The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 774: Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (7)

  Chapter 774 Five Zero Miserable Sister-in-Law (7)

  Xiao Jing looked at Xu Yin: "Yin Yin, what do you think?"

  Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "Will the three of us move there, will it be too crowded? How about I live here, tidy up the kang, and sleep alone."

   "But this room is too damp."

   "It will be fine when the kang is heated."

   "The windows are all moth-eaten and leaking air."

   "It's okay, just use it as a vent, and some moonlight can come in at night."


  Finally, Xiao Jing and Huang Xiaohong chose to move in with Aunt Fang's two daughters.

   "Xu Yin, I'm sorry..."

  Xiao Jing felt embarrassed.

   It was she who pulled Xu Yin to live together in a team, and now she is the one who left Xu Yin alone in this room.

  Xu Yin Asha waved vigorously: "Hi! There's nothing to be sorry about, it's just separated by a wall, don't we still live together?"

  To be honest, no matter how simple the environment of a single room is, it is better than a whole shop with no privacy at all.

Besides, the condition of this single room is much better than she imagined. At least the earthen wall is quite strong. Although the wooden window is a bit leaky, it is sunny at the moment. When the window is opened, the blocked sunlight pours in. It is windy but it does not seem to feel cold.

  Xu Yin immediately expressed her liking for this place, which made Aunt Fang laugh from ear to ear.

  Seeing the expressions of Xiao Jing and Huang Xiaohong just now, she was worried that the three lesbians would dislike her family and would not want to live here. Just wish! Just wish!

   "Big sister, wait for me for a while, I will send them there and help you clean up." Aunt Fang said.

  Xu Yin waved her hand: "You don't need it, ma'am, I'll do it myself."

   Isn’t it just cleaning, sister can handle it!

  When Aunt Fang led Xiao Jing and the two to her daughter's room to resettle, Xu Yin put on a mask and sleeves, and cleaned the cramped room thoroughly—

Brush off the cobwebs, plug up the rat holes, repair the leaky windows, tidy up the collapsed kang, and before putting away the luggage, release the vacuum robot to **** up the dust in the corners when no one comes in. clean.

   "Not bad, not bad!" Xu Yin looked around in satisfaction, "Except for the corner of the kang collapsed, everything else is ok!"

  But she doesn't plan to bother Uncle Fang to repair the kang. It's fine if it can be heated, and if it's repaired as it was before—squeezed to sleep three people, maybe Xiao Jing and the two will choose to move back.

Xu Xiaojiling Yin only vacated a berth for one person, spread the bedding, and then put the neatly folded clothes next to the quilt like a dividing line. Washbasins, lunch boxes, enamel jars, toothbrush cups and other daily necessities are arranged one by one.

  After the chimney was dredged and the kang fire was burning, I found that this small room was also quite warm and comfortable.

  Xiao Jing and Huang Xiaohong got acquainted with the aunt's two daughters for a while, and after packing up their luggage, they came to see Xu Yin. Seeing this, eh? It's only half an hour at most, why does it feel so different?

   But look carefully, it seems that nothing has changed, just cleaner than before.

   "It's just a little crowded." Xiao Jing said, "Except for a kang, there is nothing else, and there is no place to put clothes."

  Huang Xiaohong was rather envious: "After tidying up, it looks good like this! Sleeping alone is more spacious than ours."

  Hearing what she said, Xu Yin raised the alarm in her heart: Sisters, don't you want to change with me?

  At this time, the assembly whistle sounded outside.

  Xiao Jing: "There is a meeting, right?"

  Xu Yin got up immediately: "Then let's go!"

  Stay for one more second, and the sister's private room will be more dangerous.

  Fu Rongxing convened everyone to discuss two things: one is to open up wasteland, and the other is to build a house.

"Spring plowing is about to start. The task of our wasteland reclamation team is to open up fields suitable for plowing before the spring plowing, so as to catch up with the pace of spring plowing. Otherwise, the fields of the villagers will be planted with grain, and our land will still be barren... In addition, don't rush back to your residence after work every day, follow the uncle in the village who knows how to build a house, and build our temporary home as soon as possible."

   "Since the spring plowing is in such a hurry, can't we wait for the end of the spring plowing to build a house?" A team member raised his hand to ask.

Captain Fu shook his head: "There is no time for the end of spring plowing, and there is still more wasteland waiting for us to reclaim. Other reclamation teams have also arrived at the reclamation site one after another, and each team is competing. Have you heard of Fenggu County? They just came Thirty people, our team almost has twice as many people, if so many people can’t make a team of 30 people, ask us if we are blushing? Think about the purpose of our coming here—to reclaim wasteland! Not here to enjoy the blessings! Everything is for the reclamation service, and building a house can only be a sneak in the busy schedule, and it is impossible to arrange time alone."


   There was silence for a few seconds, and I was wailing in my heart: It’s easy to say, it’s tiring enough to open up wasteland, and you still need to build a house when you come back?

   "Captain, where is the Fenggu reclamation team stationed? Is it also in Hewozitun?" Someone asked.

   "No, they are in another village, far away from here. At that time, we will open up wasteland in the northeast direction, and they will open up wasteland in the northwest direction. When the grain fields opened up will be connected, our wasteland reclamation task will be considered complete."

Speaking of this, Captain Fu clapped his hands to boost morale: "Take out the enthusiasm of our passionate young people, and cheer me up! Next, let's divide into groups of ten people. The first group is the hardest. It is to open the way." Pioneers are in charge of land reclamation in the true sense. They need to loosen the hardened wasteland, which requires some strength; the second group uses rakes to tidy up the turned land; Groups 1 and 2 picked a unified place together. The stones would be used to build a house, and the weeds would be used for composting. As for the place to build a house, I will discuss it with the liaison officer later, so there is no rush; the fourth group Responsible for fertilizing and watering; the fifth group is responsible for breeding and transplanting..."

  Captain Fu had just finished the task of the group, when he saw a "hula", most of the people stood in line, and almost all the young women chose the fifth group.

  The young women of the Yuanshan Reclamation Team included Xu Yin, a total of 17 people, except Xu Yin who stood still, and the other 16 people flocked to the fifth group the moment the captain's voice just fell.

  But there are only ten people in a group, and the six people at the bottom were annoyed that they were a step too late, so they quit regretfully, and chose the third group as the next best thing.

   Picking up rocks and weeds is barely okay, isn’t there still one or two groups after picking them up? The digging and preparation of the land must be done by the male compatriots. After work is over, let them pick it up along the way, isn't it all right? As for fertilizing and watering, they don't even consider it. Fertilization is such a stinky job, let alone let them do it, even if you look at it from a distance, you will hate it.

   "Xu Yin! You choose quickly! What are you doing in a daze!"

  Xiao Jing just finished being happy and ran fast, grabbed the fifth group, looked up and found Xu Yin still standing there, and hurriedly winked at her to remind her.

  (end of this chapter)

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