The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 807: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (40)

  Chapter 807 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (40)

   These two things are small in size, and it is not easy for Comrade Xiao Jin, who is a scout, to be suspicious when they are stuffed in a pile of clothes.

  She has always adhered to the principle of "people respect me, and I respect others".

   However, there was an extra bottle of medicinal oil and a wild ginseng in the package. Can Comrade Xiao Jin, who was born as a scout, not be suspicious?

   "Daughter-in-law, did you have these things when you cleaned up in the morning?" He turned his head to look at her.

  Xu Yin resisted the small movements of touching her nose, pretending to be calm and said: "I have been wrapped in my clothes all the time, you may not have noticed."

  Cheng Shaojin raised her eyebrows and did not continue this topic.

  However—"This ginseng is too expensive, you keep it for yourself, my mother just has a bad waist, and it's not that she's weak, just use this medicated oil."

What he thought in his heart was: this old mountain ginseng might have been found by his daughter-in-law from the deep mountains and old forests with great effort. Her mother's family didn't even give it to her. . The daughter-in-law is kind-hearted, so he can't take advantage of it with the cheek.

  So he insisted on refusing to take it, and asked her to take it back and hide it.

  Xu Yin thought about it, and stopped insisting, and said: "That's fine, I'll keep it first, and you can tell me if you need it. We are husband and wife, there is nothing we can't say."

  Cheng Shaojin felt warm in his heart, stretched out his long arms, hugged her, and made a gesture to kiss her, but was interrupted by Cheng's father coughing.

   In order to avoid suspicion, Cheng's father quickly took a few steps back, stood at a distance and shouted: "Leave your luggage first, pack it slowly, and come out to have some snacks first."

  Mother Cheng came out of the kitchen with two bowls of brown sugar and eggs. Seeing her husband yelling from the air, she wondered, "I told you to ask them to come out for snacks, and you just shouted here? What does it look like!"

  Father Cheng blushed: "You don't understand."


   Cheng's mother didn't understand, but the young couple in the room understood, Xu Yin pinched the man, and said angrily, "Get out soon!"

   "Of order." Cheng Shaojin held back a smile and rubbed her hair before coming out of the room first.

   "Mother, this is the medicated oil obtained by Yin Yintuo. I heard from her that it is very effective in treating back pain. Let Dad give you some medicine in a while. Massage until warm, and the back pain will be relieved."

   "Really?" Cheng Mu happily took it from her hand, "Yinyin has a heart, this kind of massage medicine is expensive, and you can't buy it without trustees."

   "Mother, you use it first, use it well, and I will bring it to you later." Xu Yin came out and said.

"Oh, this bottle is enough, don't waste this money. My waist is an old problem. Even the doctor said that it can't be cured, at most it can be relieved. Since it can't be cured, why spend this money. I Usually pay attention to it, try not to let it happen, and it will pass.”

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

  The medicated oil prepared by others may only provide relief, but not a cure. How can she not be confident in the medicated oil she made?

  Cheng's parents and Cheng's mother only feel happy. The filial piety of their children is the best thing. As for whether the medicinal oil has any effect on back pain, it doesn't matter whether it works or not.

  Mother Cheng even wanted to keep this bottle of medicinal oil as a family treasure, but she was reluctant to use it.

   Father Cheng still said: "Don't talk about whether it is useful or not. The children brought it all the way, and you can use it for you. Otherwise, they think you don't like it. How sad they will be when they find out?"

   "That's fine, you give me a touch."

  Mother Cheng carefully poured out a little medicated oil and rubbed it on the sore part of her waist, "Old Cheng, hold back and press lightly. I don't know what's going on today, it hurts so much."

   "Okay, I know, it's probably because I twisted too fast when I went downstairs just now, and it got worse."

   Father Cheng massaged his wife while talking.

  Outside, Xu Yin rolled up her sleeves and took over half of Cheng's father's work.

  By the time Cheng Shaojin brought two buckets of water up from the patio downstairs, Xu Yin had already killed the chicken and dissected the fish, scaled and gutted the fish, and was waiting to be washed and put into the pot.

  According to her, it is so convenient to lift the dishes to be washed down directly in the patio, why bother to fetch water back and forth to bring them up. But Comrade Xiaojin said that every household here is like this—meat dishes are washed at home, and only clothes, quilts, vegetables, etc. are washed downstairs, mainly because they are afraid that the neighbors will be jealous.

  Although the people who live here are all power plant workers, there are not many couples like the Cheng family who are dual-career and have only one child under their knees. They are basically a labor force to support a large family.

  Like some families, there are seven or eight children, the oldest one is fifteen or sixteen, and the youngest is two or three years old. Isn’t it necessary to arrange the marriage of the eldest child, and to take care of the food and drink of the youngest child? Even during the Chinese New Year, you can't eat much meat and vegetables. Seeing that the Cheng family has only three people, and they kill chickens and fry fish during the New Year, how can you feel happy?

   Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, it is better not to cause these troubles. I would rather be tired and bring the water home to wash.

   "I'll do the rest." Cheng Shaojin put down the bucket, took off his coat, and grabbed the cleaning job.

  Xu Yin picked up the spatula: "Then I'll be the cook."

   "..." Cheng Shaojin couldn't laugh or cry, "My mother said that the first day a new wife enters the house, she can't work."

  Xu Yin glanced at him with a half-smile: "If you don't work on the first day, you should take care of it from the second day on, right?"

   "That can't be done." Cheng Shaojin had a strong desire to survive, "My daughter-in-law is married with love, and there is no reason to let her do all the work at home."

  Xu Yin looked away with a grin, and quickly put some oil into the pot, and the fish started to fry.

   You can live without meat, but you can’t live without fish. There is more than enough every year!

   Chop the rooster into pieces, and there are potatoes at home, as well as the potatoes, dried mountain bamboo shoots and wild mushrooms she brought, and stew a chicken pot.

  Cheng's father massaged his wife's waist in the house, pushed and smelled a scent, and sniffed: "What is the stewing next door? Why is it so fragrant!"

  Cheng's mother really didn't sleep well these days. She was thinking about getting up early to grab the balcony, and worried that her daughter-in-law would not get along well. At this moment, she put on the medicated oil and was pushed and held by her husband with appropriate strength. She was so comfortable that she almost fell asleep.

   Hearing him say this in a daze, he suddenly woke up: "Oh! It's almost noon, why are you dawdling here if you don't cook?"

  Cheng’s father: “…”

   Think he is dawdling? By co-authoring, is he being lazy and not pushing her back?

   "Damn it, you must speak conscientiously. I've been pushing your back all the time, and I'm not lazy. I don't know if your backache is getting better, I just know that my hands are sore from tiredness."

  Mother Cheng was angry and funny: "Okay, okay, you've worked hard! Go out and cook! It's already noon! The dishes in other pots can be served, and our chickens haven't been killed yet."

   As she said that, she also sat up from the bed, "Hey", she touched her lower back, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

   "Hey! You are a panacea, so the pain won't hurt after a while?" Cheng's father was happy, "Isn't the thing that the daughter-in-law respects works as well as it does?"

   Cheng Mu gave him a white look: "I'm not kidding, it really doesn't hurt anymore, except for a little soreness, it's much better than before. Just now I really felt that the bones of my body were about to fall apart."

   "It doesn't hurt anymore?"

   "What are you doing lying to you! Let's go! Fry and cook! Don't let the children go hungry."

  (end of this chapter)

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