The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 687: The best sister of the cannon fodder male supporting role (16)

  Chapter 687 Cannon fodder male supporting best sister (16)

  Xu Yin has been busy for a week, but the tree pit has been dug and the medicinal seeds have been sown.

  In the entire Crescent Lake, the two-kilometer-long embankment in front of her house is the most decent. The rest of the area around the lake is full of weeds and shrubs.

  However, some people followed her example and dug tree pits to plant trees. They also planted fruit trees, such as peach trees, plum trees, and red bayberry trees.

  In the land between the trees, vegetables were grown, flowers were grown, and some people even planted mushrooms.

  Xu Yin was delighted: From now on, if you want to eat, you don’t need to go to the vegetable market. The village can digest it internally.

  Village cadres are happy to see this result—not only does not need to pay the village, but also can make the lake embankment green and shady, and by the way, it also implements the spirit of the document issued by the superior department to build a new village with ecological civilization.

The village chief walked around the lake for half a circle with his hands behind his back. When he walked to the door of Xu's house, he was full of wonders when he saw the budding honeysuckle. He happened to see Xu Yishan coming over, and he stopped him and asked, "Yishan, by the lakeside of your house. What did you plant? I don’t think it looks like a vegetable, could it be a flower?”

  Xu Yishan replied cheerfully: "It's not a flower, it's a medicinal herb grown in yin yin. I heard her say it's honeysuckle."

   "Hey! That's why your family is particular about it. By the way," the village chief remembered one thing, "Is it true that Yinyin of your family won't go out to work?"

   "Yeah, she doesn't want to go out anymore, she said she wants to raise fish with me. Let her go, anyway, she won't see the little salary she earns from working outside, at home."

The village head asked: "Does she know how to use computers? Just enter some forms into the computer. Now every town is doing electronic operations, but our village still keeps accounts manually. The street does not know how to find I have talked several times. But you have also seen that there are no college students in our village who start their own businesses at home. Those who have the ability to pass the exam, who would want to come back? Yishan, your family Yinyin has attended high school anyway, listen It is said that there are computer classes in high school now, so they should be able to record the forms, right?"

  Xu Yishan twitched slightly when he heard this.

  Xin said that his daughter didn't pass the high school entrance exam, not to mention college, and went to the worst vocational high school in the county, and her graduation grades were terrible. Even if the school taught computer class, she might not have learned it.

  But seeing the village head looking at him eagerly, as if pinning the whole village's hopes on him... I couldn't bear to puncture this hope on the spot, so I said, "Then I'll go home and ask her."

   After a pause, he added another sentence: "But I guess she doesn't like sitting in front of the computer very much. I haven't seen her sitting quietly at the desk for more than half an hour since she was a child."

   During this period of time, I often saw her flipping through the book, but she read it really fast, like ten lines at a glance, and she didn't know if she understood it.

  So let the village chief prepare himself a little bit. Yinyin from his family may not be suitable for the part-time job that the village head said.

"Okay, okay, you go back and ask. You just tell her that there is not much to do, just record the forms and other things that need to be checked in the computer for us, and she does not need to do anything else. In terms of subsidies, I I will try to help her get as much as possible.”

  Xu Yishan nodded.

   Seeing him standing still, the village head became anxious: "Then you should ask quickly! I'll wait for your reply here."

  Xu Yishan: "..."

   In such a hurry?

   Originally wanted to procrastinate, after all, in his opinion, this matter probably won't work.

   Unexpectedly, when I went home and asked, my daughter actually agreed.

   "Yinyin, don't you think about it anymore?" Xu Yishan cautiously probed.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Isn’t it just recording a few electronic forms? Is this still worth considering?

   "Well, when you were in school, how did you do with computers? Did you pass the exams?"

   If you fail the exam, don't go out and shame yourself.

  Otherwise, what he said for her in front of the villagers would puncture the beauty of the appearance and reveal the cruelty of the truth.

  Xu Yin finally understood, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Dad, I'm pretty good at computers."

   "That's good, that's good!"

  Xu Yishan heaved a sigh of relief, and went to reply to the village chief with a smile on his face.

  In this way, Xu Yin took office and became an assistant to the village official outside the establishment of Yueyawan Village.

  There are not many things that require the use of computers in the village. On the first day, Xu Yin spent half a day entering all the accounts into the computer and making a spreadsheet. After that, half an hour every day for maintenance is basically enough.

  The village head was very happy to see that the matter that had been worrying for more than half a year was settled, and he would mention it every time he went to the street for a meeting.

  The street cadres got callused after hearing too much, and teased him: "Old Yan, since you are so optimistic about this young man, let her take the exam as a village official and absorb her into the organization."

  The village chief's eyes lit up: "Now you can take the exam after graduating from high school?"

  The street cadre choked for a moment, organized his words and said: "High school is not enough, at least a college diploma is required."

  The village head curled his lips: "That's a fart!"


  Having been in touch with Xu Yin a lot, the village head felt sorry for the child. If he had scored more points in the college entrance examination, he would have been able to pass the village official exam now if he almost got a junior college.

  He saw Xu Yin's ability to do things in his eyes, which was not inferior to those newly recruited college students on the street.

   "Ah Choo—"

  Xu Yin, who was waiting on the bunch of herbs in front of her house, rubbed her nose wonderingly. Could it be rhinitis? Why do you keep sneezing lately?

  The season is changing, it's time to stock up on some autumn and winter standing medicines.

   But she couldn't make something out of nothing, so she took some free time and planned to go to the pharmacy in the county town and pick up some homemade food for her high school student brother along the way.

She bought a piece of pork belly and five catties of chicken wings the day before, steamed a delicious pork belly with dried plums and vegetables, baked the chicken wings into crispy chicken wings that can be used as snacks, and chopped the extra pork belly with oil-absorbing dried bamboo shoots , steamed a basket of dried bamboo shoots and pork buns, and kept a few for the family for breakfast, and packed the rest in an insulated box, packed them up and took them to the younger brother's teething ceremony.

Fearing that the heat preservation box at home was not effective enough, and the food would be cold before school, Xu Yin put a hot spring blazing stone picked up by Xiuzhen Small World under the heat preservation box, a small piece of gravel, like a mobile heater. At the door, open the insulation box, and the vegetables and buns inside are still steaming, just like when they were just out of the pan.

  When she reached the gate of the school, she removed the hot spring blazing stone. I also brought two bags of fruit—a bag of apples and a bag of bananas.

  Xu Yin arrived on time, just in time for the last class in the morning when she arrived at the school gate.

  Perhaps because of the small county, the management is not as strict as that of big cities. Students who do not live on campus can go home to eat at noon. Students who live on campus, the school allows parents to deliver food and clothes to their children.

  After delivery, the doorman will notify a certain student of a certain class to pick it up through the school broadcast during recess.

  When the broadcast sounded, Xu Chuan was going to the cafeteria with his tablemate. Hearing this, he came to the gate with a puzzled face.

  Seeing that it was his sister who came to bring him vegetables and fruits, Jun blushed with excitement, which was unprecedented.

  (end of this chapter)

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