The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 705: The best sister of the cannon fodder male supporting role (34)

  Chapter 705 Cannon fodder hero's best sister (34)

  As the end of the year approaches, various companies and units have successively distributed New Year benefits to employees and held annual meetings.

  Car God Club is no exception.

With several competitions this year, Boss Liu, especially the twists and turns in the mountain rally where Xu Yin won the championship, was a hot search, which indirectly attracted a lot of attention to the club and won the favor of many advertising sponsors. Win numb.

In previous years, it was just a small gathering, giving out a few New Year gift packages to the staff and drivers. This year’s harvest is so rich, of course I want to celebrate it, so I simply booked the banquet hall of the Jingchang Hotel. The year-end summary and The company's New Year's Eve dinner is held there.

  Although Xu Yin is only a part-time job, without her, maybe the second half of the year would not be as beautiful as the car **** and let the peers collectively eat lemons.

  Therefore, Boss Liu specially called Xu Yin and asked her to attend whatever he said.

"Xiao Xu, doesn't your brother like motorcycles very much? I remember when I discovered you, you were racing on behalf of your brother, right? Is he on winter vacation? Bring him here when he is on vacation. There are so many people, anyway. My own people. Those who come can draw a lottery, this year's prize is really good, the grand prize is a newest iPhone, even my wife is tempted."

  Xu Yin is not excited about the grand prize, but thinks that Brother Han seems to be on winter vacation for the past few days. During the exam period, he is under a lot of pressure and studying hard. It is good to take him to the company's New Year's Eve dinner to relax and relax.

  So, after school that day, Xu Chuan, who was carrying a heavy schoolbag and changed dirty clothes out of the school gate and was about to catch the bus home, saw his sister in a group of parents who came to pick up their children at the school gate.

  Why did you see it at a glance?

  Because among the crowd of family cars, her sister's mount is particularly eye-catching—a cool two-wheeled motorcycle that can enter world-class competitions at any time.

  He was overjoyed.

   Ignoring the weight of the schoolbag and luggage on her body, she strode towards Xu Yin and shouted excitedly:

   "Sister! Sister! Why are you here?"

  Xu Yin smiled sweetly, reached out to take the clothes bag in his hand, and hung it on the handlebar of the motorcycle: "Come to pick you up. The exam is hard, let's go, I'll take you to have a good meal."

  Xu Chuan was flattered: "Shall we go out to eat?"


  Xu Chuan was so happy that the corners of his mouth reached to the base of his ears.

  He was finally able to experience the feeling of being picked up by his family after school to have a rubbing meal before going home like other students, which is great!

   "Sister, did you give out the year-end bonus today?"


  Xu Chuan didn't ask any more questions, and sat on the back seat of the motorcycle with a smirk on his face.

  Aware of the envious eyes of his classmates from all directions, he puffed out his chest proudly, and almost introduced him to someone: "This is my sister! My sister who won a prize in a motorcycle race!"

  Xu Yin drove him through the busy streets.

   During rush hour, when students leave school, everything is like an accident scene, blocked.

   At this time, the advantages of two-wheeled vehicles are reflected.

  Xu Yin's luck was also relatively good, she almost didn't hit the red light, and the road was unimpeded, and she drove to the entrance of Jingchang Hotel in less than ten minutes.

Xu Chuan was dumbfounded when he saw the signboard, and almost stumbled when he got off the car: "Sister, is it very expensive here? Even if you want to celebrate and eat outside, there is no need to come to such an expensive place. Didn't Dad always say that poverty requires money?" You are so poor that you have a backbone, don't do things like slapping your face to make yourself fat, or we should change to another..."

   "Sister Yin!"

   Xu Chuan didn't finish speaking, but was interrupted by a greeting from behind.

  Jiang Shuoyun, Xiao Q and his party also arrived.

   "Sister Yin, is this your brother? So handsome?"

   "This shows that Sister Yin's family has good genes."

   "I've met this brother, he was also present at the wild game at the end of August, right brother?"

  Xu Chuan: "..."

who I am?

  Where am I?

   I was flattered and didn't know what to say.

  Jiang Shuoyun, who is the leader, of course he knows—

   Dajiang District's annual championship last year, the national ranking is not in the top five, the top ten is not a problem.

  In the wild race in August, if his sister hadn't suddenly appeared and miraculously won the first place, the prize of 100,000 yuan would have been in his pocket.

   Unexpectedly, the professional driver who thought he would make an enemy would call his sister "Sister Yin".

   And he wasn't the only one, other drivers were shouting that.

  Looking at them in front of his sister, like younger brothers worshiping the top of the mountain... Xu Chuan subconsciously covered his chest, oh my god, this is a bit exciting.

  It was like stepping on a cotton cloud under his feet, and he followed his sister into the restaurant and came to the banquet hall in a ecstasy.

Looking up, he saw a line of eye-catching festive theme on the big screen - "Win the Battle-Car God Club Year-end Celebration Party". Looking around, although he didn't know many people, he knew the leader of the car **** club, Boss Liu. Seeing that the other party was wearing a crimson suit, he walked over with a red wine glass and greeted Xu Yin with a smile:

   "Xiao Xu is here? Sit down, dinner hasn't started yet, what do you want to drink first?"

"It will be all right."

  Xu Yin came to the table with her nameplate on it, and sat down with Brother Han.

  Xu Chuan stared wide-eyed and saw the nameplate in front of his sister: Xu Yin from the modification workshop

   Never expected that his sister's workplace turned out to be the Che God Club that he dreamed of going to.

   It is not the dealership selling motorcycles that the family thought it was.

  Xu Chuan: "..."

   People are numb.

   More numbness is yet to come—

  The celebration banquet was held in the middle, and the host came to the stage to preside over the lucky draw. Xu Chuan unexpectedly won the special prize—the latest iPhone.


too excited!

  He wants to make a tiger leap, okay?

   "Hey, are there two grand prizes? I thought there was only one."

   "It was said before that there is only one. Could it be that the boss saw the atmosphere so good, and when he was happy, he temporarily added another one?"

  Little Q next to him was whispering to another driver.

  Xu Yin's heart moved, and she vaguely guessed something.

  Boss Liu said that day that without her brother, she probably would not have participated in the wild game, so he missed the opportunity to discover her, so he asked her to bring her brother to the New Year's Eve dinner.

   And this mobile phone must be a thank you gift from Boss Liu to Brother Han through a lucky draw.

  Turning her head to see Brother Han's silly happy face, Xu Yin was a little blindsided.

   "Sit down quickly! Do you still want to make a tiger leap to show your happiness?"

  Xu Chuan jumped with joy: "Sister, how do you know that I want to make a tiger leap?"


  Is it okay for sister to talk nonsense?

  Xu Chuan's joy lasted until the end of the annual meeting.

  Others have sideshows—going to KTV to sing, Xu Yin is self-aware of her pentameter, so she exchanged greetings with her boss and colleagues at the entrance of the restaurant, and then left with her younger brother.

  I didn't want to go to the parking lot, but I encountered a roadblock.

   "Xu Yin? Why are you here?"

   Tian Jun, who was walking towards him, felt mixed feelings when he saw Xu Yin.

   "Also, when did you learn to ride a motorcycle? Don't tell me when you take part in the competition."

  Xu Yin gave him a strange look: "Why did I tell you? We both broke up for half a year."


  (end of this chapter)

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