The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 736: Abusive female supporting role farming in the last days (21)

  Chapter 736 Abusive female supporting role farming in the last days (21)

  He winked at Song Haobin, meaning: You can retreat now, don't hinder the boss from looking for spring.

  People who used to be annoyed by socializing now know how to take the initiative when they have someone they like, how rare it is! Don't get screwed by them.

  But Song Haobin is a straightforward boy who has never been in a relationship. Seeing He Siyu constantly winking his eyes, he asked in confusion: "Old He, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you having a seizure?"


  Feng Shujin ignored the two of them, he frowned and glanced at Hu Qinglu: "Which department are you in? Fishing during working hours, does the person in charge of you know?"


  Hu Qinglu froze in place for an instant.

  At first seeing Feng Shujin sizing her up, she was secretly delighted, but she didn't expect her words to hurt so much!

  She covered her bluish and white face, and ran away with a whimper.

  Feng Shujin looked at the running figure, frowned, and snorted coldly: "This is Yuyuan's new recruit? Didn't you have any training before taking the job?"

  He Siyu glanced at the property manager, beckoning him to explain.

  The manager replied tremblingly: "It's like this. Due to time constraints, the professionalism training for employees has not yet been carried out, but you can rest assured that when the farm work is on the right track, we will immediately organize professionalism training for new employees."

  Feng Shujin glanced at the empty farm, and compared it with the two yards of Xu Yin's family in his mind. Does the conclusion need to be said?

  He tilted his head to look at Xu Yin, his brows and eyes soft: "Mr. Xu, thank you for your hard work!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   You can call me older.

   Immediately afterwards, I heard him ask: "Listen to Haobin, you are very concerned about whether rain will affect the mutant plants?"

Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "I'm really a little worried. On the one hand, I'm looking forward to the rain. Whether it's human life or field planting, rain is urgently needed; but on the other hand, I'm afraid of those mutated plants, which will become more ferocious due to the moisture of the rain. ..."

Feng Shujin conveyed the information that foreign friends told him: "Rainwater does have an effect on mutated plants. Experiments abroad have confirmed that rainwater has a certain soothing effect on plants. In places with abundant precipitation, mutated plants are relatively comfortable. There are very few impetuous phenomena that actively attack humans."


  Xu Yin's eyes lit up.

   Xin said that the relationship is good! Let's give this land a [floating light and misty rain] tonight.

   She has used this skill in Taoyuan, but she has only used it in Taoyuan, so she is not sure what impact it will have on the small world in the modern background.

  That night, when Guaibao was asleep, Mrs. Jiang also turned off the lights and went to sleep. Xu Yin lay on the bed and activated the skill of [Floating Light, Misty Rain].

   After a while, the sound of "rustling" rain came from my ears.

  As the rain became heavier, people's cheers could be vaguely heard from the tent area on the other side of the central garden.

  Xu Yin turned sideways, kissed the forehead of her sleeping brother, and fell asleep with a smile on her pillow...

  The next day, it rained and the sky cleared.

  The blue sky, as if washed over and over again, is clean and clear.

  The vegetable patch in the yard smells like earth.

  Xu Yin stretched her waist, it feels so good after the rain!

Mrs. Jiang kneaded the dough early in the morning, and later made Guaibao his favorite butterfly noodles. When she went to the backyard to pick shallots, she exclaimed in surprise: "Ah! The coriander has grown so big? It must be edible... yo! Spinach is also delicious. Is it ripe? Sure enough, the rain from God is powerful. I water it every day, every day, and it’s not as good as the rain at night..."

  The disaster-stricken people staying temporarily in the tent area finally had hot water and steaming instant noodles.

  When they heard the sound of rain last night, their first reaction was not to worry about whether the tent would seep water, but to look for buckets to catch water.

  Wake up in the morning and have a look, happy!

  The water storage tools that were taken out last night were almost full of rainwater!

  Immediately start the stove and boil the water. Thanks to God, I can finally have a hot meal today.

   Just a rain, the atmosphere is completely different.

   Sweeping away the previous frowning, happily boiled water and cooked noodles.

  Sometimes happiness is as simple as that!

   A bowl of hot water is enough to drag a person from **** back to heaven.

  Villa No. 6, Feng Shujin, who came back from a morning jog, took the sports towel handed over by Secretary Zhu and wiped off his sweat: "It rained last night, did you know that?"

"It's raining?" Song Haobin just got up and didn't know what happened outside. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the delicate and colorful flowers and plants in the garden covered with rain and dew, and said with emotion, "Could it be that Teacher Xu is a magpie's mouth?" ? Just mentioned that it's raining, and it really rained? By the way, Young Master Feng, these flowers and plants grow so well, do you really want to shovel them all and turn them into vegetable fields? I feel very reluctant."

  Feng Shujin, who was thinking deeply, heard this and glanced at him: "You like it? Transplant it into a flower pot and move it to your own room."

  Song Haobin: "..."

   Forget it!

  I think of him as a plant killer, who will die whatever he raises. He has raised a lot of flowers and plants since he was a child, but not many of them have survived half a month in his hands.

"I see that after Xu's garden was converted into a vegetable field, the original flowers and plants were not discarded. Some were planted in flower pots, placed on the eaves and terraces for decoration; some were planted on both sides of the garage, extending to the intersection, waiting for flowering It's quite beautiful, and it also covers the entrance of the garage. How about we also learn from Teacher Xu?"

   "Are you free?"


No! He is very busy!

   Song Haobin, who was afraid of being entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the boss, immediately disregarded the relationship: "I'll just say it casually, haha! I'm a plant killer, so I still don't participate in the issue of whether flowers and plants will stay or not."

  Xu Yin has been instructing everyone to grow vegetables in the community farm in recent days.

  Stimulate [Floating Light and Misty Rain] After a rain, take advantage of the wet soil to quickly sow seeds and raise seedlings.

  Those mutated plants outside that caused people to panic, I heard that they have been quieter recently, and it seems that they are indeed as Feng Shujin said - moistened by rain, they have subsided instead.

   But just because they're silent doesn't mean they're not aggressive.

I heard that in the diagonally opposite old community, a resident saw that the mutated camphor trees at the door looked the same as in normal times. He was eager to go home, so he swung an ax to take the opportunity to cut them down, but the branches of the camphor tree strangled his neck. It hasn't been rescued yet.

  This made Xu Yin more certain: these mutant creatures cannot be wiped out in a short time, and in the future, humans are likely to coexist with them and compete for this limited land resource.

  Sometimes she can't help but think too much: Could it be that human beings developed too aggressively, causing non-human creatures to resist collectively, and this disaster happened?

   Then I thought again: Isn’t this the novel world imagined by some author? It can't be explained by logic at all, so let's accept all these appearances and live in a low-key manner.

  After a busy day, when I came home, I was greeted by Guaibao's "hug" and Niuniu's big butt. Da Gouzi's enthusiasm made her a little overwhelmed.

  (end of this chapter)

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