingyue's big mouth, how many people did he tell in just a few minutes?

  (end of this chapter)

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