The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 712: The best sister of the cannon fodder male supporting role (41)

   Entering spring, everything is revived.

  The large and stretched lotus leaves add a unique greenness to the fish pond.

  Fresh lotus leaves are fragrant and are a good partner for making lotus leaf chicken.

  The early spring organic wild rice stems planted near the lakeshore are also in season.

  Ji's Restaurant has newly launched two seemingly ordinary dishes, and the number of repeat customers is no less than the fanatical fans of King Fish Head.

  The same is the lotus leaf chicken. The lotus leaf chicken in Ji's restaurant is particularly rich in lotus, which makes people feel refreshed, like sitting in the lotus pond and enjoying this very seasonal delicacy.

   It’s also the wild rice stem. The wild rice stem in Ji’s restaurant is fragrant, crisp and tender, and tastes slightly sweet, which is the aftertaste of the wild rice stem itself. A simple dish of boiled rice stems is even more delicious than the stewed rice stems with abalone and steamed squid with mandarin fish in a five-star hotel.

  Repeat customers who have eaten once, sit down and say: "Here comes the water bamboo, boiled or braised in oil. Are there wild green shrimps?"

  Wild small freshwater prawns paired with water stems will make repeat customers never forget.

  There may be more than one Michelin three-star restaurant in Dahai City, but Ji’s is really the only Chinese restaurant.

  The other two are western restaurants. Seeing that Ji’s business is so good, it’s impossible not to be jealous, but Chinese people prefer Chinese food to Western food, so there’s no way around it.

  The taste is different, but the ingredients are the same!

  So, the owners of the two restaurants called Ji Rongjin, and after a few pleasantries, they went straight to the point and asked him where the ecological shrimp and crabs in the store were purchased, and they also wanted to buy some.

  Ji Rongjin: "..."

how? Has he become a second-hand trafficker?

   But you have to ask your girlfriend about this.

  Ever since I had a girlfriend, she has made up her mind on small things at home, and on big things...she has made up her mind too.

  He is willing to act as a tool man.

  Xu Yin was a little dazed when she heard that the other two Michelin stars wanted to ask her to order a batch of green shrimp and June yellow.

  Dignified Michelin three-star restaurant, is it so easy to buy goods? Shouldn't we shop around, bid and bid, and finally hire the best?

Ji Rongjin laughed softly: "They brought the chefs to Ji's to eat, and they tasted the wild taste. Those top chefs can analyze the quality of ingredients from a dish, and they come to me when they think it's good. of."

Xu Yin still finds it unbelievable: "But Yueya Lake is just a sub-lake of Yueming Lake. Isn't the product from the mother lake of Yueming Lake more authentic? Moreover, the water area is large, and the fish, shrimp and crabs are also big. The green shrimps here are too small. It’s okay. It’s okay to make drunken shrimp, but it doesn’t look good when you boil it on a plate.”

But Ji Rongjin said: "The mother lake of Yueming Lake implemented the contracting system earlier than your village. After private contracting, all the feed was fed, and the wild ones were also fed for at least one or two years. The aquatic products of Yueming Lake cannot be compared with yours. The fishponds are of better quality.”

  Hearing his boast, Xu Yin was so happy that her eyebrows and eyes curled into crescents.

   It's not her wangpo who sells melons, the fish, shrimp and crabs in her fish pond are absolutely delicious.

   Think about what they eat? —Healthy fish food mixed with spiritual dew!

Not to mention that spiritual dew is something rich in spiritual energy that can be called heaven and earth, even bran, wheat bran, soybean flour, rapeseed cake dregs, etc., are exchanged with those who grow these grains at home. All the moths were removed.

  In addition, it is also mixed with powder made from sea shrimp skin and kelp and seaweed, which is full of flavor and balanced nutrition.

  In short, except for the ugly appearance, everything is good. It is more nutritious and healthy than the snacks that children like to eat.

   Swim happily in the low-density lake after eating, play with water plants and lotus leaves, exercise more, and enjoyment has increased. Can the taste not be good?

  Because of this, the amount of breeding is extremely limited, and it is too difficult to supply a restaurant under Ji's, so there is no surplus.

   After hearing this, Ji Rongjin kissed her: "Yes! Just reply them like this!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   It's not like you don't know our supply situation, so come tell me? Isn't this superfluous?

  The bosses of those two restaurants couldn't get the supplier's contact information from Ji Rongjin, and they were very depressed.

  I said in my heart that it is the production place of Crescent Lake. If you spend money, are you afraid you won’t find it?

   They actually got in touch with two of them—they were the contractors who sold feed lake fresh products under the name of "Crescent Lake Wild Aquatic Products" on the Internet.

  Received purchase calls from two Michelin three-star restaurants, and both of them were very excited.

   Look! The Ji family does not accept their goods, but someone still accepts them. They also have three Michelin stars, and the price quoted is higher than that of Ji's.

  However, they are also smart. The restaurant asked them to provide samples. Instead of providing the aquatic products they raised at home, they paid and asked other contractors how many samples they bought.

  Everyone felt puzzled and jokingly said, "Hey, you don't dare to eat the fish you raise?"

  There are large farmers in the local area who contract to grow rice. The rice sold to the market is mixed with insect repellent red powder and often sprayed with pesticides during the planting period. Even the big farmers dare not eat it.

  Ordinary aquaculture is not bad, so everyone used this to tease the two of them.

  The two farmers smiled cheekily, followed their words and said: "It is said that the food you raise is delicious, buy some and try it."

  They sent the lake fresh food they bought to the restaurant.

   After tasting, the chef of the restaurant found that it was still a bit different from Ji’s restaurant, but compared with other suppliers, the quality was much better. Immediately made a decision on these two companies, and sent someone to sign a supply contract with them.

   It's time to supply, so you can't just ask other contractors to buy it?

  So, except for the first few batches, which were purchased from other contractors, they began to mix in their own feed products little by little.

  At first, I was timid and didn't dare to mix too much, so I mixed ten catties and eight catties into fifty catties.

  After a few times, seeing that the restaurant didn’t seem to be aware of it, they gradually let go of their guts. When the restaurant found out that they were shoddy, the whole batch of goods had been replaced with feed-raised fish, shrimp and crabs.

  Those two restaurants were furious. No wonder customers complained frequently recently. At first they thought it was a trust sent by their competitors, so they paid some money to settle it.

  However, as more and more people complained, the reputation of the restaurant declined day by day, and the turnover fell for several days in a row, realizing the seriousness of the problem. After careful investigation, it was found that the problem lies in the supply.

  All the detained goods were taken to the quality inspection unit for testing, and when the results came out, the two bosses were livid with anger.

   What the **** paid the highest price and bought a bunch of the cheapest farmed products on the market, really treating them as wronged breeds!

  There is nothing to say, so I directly sued the two farmers.

  The supply contract stated in black and white the liability clauses that should be borne by substandard goods. The two companies poured out all the money they earned before, but it was not enough to pay for the compensation, and finally had to transfer the fish pond.

  The transfer price was much higher than before, and a one-time payment was required. Many people in the village were tempted, but they didn't act because it was too expensive, and Xu Yin finally subcontracted it.

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