The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 829: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (15)

   When he went to Jiang Zhaoyu's studio to make an appointment to sing, he accidentally discovered that he was taking antidepressant drugs, and then he realized that Jiang Zhaoyu, a top-ranked singer who is often hacked and searched in the eyes of outsiders, is not as indifferent as he appears.

  Jiang Zhaoyu was startled, then smiled wryly: "There are many reasons."

   Paused, then said: "I don't eat now."

   He Shi nodded, did not continue this topic, and turned to the invitation of Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala:

   "I heard that Pineapple TV invited you? Why don't you go?"

   "Feilutai also invited you, didn't you go too?"

  He Shi shrugged: "I'm not preparing for the final exam. I have to do what I promised my old man, otherwise he will take advantage of me and not let me do music."

   It was only after Jiang Zhaoyu became friends with him that he realized that he was only a senior student this year, and his major was neither music nor performance, but landscape architectural design taught by his father, Professor He Chengming.

   This is the agreement reached after the father and son took a step back. He graduated from the college entrance examination of Landscape Architecture Design at University A and graduated with full credits. Professor He will no longer stop him from playing music.

   "Actually, I can understand Professor He's thoughts." Jiang Zhaoyu used serving chopsticks to hold a piece of grilled fish for him, "He hopes that you will have a technology that will not be eliminated until you get old, and on the contrary, the older you get, the more popular it is."

   “Music can also last forever.”

   "That's just music, not music people."


   The two chatted while eating, forgetting that they were in a restaurant.

   Fortunately, they didn't speak very loudly, and Qian Mingyue and the others couldn't hear a few words clearly with their ears pricked up.

  Only Xu Yin buried her head in the food.

  Following the grilled fish, Father Xu served them a newly developed hot and sour fish soup, which was delicious and appetizing.

   "Xu Yin, will you go to the place where your brother works during the winter vacation?" Qian Mingyue looked at her anxiously and asked.

  Xu Yin shook her head: "I plan to come to the store to help my dad."


   Dad Xu only thought she was joking.

   Unexpectedly, the next day, my daughter came to the store to "work" with a bag of books.

   Not only helped him wash and prepare vegetables, but also rushed to take the spoon when he occasionally received a few take-out orders.

  At noon, the takeaway at their store is basically stir-fried dishes, such as spicy bullfrog, stir-fried yellow beef, fish-flavored shredded pork, stir-fried pork tenderloin with pepper, etc., and it is quite popular with a serving of rice.

It’s just that Xu’s father is not very good at operating some services of the food delivery website, such as full discount, full delivery, special offers, etc. Although after all the discounts in other stores, the price is 30 to 50 cents cheaper than Xu’s father’s price, but it feels like Not the same, this is the charm of marketing.

  Xu Yin thought that since she helped out in the store anyway, even if there were more orders, the father and daughter would be able to work together, so she imitated other stores and held a full discount promotion.

   In this way, the business really improved a lot.

  The father and daughter each had a stove, and they were busy from eleven o'clock to one o'clock in the afternoon before finishing work for lunch.

  After lunch, Dad Xu tidied up the stove and cleaned up, while Xu Yin sat at the counter reading a book and brushing up questions.

  Just after four o'clock, the takeaway POS machine beeped "an order is coming" tones.

   Dad Xu took out the order and saw that it was basically dinner ordered by the office workers in the surrounding commercial buildings.

  In one of the orders, I ordered seven dishes, three meat and three vegetables plus one hot and sour fish soup, and the order amount exceeded 200.

   "Hey!" Father Xu was overjoyed, "I never thought there would be so much business at night!"

  The nights in the past few days were relatively deserted. Don't say it's full, it would be nice to have one or two tables of diners. After all, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and it's freezing cold, who wants to come out to eat grilled fish?

  As for takeaway stir-fry, will you continue to order at night after eating at noon? Office workers have always liked to eat in exchange.

   "It seems that you young people have an idea. With a little effort, the business will come."

  The off-duty time of the business building is basically between five and six o'clock. Many people place orders in advance for fear of delays in orders.

  Xu Yin helped Dad Xu prepare the pre-ordered dishes, and when the preparations were ready, they waited for the time to stir-fry, and then packed them into boxes for the rider to deliver.

  The dishes fried in this way are fresh and hot, and the recipients are also very comfortable to eat.

  The first wave of takeaways had just been delivered, and there were several dine-in customers in the store, all of whom were young girls.

"is it here?"

   "Look at the photo."

   "Why did Brother Shi come to such a small home-cooked restaurant? There is nothing special about it."

   "That is to say, I thought it was a private restaurant at first, but it is an ordinary small restaurant."

   "Could it be that Jiang Zhaoyu made an appointment here?"

   "But don't you think it's strange? They actually have a dinner date together. I really want to take Brother Shi away. Why do you have to eat with a guy who is full of black material and will collapse at any time?"

   "Could it be looking for Jiang Yuege?"

   "Brother Shi can also compose, it is impossible to ask someone to make a song."

   "Hey! Boss!"

  The girl who was the leader saw Father Xu coming out from the back kitchen to say hello, so she quickly opened a photo saved in her phone and asked him, "Have you seen this man? Did he come here yesterday?"

   Dad Xu squinted his eyes and looked at it, how could he not know.

  Since his son entered the entertainment industry and became a singer, he has been instilled a lot of knowledge in this area.

  The son's manager and assistant were afraid that he would accidentally fall victim to fans and be tricked out of his son's information, so he specially taught him a lesson.

  In addition to common terms such as "fans", "fans" and "star chasing", you also know what is natal, what is a station sister, and what is an illegitimate fan...

   So, how could he possibly tell them the truth?

  Although what they inquired about was not the son, but a friend brought by the son, that cannot be said, otherwise they would be traitors.

  He shook his head, showing a blank expression: "I have no impression."

   "Oh, the boss is so busy, how can he remember the people who come to eat in the store." A girl next to him muttered.

   "Yes, even if Brother Shi has been here, he is not here now."

   "Then are we still eating here?"

   "Eat! I've come here, maybe Brother Shi likes some of the dishes here. We went to the restaurant he visited and tasted the dishes he ate, isn't it good?"

   After a brief moment of frustration, the girls sat down happily.

   All the tables in the store were filled in one go.

   "Boss, what's your signature dish? It's just that customers who rarely come, what kind of dish do you usually order?"

   "Grilled fish. Our restaurant's signature dish is Mingzhou grilled fish. In addition, there are spicy bullfrog, stone pot bullfrog, stir-fried yellow beef, steam pot chicken...see what you like to eat."

   Dad Xu brought them tea and introduced them to them with the menu.

   "Then how about we put together the table, order a portion of each dish, and eat in a big table?" The leading girl suggested, "In this way, every dish can be eaten."

   "Okay, okay." Everyone else has no objection.

Dad Xu roughly counted, there are about forty people, every dish in the store is served once, only about thirty dishes, on average there is no one dish for each person, it will not be wasted, just confirm with them once Take the menu and go to the back kitchen.

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