The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 793: Five zero bitter sister-in-law (26)

  Chapter 793 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (26)

  Xu Yin has been enjoying a good life recently: nestled in the dormitory, making herself some delicious food from time to time, leaning on the heating kang when she is free, holding a set of popular science books to recharge herself.

   This set of books was bought by her in a small modern world.

  In addition to popular science books, I also bought books related to agriculture such as "Transforming Traditional Agriculture" and "Four Thousand Years of Farmers". It also saves spending energy points to exchange skill books with the system.

  After wearing so many small worlds, she can see it—farming is the most error-free profession!

   Farming allows her to successfully complete the task, and farming helps her survive the small world safely!

  So, you can’t go wrong with farming!

   But modern people, if they want to grow, they should plant technology fields!

   Therefore, it is necessary to read more books.

  Moreover, can not only store up knowledge reserves, but also save money. There is no more economical entertainment than this.

  Xu Yinle lay on the heated Kang, reading a book while throwing strawberries into her mouth.

  The kang is burning, the house is dry, eat some fruit to replenish some water.

   Youzai spent the day leisurely until it got dark. She got off the kang, lit the oil lamp, and thought about what to cook for herself tonight. Zhu Qionghua from the next bedroom came to knock on the door:

   "Xu Yin, Xu Yin! It's not good! Daming and Hai Hai have been going to the foot of the mountain for almost a day and haven't come back. The captain is worried that they will be taken away by wolves..."


  Xu Yin sat up startled, put a padded jacket on her body, got off the kang and opened the door.

  A gust of cold wind hit her face, making her shiver.

   "It's icy and snowy, what are they doing at the foot of the mountain?"

   "They heard from the locals that winter is a good time for hunting. They went to the foot of the mountain early in the morning to lurk the pheasants that squatted out for food, and they haven't seen them back for a whole day."


  Xia busy before taking them to a picnic in the mountains, under such conditions they have never caught a pheasant, actually ran to the foot of the mountain to squat pheasants in heavy snow? Can take what they can!

  But it’s teammates after all, not to mention such bad weather, even if you are wrapped in a big padded jacket and cotton trousers, the temperature after nightfall can make people freeze into popsicles every minute.

   "Where's the captain?"

   "The captain is lighting a torch, and the others have gone to the village to borrow a sledge."

   "I'll add a dress."

Xu Yin went back to the house, pretending to add clothes, but actually put on a thermostat inside, then wrapped tightly the sheepskin jacket that was traded with roe deer meat for villagers, put on a windproof cap with ear protection, put her hands in the sleeves, Against the gradually increasing wind and snow, he and Zhu Qionghua went out together.

When Fu Rongxing saw the two of them coming, he scolded the two restless boys: "It's making everyone mobilize, and it's so uncomfortable without meat? You have to run to ambush the pheasant. That's it, Shan The rooster didn’t come in ambush, I’m afraid they were ambushed by wolves instead. I think they’re all free, and I should have given them some tasks if I knew it earlier, like sweeping the snow in the yard…”

   "Captain, I'm fast on my feet. Let's take a step and have a look. You hold the torch and walk slowly, don't slip."

  Xu Yin thought that in case something happened to her, waiting now would undoubtedly delay saving lives.

  She didn't wait for the sledge, and ran directly towards the foot of the mountain. After running for a while, she performed lightness kung fu and sprinted in the ice and snow.

   Fu Rongxing lowered his head, and when he raised his head, he couldn't see her anymore. He stomped his feet anxiously: "Why did she run out alone? Those two brats haven't been found yet, don't lose another one..."

   "Captain, the head of the village has something to go out on the sledge." The **** man who went to borrow the sledge returned empty-handed, panting.

   "Then go to other people's homes and ask! Why did you come back?"

   "Xiao Liu went to ask. I'll come back and tell you first. By the way, I will help you make a torch together. It will be dark soon."

"Oh, what a mess... don't lose Xiao Xu too..." Fu Rongxing was so anxious that the corners of his mouth were blistering, "When we get them back, we must severely criticize them! Too bad Don't worry!"

  Xu Yin performed lightness kung fu alone, and soon came to the foot of the mountain.

   But the foot of the mountain is so big, where will those two teammates be?

  It was all white snow as far as the eye could see, and the sky was getting darker and darker, so Xu Yin had to make a trumpet shape with her hands and call out the names of the two teammates:

   "Chen Daming—"

   "Zhou Haijun—"


  Xu Yin's loud shouts startled a group of sparrows that hadn't snatched up another bird's nest.



  After the sparrow hula flew away, I heard a faint cry for help.

  Xu Yin followed the voice to find the past, and shouted as she searched: "Chen Daming? Zhou Haijun? Is it you?"

   "It's us...Comrade Xu Yin? Is it you? We're below..."

  These two unlucky guys tried to squat on the pheasant but failed. Instead, they accidentally stepped on the trap set by the hunter when they were looking for the best place to ambush, and fell into it for most of the day.

  If it weren't for the thick layer of dead grass covering the trap, it might be freezing right now.

   Being able to have the strength to call for help means that the person is fine.

  Xu Yin lay on top of the trap, and said to the people below: "Are you not injured?"

   "No, fortunately it's an empty trap, but the navy seems to have a broken arm, and it hurts when you touch it."

   "I'll pull you up first."

   "How do you pull it?"

   After Chen Daming finished speaking, he suddenly understood: Oh, Xu Yin is very strong.

   "Xu Yin, did you bring hemp rope?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Didn’t bring it, but it is in the system warehouse.

  She took out an old thick hemp rope, tied a knot on the head, and threw it into the trap: "Tie it around your waist, fasten it tight."

  Chen Daming responded repeatedly, and put it on Zhou Haijun first. His arm was injured and he was unable to move, so let him come up first.

  After Xu Yin pulled Zhou Haijun out of the trap, he checked the injury on his arm and found that it was indeed broken. Fortunately, the displacement was not serious, and it was not close to the joint, so he straightened the bone.

   With a "click", Zhou Haijun only felt a numbness in his arm, which was not as painful as before.

   "Xu Yin, can you still set your bones?" He looked at her in surprise.

   "I can only set bones." Xu Yin glanced at him, "Don't move too vigorously, the ligaments in the injured part may still be injured."


   Zhou Haijun didn't dare to move for a moment.

   "Hey! Don't bother chatting." Chen Daming jumped into the trap, "Drag me up first!"


  Xu Yin just dragged Chen Daming out of the trap, and before she untied the hemp rope, she heard a rustling sound from behind the bushes not far from the trap.

   "Is it a pheasant?" Chen Daming's eyes lit up, "Did the pheasant come out for food?"

  Xu Yin couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Look at the sky! Do pheasants come out at night to forage?"

"That's right! It's getting dark!" Chen Daming patted his forehead and complained, "Hai Hai, our fall directly fell from noon to dark sky, let alone a pheasant, we didn't even see a single feather. It's really a shame!"

   "Shh—" Xu Yin made a silent gesture to the two of them, and then pointed in the direction, "Look at that!"

  The two turned their heads and saw a few faint green lights, and they reacted almost scared to pee:

   "Oh my god... wolf!"

  (end of this chapter)

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