The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 679: The best sister of the cannon fodder male supporting role (8)

  Chapter 679 The best sister of the cannon fodder male supporting role (8)

   This is a tradition in Jingchang area, and the old Xu family is no exception. Old age care.

  Xu Yishan showed his son a house site early on. It is located on the side of the village road, very close to the entrance of the village. It is only a few steps away from the bus stop that goes to and from the county and passes through the town, but it is a little far away from the lake.

  In Xu Yin's opinion, that location is not as good as the old bungalow.

  At least here is a lake view room, quiet and beautiful, what is there? Along the village road, cars come and go, making a lot of noise and eating ashes.

  But the older generation who have suffered from dampness don’t think so.

  They feel that it is far away from the lake and the house is dry; it is close to the village road and it is convenient to take a car to the city.

  This is roughly like a siege - "people inside try to get out, and people outside sharpen their heads to get in".

  Xu Yin cleaned up the room, raised the curtain and walked to the dining room.

   "Dad, you're back? How's things going?"

"It went very well." Xu Yishan showed joy. It took half a day to go back and forth to the street. He was really thirsty. He drank a cup of cool water and wiped the corners of his mouth before saying, "The street said, I am the first contractor in our village. Praise. If it’s not in the village, let me pick it myself, instead of drawing lots, I just picked the area in front of my house, what do you think, mother?”

  Zhao Xiuhua nodded happily: "It must be good to be close to home! When the fish are raised, you can watch the fish pond by sitting at the door."

   "I think so too." Father Xu said cheerfully, "Then I'll buy the mesh tomorrow, and I can put the fish fry after pulling it out. Yinyin, what kind of fish do you think is good to raise?"

Xu Yin thought for a while and said: "The water quality in this lake is good, and you can raise any fish. But since you plan to start a business, you should raise economical benefits and coexist with shrimps and crabs. I think fathead fish is good, and the market demand is large. The key is that with it, the water quality will only be good or bad.”

   The scientific name of fat head fish is silver carp, and it lives by eating zooplankton.

   Zooplankton eat phytoplankton, so the waters with fat head fish tend to form a benign food chain.

  If you are worried about too much phytoplankton, you can raise another batch of silver carp, which eat algae and other phytoplankton.

  Generally speaking, the water quality in waters with these two kinds of fish is generally not bad. Because they can indirectly play a role in regulating water quality.

"When I was going through the formalities in the street, I also heard people say that we should raise two kinds of fathead fish and silver carp!" Xu Yishan happily agreed, and then asked, "What about shrimps and crabs? You don't need to specially raise seedlings, do you? There are a lot of them in the lake, but they are too small for no one to eat."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Why is no one eating it? Lake crabs that are ecologically farmed in high-quality water are hard to get by in the golden autumn and October.

  Shrimp is also, what does it matter if it is small? It is similar to wild ecological green shrimp, so why is there no market? The market price will only scare you to death.

   "Raise! I'm responsible for the sales!" Xu Yin made a bold decision.

   At worst, she is both a business owner and a boss. She pays with her left hand, receives the goods with her right hand, and stores them in the system warehouse.

  With such a good ecological breeding environment, it would be a waste not to raise some fish and shrimp.

   "Dad, let's set up another net, put a small fish pond in the big fish pond, and raise a few mandarin fish, I want to eat." Xu Yin was greedy.

   "It's not easy to want to eat." Xu Yishan immediately launched the fishing boat and dragged the fishing net, "I'll get out of the net right away. Now the lake in front of the door belongs to our family, and I won't be caught and fined."

"…"makes sense.

   "Dad, I'm going too!" Xu Chuan excitedly scrambled on his slippers and wanted to follow.

   "What are you going to do? You're only going to drag your feet." Xu Yishan stared, "Have you finished your summer homework? Are you sure about going to college? Nothing, and you only want to go out to play?"

   "Uh..." Xu Chuan was scolded by his father and went back to his room to do his homework.

Dad Xu cleaned up the messy fishing nets that had not been used for a long time, and he was still a little bit swearing: "Xu Chuan, your teacher said that your current grades are not as good as your undergraduate degree, don't always think about playing, work hard. Think about when your sister..."

   Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, unable to break it anymore, after all, his daughter didn't like studying at that time, alas...

  Xu Yin: "..."


  Where is the halo of the old school bully? Why is this small world not working at all?


  Xu Yishan went fishing, Xu Chuan studied in his room, Xu Yin planned to go to the county town and quit his job.

   Zhao Xiuhua heard that she was going to quit her job, and watched her daughter hesitate to speak.

   "Mom, do you have something to tell me?" Xu Yin understood it at a glance.

  Zhao Xiuhua hesitated for a moment, and said, "Why don't you go to work. With me and your dad at home, you should be busy."

  No matter what the part-time job is, the monthly salary is still guaranteed. The matter of raising fish has not yet been decided, and I always feel uneasy to quit my job and go home now.

  Xu Yin understood Mama Xu's feelings.

  If she is just an ordinary vocational high school graduate, without the skill book of energy exchange, high-quality fry from many small worlds, or the bait formula that fish, shrimp and crabs like very much, she will have no idea.

   But now that she has the cheats mentioned above, so what if she puts it all together?

Life can have a few back stroke?

   "Mom, don't worry! If it doesn't work, let's put less fish fry. This year, we will raise the original fish in the lake and sell them for a good price. When we have the capital, we will do a big job next year!"

   After comforting her mother, Xu Yin carried a backpack and went out.

  Zhao Xiuhua thought about it for a while, wondering if it is the same as not saying it?

  What is she worried about? Isn't it just that I am worried that my daughter quits her job and goes home to raise fish with her father. In the end, she can't raise anything well and loses her job.


  When Zhao Xiuhua thought something wrong, she immediately chased her out of the house, but there was nowhere to be seen her daughter.

  This girl moves pretty fast.

  Xu Yin was afraid that her mother would come to her senses and stop her from resigning, so could she not run fast?

  She trotted all the way to the bus stop at the entrance of the village, jumped on a passing urban and rural bus, sat in the county seat, and found the shopping mall where Yuan Bo worked.

  Perhaps it is because the wages of the counter staff are low, and some people resign almost every month. The recruitment notice of the mall is posted at the entrance of the mall, but it has never been removed.

  Xu Yinlai resigned, but her supervisor didn't say anything, and let her go through a process, and after completing the procedures, it was over.

   It was her colleague at the counter who asked curiously: "Xiao Xu, have you found your next job? How is the salary? It must be much higher than here, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't leave."

  Xu Yin waved her hand modestly: "No, I plan to go home."

   "Going home? What are you doing at home? You went back to go on a blind date after two days off? Are you going to get married? I didn't say that, even if you get married, it's better for us women to have a job."

  Xu Yin囧: What did she say that she was getting married? This jump is too big. It was bigger than the cake she drew for Xu Ma.

   "No, I'm not married, I'm just going home..."

  (end of this chapter)

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