The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 810: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (43)

  Chapter 810 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (43)

  Cheng Shaojin is also worried about this matter. He has been paying attention to the civilian positions in the station recently. If there is a suitable position, he wants to transfer his wife to work in the station in advance, so that there will be no problem of her going or staying after the reclamation team withdraws.

   Unexpectedly, the position of daughter-in-law has not been found for a long time, but I got a definite news first:

  The 2,000-strong garrison he is in will be collectively transferred to Hewozitun.

  At that time, a state-run farm will be established to stick to the 10,000 mu of fertile land reclaimed by multiple youth reclamation teams in three years, continue to deliver a steady stream of grain to the motherland's granary, and provide solid logistical support for the troops fighting on the front line.

   "What? A collective state farm will be built here in the future? Are the farm workers your demobilized soldiers?"

  Xu Yin was a little dizzy from the sudden news: "Then..."

  She originally planned to stay and continue to open up wasteland and farm. After all, it is not interesting to go back to Yuanshan County. Comrade Xiaojin is here. But now... this large field will be taken over by the resident, can she stay?

  【Ding—I like to see a thousand waves of rice beans, ten thousand mu of fertile land and ten thousand mu of gold! Coordinate the construction of state-owned farms and realize the transformation of the Great Beidahuang into Beidacang! Completion rewards 20,000 energy points and a small world vacation. 】


  System, what do you mean?

  The wilderness has almost been reclaimed, so come out and issue a mission at this time?

  If the co-author sister didn't hesitate at this moment, you wouldn't plan to publish it? Don't plan to give rewards?

  You are so stingy, does the master who developed you know?

   "Do you not like me being a farm worker?" Seeing her dumbfounded expression, Cheng Shaojin pondered for a while, turned around and wanted to go back to the station to submit an application for refusing to change jobs, but was grabbed by Xu Yin who had regained his senses.

  She couldn't laugh or cry: "Which ear of yours heard that I don't want you to be a farm worker?"

"you are not…"

Xu Yin raised her index finger and blocked his lips: "Listen to me, whether you change jobs or not, I will support your work. I was just thinking that this place was accepted by you, so we Do the reclamation team members have to be sent back to their original places, to be honest, I don't really want to go back..."

When Cheng Shaojin heard what was going on, his expression relaxed, and his brows and eyes were stained with a smile: "You are stupid! You are my wife, even if the farm does not recruit family members, I will not let you go back alone, I can support you. More What's more, our leader knows your record of reclamation, and also knows that the millet you planted is full of grains, and there are very few shriveled grains, so I specifically asked you to ask, would you like to stay on the farm to guide the planting of this area?"

   Not only can you survive without being cannon fodder, but you can also achieve the goal of enriching the motherland's granary. After completing the mission, you can also go to the small world of cultivation to collect a few barrels of spiritual spring water. You are not too happy, how could you not want to?

  Xu Yin jumped up happily, wrapped her hands around his neck, wrapped her feet around his waist, and kissed him on the cheek with a "baji": "Yes! I am willing!"


  I never saw her so unrestrained on the day of her wedding.

  Cheng Shaojin's body stiffened in an instant, and her neck turned red, with a faint blush all the way from her neck to the base of her ears.

   "Cough, the door is open, it's not good..."


You think too much!


  Yu Sheng's career has a clear direction in the future, and Xu Yin is more energetic in pioneering.

   This inch, every acre of land will be under her guidance in the future!

   Of course, the bigger the better, who would think that the country is small?

She only focused on the wasteland in front of her eyes, and she didn't hear anything outside the window. She was seen by the resident leader, and nodded in relief: "Xiao Cheng's family is a good comrade. All the family members here want to respect each other." Just like her!"

   There are many family members in the resident, and they are making troubles recently. Why do you want to change jobs? Even if you change jobs, you should return to the county where your hometown is located, and be a real worker in large factories such as steel mills and textile mills. Farm workers are well-known, but what is the difference between them and the folks in their hometown? Don't they all do farm work with their faces facing the loess and their backs facing the sky?

   It caused the family members to lose their minds, and many family members urged their men to ask to go back to their hometown.

   It’s also farming, so why not go back to your hometown! At least the climate in my hometown is comfortable and pleasant, unlike here, where the winter is so long and the summer is so dry.

   "Okay! Re-count, if you don't want to stay, submit the application within three days."

  The leaders are also refreshing, giving them a chance to choose.

  The family members who took the lead in motivating them thought they had won, and happily urged their husbands to write the application quickly, lest they would not be released if it was too late.

  However, after the application was submitted, the approval recorded in the file was: disobedience to organizational arrangements, lack of discipline and low awareness, and the allowance and subsidies will be suspended from now on.


  This news is a bolt from the blue for the family members who are dragging their families!

  Now, their men are exactly the same as the folks in their hometown—others change jobs, and at least there is a one-time subsidy, but their men have nothing.

  These family members regretted it, begged to stay, and patted their chests to promise that they would never return to their hometown. Whether it was a worker or a farmer, they would work in Beiguan until their death, but how could the leaders give them a second choice?

  Some opportunities, once missed, will not exist.

Among these people, several of them have been with Cheng Shaojin in life and death, they have both good conduct and outstanding abilities, but the dependents are confused, listen to the instigation of the leading female relatives, and talk about the children and parents of their hometown in their ears every day, Only then did he reluctantly and passively submit the application, but organizational discipline cannot be violated, and it was useless for him to plead for mercy.

Seeing their sleepless eyes covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes, pulling their hair in pain and annoyance, letting their wives cry and beat, Cheng Shaojin felt very uncomfortable. When she came to Xu Yin's side, she was depressed It was obvious to Xu Yin at a glance.

"What happened?"


  He hugged her tightly and buried his face in her shoulder for comfort.

  Hearing the cause and effect in his hoarse voice, Xu Yin sighed deeply in her heart.

   Also, if there were no tasks issued by the system, if she didn't like farming that much, if her natal family was more reliable than in reality, maybe she would, like those family members, hope that her husband would return to his hometown. Anyway, if you are farming, the closer you are to home, the more at ease you will feel.

"Things have already happened, and it's useless to be sad." Xu Yin followed his back soothingly, and said softly, "It's like making a choice at a crossroads. No one knows which road leads to Kangzhuang Avenue until it arrives. Maybe they will develop very well after they go back. Even if they don’t, we can help them if we have enough power in the future.”

   "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind."

  Cheng Shaojin was comforted by her words, and he was no longer as uncomfortable as before, but he still relied on her and refused to get up.

   When did this guy get so clingy?

  Xu Yin pushed him jokingly: "Aren't you hungry? When I came back from work today, I caught two fish in the river, and I gave one to Captain Fu for wine. Let's eat the rest by ourselves. Do you want stewed or fried?"

   "Anything will do."

   "Then get up, I'm going to cook."

  As soon as he heard cooking, Cheng Shaojin immediately stood up: "I'll do it, you rest."

   "Can you fry fish?" Xu Yin asked, then stood up.

  He turned around abruptly, pressed her against the wall and gave her a long kiss, panting, only heard him say in a hoarse voice: "Don't question your man."


   What are you thinking about again?

  (end of this chapter)

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