The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 689: The best sister of the cannon fodder male supporting role (18)

  Chapter 689 The best sister of the cannon fodder male supporting role (18)

  So, a few days later, Xu Yin went to the county again, and brought back the pile of presents that Tian Jun had given to Yuan.

  At the entrance of the main store of KFC in the county seat, Xu Yin returned the things to him.

   "Music boxes, dolls, scarves, beanies...have you counted them all. Here, this is money for flowers."

  Tian Jun: "..."

   What the **** are you—

  At least put it in a high-end gift bag, what does it mean to carry a black garbage bag? When I engage in wholesale!

  Xu Yin didn't cue his mental activity, so she showed him the things: "Here, those are the ones you gave me, right? I'll pay you back! We won't owe each other any more!"

  She waved her hand and went into KFC to buy food.

  The last small world was an entertainer, so he didn’t have many opportunities to eat Western-style fast food. Now seeing fried chicken and hamburgers, he was a little greedy.

  It’s just right, it’s time for lunch soon, let’s send brother Han a takeaway set meal, this kid will be very happy.

   "Xu! Yin!"

  Looking at the back of his ex-girlfriend leaving in a cool way, Tian Jun was so angry that he almost spit out blood.

  He vented his anger and stuffed the bag of things that Xu Yin had brought into the large trash can outside KFC, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from the back of his teeth: "Fuck you!"

   Holding back his anger, he left angrily.

  KFC is next door to a coffee shop. In the booth next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, two men watched the whole scene.

   "This beauty is also a ruthless character, and she actually packed it in a garbage bag." Zhao Xiuyi sighed.

  Ji Rongjin raised his eyebrows disapprovingly: "The gifts are all stuff, and they only fit in garbage bags."

  Zhao Xiuyi laughed dumbfoundedly: "You don't understand this. Men and women who are in love, even the rings on the cans, can be used as rings. This is called romance."

Ji Rongjin snorted lightly, and lazily stirred the hot coffee in the cup. The mist covered his brows and eyes: "That can only show that the man is not sincere enough. He wants to please the woman, but he doesn't want to spend money. If we break up, we still have to send money to him." It's amazing to get back the gift that went out."

   "It's because you haven't been in a relationship before, and when you broke up, you made a mess, not to mention the gifts you gave out, and you can't wait for the other party to spit out the food you have eaten." Zhao Xiuyi shrugged.

  Ji Rongjin glanced at him: "It seems that you have a lot of experience?"

   "How can it be!" Zhao Xiuyi laughed and changed the topic, "How long will you be back this time?"

   "It's hard to say."

   "What's wrong? What's the trouble?"

  Ji Rongjin took a sip of coffee and said, "The newly hired chef thinks that the batch of ingredients ordered before is not perfect. Thinking that there are many lakes in Dajiang District, he wants to find a high-quality freshwater fish and shrimp supplier."

Zhao Xiuyi snapped his fingers, "Is this not easy to handle? I know the owner of the largest fish farm in the area, and I'll match you up. Actually, as long as you put out the signboard of 'Michelin Star Restaurant', most of the suppliers will come to ask for it. cooperate."

   Ji Rongjin shook his head.

  The samples delivered to the door are often good samples, which are easy to be overwhelmed in the later stage.

   "This time I want to investigate in person."

   "Alright then, I'll make an appointment."

  Xu Yin ate a long-lost Western-style fast food contentedly, and packed two set meals by the way, one for her younger brother, and the other for her parents to try.

  The older generation has always only heard of this kind of foreign fast food, and rarely bought it.

  I always feel that this is something that children only eat.

   Not to mention it is so expensive, even if Xu Yishan and his wife went to the city, they would never think of buying it to try it.

  Xu Yin put two set meals into the system warehouse with her big backpack, took one out at school and put it in the reception room, and wanted the guard to call her brother out to get it.

   Unexpectedly, the guard shook his head: "This kind can't be delivered."



  Two voices of surprise sounded in unison.

  Xu Yin turned her head to look, and another male voice came from a man in yuppie clothes, also holding a KFC takeaway bucket in his hand.

  But she just glanced at it, then looked back and asked the doorman: "Master, why can't you deliver it? I came back last week and gave it back."

  The doorman said: "It's not that we don't give away, it's that we don't give away fast food bought from outside. The school has regulations. We can give home-cooked dishes, or bought fruits and milk."

I see…

  Xu Yin expressed regret for the brother Han who couldn't make the tooth festival.

  I wanted to give it to the uncle, so that it would be convenient in the future, but I didn’t want the uncle to wave his hand: "Take it away, take it away! Pretending to be a surveillance camera!"


  Xu Yin had no choice but to use the big backpack to put it back into the system warehouse, and save it for herself to eat next time.

   On the other side, Zhao Xiuyi clicked his tongue and returned to the car with a KFC bag.

  Ji Rongjin glanced at him: "No Mingming?"

   "How can it be! I haven't seen each other yet, and the doorman won't let me deliver it, saying that fast food is not nutritious."

  Ji Rongjin chuckled lightly: "So I said let the restaurant give it to him, you insist on buying this kind of unnutritious thing."

   "It's not for nothing. Guess who I just saw?"

  Ji Rongjin started the car, apparently not interested in playing guessing games with him.

   "It's the heroine who just staged a breakup movie outside KFC, and she also came to give KFC to her younger brother or sister. Do you think this is fate?" Zhao Xiuyi rubbed his hands with a little excitement.

  Recalling the eye contact with Xu Yin at the school gate, he stroked his chin and said, "To be honest, she is quite what I like no matter her figure or appearance..."

  While waiting for the red light, Ji Rongjin turned his head to look at this (shameless) cousin.

   "How? Am I a good match for her?" Zhao Xiuyi straightened his back.

   "Well, it's okay, flowers with cow dung."


  While waiting for the bus, Xu Yin met another acquaintance—Jiang Shuoyun, who lost to her in the locomotive wild race.

  She sighed in her heart: It's true that we never meet again in life!

  Jiang Shuoyun straddled the locomotive against the light, looked at Xu Yin on the platform, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "It seems that we are quite destined, I was looking for you."

"Is there a problem?"

   "There is a rally around the mountain, not a wild race, but a regular race..."

   "Sorry, I said I didn't want to join the club."

Jiang Shuoyun smiled: "You can compete if you don't join. Our boss said, if you want, you can register in our club. Now this kind of public competition does not accept individual registration, there must be a club. The competition prize money belongs to You, our boss wants to use your strength to advertise the club."

  Xu Yin was about to shake her head, when she heard him say: "This time the bonus is 300,000, don't you really think about it?"

   She was shamefully tempted.

  It is true that there are too few working capital that can be mobilized at hand.

  Sneakily going to a competition to earn extra money, shouldn't it have any intersection with the plot?

"time and location?"

  Jiang Shuoyun smiled, and took out his phone from his coat pocket: "Add a WeChat account!"

   Just as the two were exchanging WeChat messages with their mobile phones, Ji Rongjin's car happened to pass by.

   "Damn it! Could this be her new boyfriend? Didn't he just break up? Got it again so soon?"

  Zhao Xiuyi clutched his chest, mourning heartbrokenly for the flower of love that withered before he had time to start.

  Ji Rongjin looked through the rearview mirror at the two people who were squinting behind their eyes and bowed their heads to talk, and a strange emotion that was inexplicable and unexplainable emerged in his heart.

   He couldn't help but slammed on the accelerator, and the car rushed out.

   "Fuck! What are you doing, Jin!"

  (end of this chapter)

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