The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 801: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (34)

  Chapter 801 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (34)

  Xu Yin didn't feel that life in the Great Northern Wilderness was boring and boring at all.

  If someone thinks, it must be that they have not discovered the beauty of labor.

  Inchs of land have been reclaimed from underfoot, and more and more wasteland has been planted with crops.

  From spring plowing to summer busyness, and then to autumn harvest, from scratch, from small to large, each crop is finally threshed into precious grains, which enrich the granary of the motherland.

  This sense of satisfaction and achievement is enough to make up for the hardship and fatigue during work.

  During the slack season, she and Cheng Shaojin often wandered in the mountains, digging wild vegetables, planing fresh bamboo shoots, picking some mushrooms, and occasionally hunting pheasants and hares to improve their food. The married life was busy and fulfilling.

  Seeing that she likes to eat pheasants, Cheng Shaojin built a small yard behind the dormitory with a bamboo fence, built a chicken coop, and raised a few chickens for her.

   Pheasants are dry and have little lean meat. How can there be home-raised chicken with thick fat and meat, which tastes satisfying?

   Chicken food is also convenient. Xu Yin sprinkled a wave of chicken grass in the yard. Chicken grass seeds are the favorite food of chickens.

  Occasionally mix them with chaff, wheat bran and small broken rice, which is considered an extra meal.

  The chicken cubs who are full and full of food and drink are running happily in the yard.

  Others thought it was troublesome to raise chickens at first. They had to feed the chickens and clean the chicken coop every day. It was tiring enough to cultivate wasteland. Who wouldn’t want to be lazy and rest on the kang when they have some time?

   I really want to eat it. After the Chinese New Year, everyone gathers together a bag of rations and asks the villagers to exchange half of it. Wouldn’t it be possible to eat a few bites of chicken?

But when spring came and autumn came, the food went into the warehouse smoothly, and the first snow fell in the Great Northern Wilderness, the chicks that Xu Yin and his wife raised in the spring finally grew into the white-cut chicken, spicy chicken, and yellow chicken that were served on the dinner table during the New Year. Braised chicken and other fat appearance, can not help but salivate.

   You can eat chickens without collecting rations, and there are not only half of them, but several of them. Everyone admires it.

   "Captain, why don't we raise a few cats next year? I don't think Xu Yin and the others have taken care of them this year. They just keep them in the fenced yard and let them peck insects and find food. It doesn't seem difficult."

  Captain Fu glanced at them: "What? Seeing Xiao Xu eating chicken, are you hungry?"


   Don’t tell the truth even if it’s true.

   Regardless of whether we will raise chickens or not in the coming year, we will have no chance this year anyway.

   It's snowing.

  If there is a list of cities across the country who is the first to enter the winter rankings, there is no need to compete for Beiguan, and it is firmly ranked first every year.

  Xu Yin remembered that at the beginning of the year, she sent a telegram to her hometown saying that she would be back for the Chinese New Year this year, so she greeted the captain in advance.

  The two plan to go back to Yuanshan County first, so that the mother-in-law can meet the son-in-law.

   Spend a year at Lao Xu's house, and then leave to visit his parents.

  Xu Yin packed some New Year's goods, including rations she had saved up, dried mushrooms, dried bamboo shoots, and smoked chicken.

  However, after thinking about it, she put away half of it, leaving five catties of rations, a small package of dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms, and a cured chicken.

  The old Xu’s family thought that she had made a lot of money outside, anyway, this was enough for her and Comrade Xiaojin’s New Year’s rations.

  Before leaving, she brought half a steamed boiled chicken to visit the captain: "Captain, Shaojin and I are leaving tomorrow, see you in the next year."

   "Okay, okay! Be careful on the road. You didn't go back last year. If you go back this year, you can stay a few more days. Just come back before the spring plowing."

  Xu Yin took the train back with Cheng Shaojin, and did not occupy the quota of the truck.

  The other team members have no money to buy train tickets, so they can only stay here for the New Year if they don’t get the lottery.

Xiao Jing and Huang Xiaohong didn’t have the good luck of last year this year—they didn’t get the lottery, and last year they were able to exchange rations for places. This year everyone has enough rations, and they all want to go home and have a look. Therefore, watching Xu Yin being picked up by Cheng Shaojin to catch the train, The team members who had no chance to go home were so envious that their eyes almost popped out.

Captain Fu, as the leader of the first team, has to stay and sit in town, but he has half a chicken sent by Xu Yin, roasting it on a snowy day, eating chicken with a little wine, not to mention how comfortable it is, the others can only watch it .

   This made them more determined: in the spring of the coming year, they will also raise a few chicken cubs, and they will eat so deliciously in the new year!


  The steam train took the young couple to Yuanshan County with ease.

   Come out from the train station, it is already late.

  Cheng Shaojin was worried that she was tired, and suggested: "Why don't you go to my aunt's house for a night and borrow a bicycle by the way, and I will take you there tomorrow."

   Xu Yin thought about it, and took out a smoked hare and a bottle of ben shochu made from sorghum by the villagers of Hewozitun from the luggage bag, and asked him to carry them as souvenirs at the door.

  Cheng Shaojin snatched the luggage bag with a smile: "I'll take this, you can carry the wine and the rabbit."

  My daughter-in-law always seems to like to fight for physical work, both in the reclamation team and when she is alone with him.

  He is not a weak young man who can't lift his shoulders or lift his hands. He always feels that she has reversed their genders.

  So, with a bottle of wine in her left hand and a smoked rabbit in her right, Xu Yin followed him to her aunt's house.

   "My uncle is also surnamed Xu, maybe he and you were in the same family eight hundred years ago."

   "What a coincidence?" Xu Yin smiled happily, "Then I have to ask my uncle to have a good drink."

   Unexpectedly, when I arrived at Xu’s house, I discovered something more coincidental——

  Cheng Shaojin's cousin is called Xu Wenfa!

   "Xu Wenfa?"

   "Yes, cousin, have you heard of me?"

  Xu Wenfa asked excitedly.

  My aunt wrote to say that my cousin got married in Beiguan. The news of the marriage was really sudden.

  The brothers and sisters chatted around this topic for many days, wondering what kind of woman could take down her cousin so quickly.

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word.

  The name Xu Wenfa has not only been heard of, but also occupied.

  If it weren't for the owner of this name, she might not have been able to go to Beiguan or open up wasteland.

   She tilted her head to meet Cheng Shaojin's smiling starry eyes, and she returned him a super sweet smile.

   This fate is really wonderful!

After Xu Wenfa welcomed them into the door, he carried the smoked rabbit and shochu that Xu Yin handed him, and rushed into the kitchen excitedly: "Mother! Mother! Cousin brought his newlywed daughter-in-law to our house, and brought wine and rabbits. It smells so good! Can I eat it today?"

   Xu's mother was holding a spatula as if to hit him: "What are you doing! It's the first time your cousin came to our house. If you don't treat me well, what are you doing in the kitchen! My mind is full of food."

  Xu Wenfa shrank his neck: "I'm going out to entertain."

   "Are you going out empty-handed? The water in the thermos is just boiled. Take it out and make a cup of sugar water for your cousin. The white sugar is in my room."

   "Mother, if I don't come in, don't you still have to call me in?"

   "...Stinky boy! You deserve a beating!"

  Xu Wenfa stuck out his tongue, took the hot water bottle and walked out of the kitchen. He went to Xu's mother's room and took the sugar and the tea his father couldn't bear to drink. He made tea for his cousin and a cup of sugar water for his sister-in-law.

  In this era, sugar water can be said to be a very high treatment for hospitality.

  (end of this chapter)

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