The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 782: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (15)

  Chapter 782 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (15)

  Xu Yin and other four female comrades were surrounded by members of the Qinghe Land Reclamation Team.

"You are Xu Yin? The legendary heroine who killed thirteen wolves?" The male team leader looked down at Xu Yin with contempt in his eyes. No wonder the captain would Doubt, he felt impossible.

   "It's not about running away, it's about beating down." Huang Xiaohong couldn't help correcting, "Thanks to Xu Yin, we ate wolf meat!"

  The **** men of the Qinghe team looked at each other with a playful smile in their eyes.

  If you say so, just blow it up! If you say that the wolf was beaten to the ground by the **** men of your team, we would believe it, but she... how is it possible!

  But the captain told them not to show off, and caught them by surprise when they got on stage.

   "It's started, it's started!"

  Someone in the audience shouted excitedly.

The host came out to announce: "Next, welcome to the joint program brought to us by the two reclamation teams of Yuanshan and Qinghe - "Fighting Wolves Alone". This is adapted from a real incident experienced by the reclamation team of Yuanshan not long ago. Who said that women are inferior to men, even women can surpass men! Everyone is warmly welcome!"

  The audience applauded thunderously.

It has long been heard that there is a **** in the Yuanshan Reclamation Team, who does not give in to men. She singled out thirteen hungry wolves that went down the mountain, and even defeated the hungry wolves, not only saving the lives of herself and her teammates, but also protecting the collective property. , and also brought eight or nine hundred catties of fresh wolf meat to the reclamation team and Hewozitun. I'm jealous!

   Zhou Hengchang looked around at the applauding audience, and hummed in his heart: Just watch! Let you see the truth immediately! Where in this world are there such heroic and combative lesbians? They are all blown out by the Yuanshan team. The cowhide will break if it is blown too big.

  In the expectant eyes of the audience, the curtain slowly opened to both sides.

  The paper-cut red sun slowly falls down the hill.

  Xu Yin's four lesbians were ready to call it a day and return to Hewozitun just like that day.


  At this time, the howling of "wolf" came from the distant mountain col.

   Huang Xiaohong was the first to discover the "wolves" infested, and acted out the panic at that time.

   "Oh my god, wolf! What to do, what to do!"

  Xiao Jing also grabbed Xu Yin's clothes as before, "Xu Yin, you can't go! It's too dangerous! Let's think of another way..."

  Before Xu Yin spoke her lines, the **** men of the Qinghe team playing hungry wolves, dressed in gray wolf outfits cut from sacks, rushed towards her with teeth and claws.

   Like a hungry wolf coming out of a cave, or like a tiger going down a mountain.

  Xu Yin was slightly taken aback, really?

   Without even thinking about it, he raised his foot and kicked the first "wolf" lightly with all his strength.

   "Ouch, hello—"

  The opponent fell and crouched.

  The second "wolf" jumped right in front of Xu Yin, howled ferociously, and tried to bite her neck.

   "So realistic?"

  Xu Yin raised her hand and punched him.


  One by one "hungry wolves" surrounded her, trying to block her to death in the encirclement.

  Xu Yin jumped up into the air, and directly swept the hall with a 360-degree sweeping leg without any dead ends, sweeping the "wolves" to pieces.

   "Huh, huh, huh—"

  The audience applauded enthusiastically and cheered: "Good!"

The host read the narration behind the scenes: "...In this way, our heroic female team member Xu Yin defeated thirteen hungry wolves by herself, protected her teammates, and guarded the collective property. Her spirit and courage, It is worth every one of our comrades to learn!"

  Xu Yin stopped her momentum and made a gesture of clasping her fists to the audience.

   The applause was thunderous again.

  The curtain slowly closed.

   "Xu Yin, we succeeded!"

  Xiao Jing and the others ran over excitedly, and said in a low voice.

  Xu Yin smiled and nodded at them.

   Several people are very happy.

   Only the thirteen people who played the role of the hungry wolf lay on the ground with question marks written all over their bewildered faces and did not get up for a long time.

This is the end?

   What did they do?

   Didn’t they mean to expose the lies of the Yuanshan team on the spot, so that the big guys can see the truth—there is no such thing as a heroic **** who fights a pack of wolves alone, and everything is deliberately fabricated by the Yuanshan reclamation team?

   "You guys really look alike." Xiao Jing turned her head and gave them a thumbs up.


who I am?

  Where am I?

  Xu Yin saw that they didn't get up for a long time, she walked over and stretched out her hand to them: "I'm sorry, my strength is a little too strong. Although I've pulled back my strength, I may not be able to control it in a hurry. I hurt you, right?"


What? Pull back? Is it still accepted with your strength?

  Hearing this, they didn't have the face to stay any longer. They said it didn't hurt, so they got up and stumbled off the stage.

   "What's the matter with you guys?"

   Zhou Hengchang saw them coming out of the backstage, held back his anger and asked in a low voice: "Didn't I ask you...that or something, why are you cooperating with them instead?"

The thirteen people shook their heads in unison: "Captain, we are really doing according to the plan, but that woman is really strong, and she knocked us down easily, and we didn't cooperate with her at all. "


   Zhou Hengchang looked suspicious: "Really? How is this possible?"

   "It's true! She punched me carelessly and almost knocked the bridge of my nose off."

   "And me, my **** still hurts."

   "She said she had lost her strength. I thought that if she lost her strength, she would knock down thirty wolves, let alone thirteen wolves."

   "The Yuanshan Reclamation Team doesn't seem to be lying."


  Zhou Hengchang still couldn't believe it, he looked in the direction of the Yuanshan team in doubt.

  Fu Rongxing was patting Xu Yin on the shoulder, smiling and praising her for her good performance.

   At this time, danger happened.

  On the stage, a worker climbed on a ladder and was collecting banners. Perhaps he was pulling too hard, and he fell forward with the ladder, and was about to fall off the stage. Those who did not leave the stage didn't know whether to hide or help them, and they were so frightened that they were helpless.

  Xu Yin didn't have time to think about it, and rushed forward, holding the ladder with one hand, and catching the fallen worker with the other hand, holding him by the collar until he stood firmly before letting go.

   After it was over, it was like playing tricks. I adjusted the direction of the ladder before putting it back on the stage. The whole process only took three to five seconds.


  Everyone present was so surprised that their mouths were wide open, and an egg could be stuffed into their mouths.

   Zhou Hengchang: "..."

   Opened his mouth, and said a dirty word in his heart: His grandma's! Is that human being?

   Members of the Yuanshan Reclamation Team, although they have seen Xu Yin's great strength, they still feel incredible every time they see famous scenes.

   "Xu Yin, you said that you are so small and look so weak, where do you get such great strength?"

  Xu Yin laughed and said: "As long as the heart is strong, it will be everywhere."

  The worker came to his senses and was afraid for a while, so he ran over to thank Xu Yin.

   Others also gathered around and praised:

   "No wonder you can fight a pack of wolves alone. Comrade Xiao Xu is really strong!"

"After watching the performance, I was still talking. How can a girl who looks like Sister Lin, who looks delicate and weak, be able to deal with thirteen wolves by herself? I'm afraid she would be scared enough to meet three wolves in reality. The ones on stage, There must be moisture. But now I believe it!"


  (end of this chapter)

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