The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 731: Abusive female supporting role farming in the last days (16)

  Mrs. Wang was puzzled.

  Xu Yin responded innocently: "Yes, yes, it doesn't make sense! It's amazing!"

Mrs. Wang got her response, and chatted more vigorously: "Nong also thinks it's miraculous? I told Nong that there are nine times out of ten that Yi is a time-traveling person. I used to like to read time-traveling novels, and there are such plots in them." ..."


  Niuniu ran out and interrupted Mrs. Wang's chatter.

  It grabbed Xu Yin's sleeve and dragged her back to the house.

   "What are you doing?" Xu Yin baldly nodded her big head, "Don't use my sleeve as a tool for grinding your teeth! You have bitten it all!"

Mrs. Wang stared at this scene dumbfounded, pointed to Niu Niu, the big dog who once belonged to her family, but is now the Xu family, and asked Xu Yin in disbelief: "Did you tie Yi up? Lennon?"

  Niu Niu let go of Xu Yin's sleeve, raised her head and barked at Mrs. Wang.

  Mrs. Wang was on the terrace, still almost fell down from fright.

  She laughed twice, said to Xu Yin, "Let's talk next time, let's talk next time", and fled into the house without looking back.

When the figure of Mrs. Wang was gone on the balcony next door, let alone her chattering voice, Niuniu stopped dragging Xu Yin back to the house, and walked back to the living room calmly, lay down on the carpet in front of the sofa, and continued to be Pick up Guaibao's meat pad.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   This guy, did he come out specially to scare Mrs. Wang?

   Think she chatters endlessly, too noisy?

What the hell! I'm afraid this dog has become a spirit!


  Anyway, a loudspeaker popped up in the municipal square, and the content broadcast by the loudspeaker sounded like a prophecy, and it spread completely.

  In villa No. 6 on the right side of Xu's house, Feng Shujin was also a little confused when he heard the news from his left and right arms early in the morning.

   "Boss, no matter it's a real time traveler, or someone is playing tricks, pretending to be a ghost, the 'mutant beast wave' mentioned in the radio, according to our analysis, it is really possible." Zhu Donglin adjusted his glasses and said.

   "That's right." He Siyu nodded and said, "Adhering to the principle of preferring to believe what is there and not to believe what is not, the authorities have already counted the number of air-raid shelters in various places. There is a high probability that the disaster victims who are placed in the air-raid shelters in the suburbs will be transferred."

  Where it can be transferred is a question.

   Wasn't it because the city couldn't find a few safe shelters that they were sent to the air-raid shelter?

  So, newer communities such as Dongfang Yuyuan with a relatively low floor area ratio received a call again, requesting to cooperate with the municipal government to resettle some temporarily homeless residents.

"Now the periphery of the community is closed to traffic. If the central garden and the surrounding open space are crowded, we can put a hundred more tents. As for how many people live in each tent, it depends on how the community arranges. The owners of the community have been in the past few days. Apply for relatives’ pass, relatives and friends declared by the owner, enter the community with the certificate, and stay in the owner’s house. It’s just that the security is a bit difficult.”

Speaking of this, He Siyu shook his head with a bitter smile: "Now the property management is afraid to recruit workers casually. As soon as the notice is posted, countless people flock to sign up. These people don't even look at the specific requirements and conditions. They just let them Do whatever you want, as long as you have something to eat and a place to sleep."

   But Dongfang Yuyuan is not a charity organization. They are recruited to work. When the time comes, they will only care about eating and sleeping, and their discipline is not good. Wouldn’t it add to the chaos?

Feng Shujin listened with lowered eyes, and gave a suggestion after thinking: "Then don't talk about recruiting security guards, first recruit farmers. If there are not enough security guards, you should take care of your own work first. The project of opening vegetable fields on public lawns, alone When recruiting, those who can grow vegetables are given priority. After being recruited, they will try it out for half a day, and those who really know how to grow vegetables will be officially hired. Those who can’t grow vegetables or fool around will either leave or be transferred to cleaners. After observing for a period of time, we will screen out security guards from these people If you find a suitable candidate, you will be transferred to a security post. Those who do not work honestly will resign directly.”

   "That's a good idea! I'm going to implement it!"

   "Is there anything else?"


  The four of them took turns to report.

   Most of them are projects that each person is responsible for. Some are left over from before the mutation came, and some are only recently started.

  Feng Shujin doesn't like to socialize, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about the projects below. On the contrary, he knows that the decision-making power is nothing more than leaving the decision-making power to his left and right hands, and let them handle it.

  There are things they can't decide, and he knows what they are talking about after a short start, and he can immediately give reasonable and perfect suggestions.

  The respect and admiration that He Siyu and others have for him is completely born from the heart.

  Don't ask, asking is the difference in control and strength of the strong.

  After listening to everyone's reports, Feng Shujin gave suggestions one by one, and then asked Song Haobin who was in charge of internal affairs: "How are the supplies going?"

"All the warehouses that can be run have been run around, and all the ones that can be pulled have been pulled back." Song Haobin pointed to the upstairs and downstairs, "Except for us, there are more than a dozen storage rooms in the basement of the property center and the warehouses of the self-service supermarket. It is also full, and some dry food and drinking water are left on the truck for emergency backup. The community side, according to your instructions, donated two trucks of practical materials to them. In addition to the rice, flour, grain and oil donated by other units, the affected residents in the surrounding area are currently Apart from the fact that it is a bit troublesome to live in, the basic needs can still be met in terms of food and clothing.”

In fact, after the mutation happened, many residents still hoarded a lot of food, but later their homes were occupied by mutated animals, and they fled in a hurry. They didn't have time to bring too much food with them, and the order was disordered, which led to looting and plundering. And so on.

   Fortunately, now that the authorities have formed a team of supernatural beings as quickly as possible to maintain order, this kind of panic, which is not conducive to social stability, has improved.


   Xu Yin has been here for more than half a month.

  In the first half of the month, except for the first week, she went out a few times to observe the environment and collect supplies. After that, she has been opening land and growing vegetables at home. During this period, she also found time to install a household solar generator.

   It could have been installed by the master.

  But on the one hand, there are quite a few households applying for installation in the community. Everyone has heard that the power supply system has been damaged by mutated animals and plants and needs to be repaired frequently.

  Last week, the solar generator ordered by the property was finally delivered, assembled and put into use, and the power supply of the community was restored to stability.

  After the surrounding communities know about it, don’t mention how envious they are. Their properties are not as thoughtful as Dongfang Yuyuan’s. It can only be purchased by the owner's financing.

The owner of Dongfang Yuyuan saw that Xu Yintuo’s property bought a household solar generator. After installing it, he can use as much electricity as he wants in the future, and he can use it when he wants to use it. Worried about power outages and limited power, they were all moved, and they organized groups to buy.

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