The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 816: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (2)

  Chapter 816 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (2)


  Xu Yin recovered and returned the phone to the other party.

Touched the backpack in the desk hole, found the original phone, took out the fingerprint to unlock it, logged into Penguin, swiped down, and saw a group called "yue you didn't discuss", unread messages 999+ , Click in and see, it really is Jiang Zhaoyu's black fan group.

  In the group, everyone was chatting about the hot search that went viral in the entertainment headlines, and from time to time, an emoticon package expressing the current mood was thrown up, either gloating or "today is a good day".

  Xu Yin rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, and really wanted to evacuate the group quickly.

  In the group, there are people who keep @徐阴:

  [@星除海海, where are people? On the day of universal celebration, how can we lack our Xing Shenda! ]

  [Yes, what did Xingchen do? I didn't speak for a long time. ]

  [Call Starsink]

  [Xing Shen Xing Shen Xing Shen... Today is a good day, I haven't come out to open the forest yet...]

  Xu Yin sighed, she wanted to play dead and stay out of this group for the rest of her life, but it didn't help the mess in front of her.

  After deliberating on her wording, she sent this one:

  [Don’t be impatient everyone, according to the reliable information I got, jzy’s girlfriend incident this time is not true, and the rumor is forwarded 500 times and he will be sentenced, everyone calm down! Although we hate him and wish he would collapse his house and retire from the social circle, we cannot do anything that breaks the law, otherwise we will be the ones who will suffer. ]




  [...Pfft, what you said, did we say and do less before? Why did my conscience suddenly discover it? This is not like you, Xingchen. ]

  [Little Xingxing, have you been issued a lawyer's letter? ]

  [Xing Shenda, if you are kidnapped, just blink, we will save you! ]

  [Pfft ha ha ha—]

  Xu Yin: "..."

  She pinched the center of her brows, and imitated Yuan's tone and edited another article:

  [I still hate that dead fish so much, what kind of stuff are all the songs I wrote, and the singing is slurred, and the words are inaccurate, so it is worthy of being called a singer? Then I can dominate the music scene. ]

  I drew an "Amen" symbol in my heart.




  [...Well, Xingchen, I really believe that you are a super black fan of Siyu now, you probably haven’t even heard any of his songs, have you? ]

  [One thing to say, the songs written by Dead Fish are actually quite good, especially those few ancient songs, which are too **** suitable to be the theme songs of the old TV drama episodes. But I just hate his calm and noble demeanor, a bunch of fake ones, if I give it to a singer I like, I'm willing to buy an album for collection. ]

  [Me too, I don’t hate his songs, I just hate this person. ]

  Xu Yin: "..."

  You are like this, it is difficult for me to write down!

  Brain hurts!

   But fortunately, everyone stopped staring at Jiang Zhaoyu's girlfriend incident, but chatted and chatted with He Yuxing, who debuted at the same time as him—that is, the hero of the original text.

  There are many fans of He Yuxing's wife and mother in the group. The two sides quarreled over some topic, and Xu Yin took the opportunity to log off.

The latter section is a professional elective course—food culture. I usually have no homework. I always use papers to examine my studies at the end of the midterm and never take exams. Therefore, very few students come to the class. I took this course at first because the credits are easy to mix. How many are real hobbies?

  Xu Yin had something to do, so she wrote a note and asked her roommate Qian Mingyue to take it to the classroom and hand it to the teacher.

Qian Mingyue was stunned and said: "No, if you skip class, you skip class. What kind of leave note! Lao Wang never rolls the name, and if you don't hand in the leave note, he will never know that you didn't go to class. point."

  Xu Yin waved her hand: "A matter of principle."


  What is the principle? Talk like you haven't skipped class before.

  Professor Wang who received the slip was quite flattered: Hey! These days, there are still students handing in leave notes? It seems that this classmate usually likes his class very much, but this time he had to ask for leave and did not come.

  Professor Wang nodded in relief, put away the leave note, and put a small five-pointed star next to Xu Yin's list.

   Immediately, he looked up and glanced at the students in twos and threes in the classroom. Half of them were dozing off on the table, and the rest were either playing with their mobile phones or eating breakfast while covering their textbooks.

   "You should all learn from Xu Yin, take your studies seriously and be responsible, even if you ask for leave, you must have a written note, so that your hard days of studying day and night before the college entrance examination will not be in vain!"


  Qian Mingyue: Damn it! Xu Yin's move is so ruthless! Others injure one thousand enemies and self-injure eight hundred, but you injure countless enemies without blood!


  Xu Yin passed the canteen, tilted her head and thought for a while, went in and bought a mobile phone card, then came to the library, found a secluded corner and sat down.

  She put on a new SIM card, registered a brand new account, and followed a comment on the hot search that went viral:

  [Confused right and wrong! Turn black and white! Jiang Zhaoyu was the one who was broken up back then. His girlfriend got married with a rich and handsome man. Jiang Zhaoyu wanted to keep him, but his girlfriend gave him a cash check of 50,000 yuan, saying that it would be good to get together and break up. But he confiscated it at all, and abortion or something is even more nonsense. ]

   Soon, someone replied under this comment:

[Yo! I'm afraid this is not the navy hired by jzy, right? Speak clearly, as if you were there at the time. ]

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Even though my sister was not at the scene, she knows more than what she saw at the scene, believe it or not?

   But having said that, the newly registered trumpet really looks like a navy.

  You can use the original trumpet, which was used to go to Heijiang Zhaoyu to die, but suddenly turned back to the shore, and the painting style is inexplicably inconsistent.

  Furthermore, she was not sure which marketing accounts the original body had sent Jiang Zhaoyu's black information before. If she met the same group of people, wouldn't it be a crash?

   After thinking about it, using this new account, I found a few well-known marketing accounts, and copied and pasted the paragraph that was posted in the group.

  In addition to this passage, I also attached the specific date and place when Jiang Zhaoyu broke up with his amateur girlfriend, as well as the source of the 50,000 yuan cash check.

  These evidences were held by the original body, and they originally wanted to find an opportunity to ridicule Jiang Zhaoyu.

   Being cuckolded by his girlfriend and dumped a check by her, even a man feels useless.

  As long as he is uncomfortable, she feels at ease.

   But right now it has become a driftwood to save him.

  The marketing account, believe it or not, is obviously very interested in this reversal.

   Soon, a new hot search was sent to the entertainment headlines—[Jiang Zhaoyu green hat]

  Xu Yin almost choked on her own saliva when she saw it.

  These marketing numbers are simply not human!

  Bo eyeball is not such a skill.

   If Jiang Zhaoyu finds out from now on that he is an "accomplice" to this hot topic, I don't know if he will be torn apart.

   Then he thought about the things that Yuanzheng did before, if he knew about it, it would probably be difficult to vent his outrageous anger by tearing it up.

   Sighed, but what can be done right now, she is the original body now, in order to keep a healthy body, a sound body, and not be cannon fodder, she can only make up for her mistakes.

  (end of this chapter)

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