The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 664: Vase female supporting desert island farming (36)

  Chapter 664 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (36)

  Fortunately, there are many people, and everyone divides the work, some clean up, and some use bamboo baskets to fertilize the vegetable garden.

  The vegetable garden couldn't bear so much fertilizer, so Xu Yin fell in love with another piece of land, and after it was opened, the land would be fertilized first.

   Two watermelons are reserved for breeding. When the time comes, vegetables will be grown over there and melons will be grown here.

  Once a person is busy, he will not feel the coolness brought by the rainy season, on the contrary, he will sweat from the heat.

  After the rainy season, visibility is high again.

  The sky is high and the sea is wide, everyone resumed burning wet branches regularly and sending out distress signals on time.

  No way, seabirds are unreliable, they can only rely on themselves.

   Just in the middle of Ada’s "Fire Sinking Tribe" engraving plan, the burning distress smoke finally matched the time of the passenger plane flying by perfectly.

   The wind happened to be low, and the smoke shot straight into the sky like a column.

   "What's next?"

   "Is it on fire? So much smoke?"

  In the passenger plane, the passengers who were looking out the window to see the scenery noticed the thick smoke curling up when they looked down, and chatted curiously.

  When the trained crew members heard this, their hearts skipped a beat, and they quickly reported to the team leader: there may be survivors calling for help in the sea area their flight passed.

  The team leader informed the captain, and the captain got in touch with the air traffic control by radio, reporting the smoke situation and the specific time when the route passed through this place.

  As soon as the air traffic control received the news, they immediately asked their superiors for instructions.

  A few months ago, Liuli Island, a world-famous resort, was hit by a super typhoon and a tsunami, causing many tourists to go missing. The rescue operation has not stopped until now.

  When the news that all the members of the "Love, Guest Officer" program team were also on the list of missing persons was posted on the Internet, several hot searches were also made.

  After all, Tang Yitian and Gu Yihang, the sweet CP of the popular Xiaohua + domineering president combination, are still very popular among everyone.

  Vase Xu Yin's popularity is not as high as Tang Yitian's, but she is beautiful, with a frown and a smile. Not long after her debut, she has been searched countless times because of her beauty. Some scold her, and some are fans of her.

   Therefore, as soon as the news of the loss of contact spread back to China, countless fans flocked to the scarfs of a few of them, leaving messages one after another, praying for their safe return.

  Subsequently, another gossip said that the prince of the Lu Group was also missing, including his luxury yacht that had just picked up the goods from overseas not long ago.

   But I don't know if it's because Lu's side is unwilling to face this fact. This news was suppressed within a few seconds after it was released, and the water didn't even splash.

In any case, no matter how sensational the incident was when it happened, as time goes by little by little, until the past three months and a hundred days, whether it is the family members of the lost contact or the netizens who followed the incident, they are actually very concerned about the incident. Clear: The odds of survival of the lost are slim to none.

   Relatives or Yu Bei, others have also sung.

   Just when the voice of concern about this incident on the Internet was gradually diminishing, there was a sudden news that: In a remote sea area of ​​the South Pacific, an unknown smoke appeared straight into the sky, which may be a distress signal sent by survivors.

   Various social platforms are boiling!

  Hot searches exploded!

  [I said that it might have been blown to some corner by the typhoon. The wind was so strong at that time, and it is not impossible for the Indian Ocean to be swept into the Pacific Ocean. ]

  [Brother, you are an afterthought. ]

  [You are smart! At that time, it was not that rescue ships and helicopters were not dispatched. I heard that the Lu family has not given up until now, and even hired deep-sea divers to search the bottom of the sea, saying that they want to see people in life and dead bodies in death. ]

  [If you are really alive, that would be great! ]

  [Tears! Tears! ]

[I hope it's true! Don't give us hope and let us down again! ]

  [The latest news, the National Sea Search and Rescue Center has organized a medical aid team to search and rescue in the smoky sea area! ]

  [Wait for a miracle to happen! ]

  [Wait for a miracle+1]

  [Paddle at work, catch fish at work, fortunately, the boss is paying attention to this news like us, and has no time to control us. (dog head)]

  [I plan to close the store and go out of business, and I don’t have the heart to go to work today, so I will be stationed in Bibo, waiting for the report from the scene. ]

  [I envy everyone upstairs! ]


  The boiling outside did not affect the people on the island.

  Fang Jing and the others finished burning the wet branches, pointed to the sky and cursed, "Idiot flight, I don't know how to look down", and then went to play mahjong.

   I thought that, like the previous few times, the rising smoke still failed to attract the attention of the passing flight.

   I have been disappointed so many times that my heart is numb.

   Today, they finally cleared the stinky seabird beach into a clean area, referred to as "pure land".

In this pure land, they set up a cross-section of a thick palm tree trunk as a mahjong table. day off.

  Xu Yin and Lu Chenjin were busy with the daily procedures in the melon field: weeding, catching insects, loosening the soil, watering, and then sat under the palm trees to drink water and rest.

   Today's desert island, at first glance, is still a desert island, after all, it is backward, but if you look carefully, it is still very different from when they first came to the island.

At least the green is more conspicuous, and after some planning, it can’t be said to be as uniform as the military parade. Anyway, the classification is very recognizable: here are vegetables, there are melons, and in the past, they are famous and not. Famous wildflower gathering place.

  Although the tree house and wooden house are one in the east and one in the west, they are not very regular, but they are actually very regular—that is, they are all on the highlands.

   Afraid of the sudden rainstorm!

   Gu Yihang, who had turned black into an infrastructure madman, specially captured highlands to build wooden houses.

  The blade of the fire ax was no longer sharp, so he found a stone to sharpen it.

  No one would listen to persuasion... Of course, no one persuaded him.

  Ji Xiuming: Without a rival in love, it’s too late to be happy, so why persuade?

  Fang Jing: When you turn around and beat his back and relax his shoulders, there is a ready-made wooden house to live in. Who is so stupid to persuade him?

  Others: As long as you don’t put on a smug face of “you are all mentally handicapped”, do what you like, at least work harder than the group of people who think about mahjong all the time, give you a thumbs up!

   In this way, Gu Yihang half pushed and half became the infrastructure commander of the survival team.

   Xu Yin abdicated to let the virtuous, not to mention how easy it is.

  Looking back at the country that led the big guys to lay down for more than a hundred days, isn't this already pretty decent?

   Explore a deserted island—get! (I don’t know how many times I have walked the island back and forth, have you seen that the bird droppings on the seabird beach have been dug three feet into the ground?)

  Survival desert island—get! (The people's livelihood issues of food, drink and housing have been solved long ago, and there is also a direction for clothing, so survival is no problem!)

  Experience the joy of collecting and planting—get! (Is it not happy to eat vegetables? Is it not happy to eat melons?)

  Rekindle the hope of life—get! (I am very energetic every day - looking forward to taking a break to play mahjong, is this not the hope of life?)

  So—every item has been obtained, why is it that the system has not seen the "ding" for so long?

  Brother Tong Zi, you won’t fall asleep, will you?

  (end of this chapter)

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