The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 657: Vase female supporting desert island farming (29)

  Chapter 657 Vase Female Supporting Desert Island Farming (29)

  Fang Jing was so ashamed that he covered his **** and ran to the cabin to change his pants.

After returning, the shame on his face was still there, but his face was serious: "Comrades, have you thought about one problem, one pair of pants is torn and one pair is missing. Anyway, I only have this last pair left. If this pair is scratched again, What if you don’t have any pants to change?”

   "I've thought about it a long time ago. I really don't have any clothes to change, so I just wear swimming trunks and treat myself as if I'm here for a vacation and sunbathe." Xiao Zhao shrugged helplessly.

  Fang Jing said angrily, "You have swimming trunks, but I don't! I left my swimming trunks at the hotel!"

   At that time, he was in a hurry, and the staff kept rushing him, saying not to bring too much luggage, so he stuffed a suitcase indiscriminately, and threw everything that couldn’t fit in the resort hotel.

  Everyone gave him sympathetic eyes.

  He was stunned: "What? You all brought it? I didn't bring it?"

   Seeing everyone nodding in unison, he hugged his head and howled in frustration, and almost grabbed the ground with his head: "Why am I so unlucky!"

  Gu Yihang patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, don't worry, when you really run out of pants, we will take turns borrowing you swimming trunks for a day."

  Fang Jing: "..."

   Even the tender and delicious cabbage can't save his depressed mood at the moment.

  However, when he really started to eat, he immediately became lively again:

"Xu Yin, ever since I came to this ghostly place, you are the one I admire the most! Why do you think you are so good? Not to mention recognizing the cabbage, but also fattening it. Look at how well this cabbage grows! The 20 yuan or a small handful of organic cabbage I have eaten before is still delicious."

  Lu Chenjin glanced at him, and a look of guard flashed in his eyes.

  Take a pair of freshly sharpened wooden chopsticks, put a few chopsticks of boiled cabbage into Xu Yin's coconut shell bowl: "Thank you for your hard work, eat more."

  Xu Yin glanced at him with a smile: "Thank you."

  Lu Chenjin's ears trembled slightly, and then he distributed the remaining cabbage to Director Cheng, Assistant Director Qi and others.

  When Fang Jing closed his eyes and enjoyed the first mouthful of cabbage, he raised his chopsticks and wanted to take another bite, but found that the cabbage was gone...


  Why are you eating so fast? I just took a bite! Don't you understand the truth that good things should be chewed slowly and enjoyed?

   Ada, who noticed his boss's tricks, turned his face away and snickered: The boss is probably jealous.

   Guarded against Gu Yihang, but failed to guard against Fang Jing.

   Unexpectedly, the prince of the Lu family, who is worth tens of billions, would be so afraid of wolves and tigers after chasing someone!

  In any case, the serving of cabbage brought a bit of fun to this period of homelessness, and also gave everyone a shot of stimulant to their anxious hearts.

  After that, everyone scrambled to maintain the transplanted vegetable seedlings.

  In the past, who of these people would touch the fertilizer in the field? Not to mention touching, seeing someone fertilizing from a distance would rather take a long way to avoid it.

   Having said that, if it weren’t for filming and recording programs, with their identities and coffee positions, they would not have encountered such things as farmer uncles fertilizing crops.

   Now, who cares whether the taste is strong or not, all they know is that this green vegetable seedling will be their ration for the next N days (N = unknown).

   This is not only ordinary cabbage, but also not ordinary cabbage.

   They care for them like newborn babies.

  It’s raining heavily, and the first thing to worry about is not whether you will get wet, but whether the vegetable seedlings will be wilted by the bean-sized raindrops, so they braved the rain to build a canopy with vines as umbrellas for the growing vegetable garden;

  When the sun is on, what worries me the most is not whether I will get tanned, sunburned, or peeled off, but whether the vegetable seedlings will be burned by the hot sun.

  Fortunately, the canopy can also block the sun. The vines grow too densely, so cut them down appropriately to ensure the rainwater and sunshine.

  Sunshine, rain and dew are all their love for vegetable seedlings!

  Since we have this vegetable garden, we have focused our hearts and efforts in one place, our struggle has a direction, and our lives have hope.

  Even though they didn't see any planes passing over them for more than half a month, they didn't seem so disappointed and sad anymore.

  Green is indeed the color of life and hope.

   On this day, it was Fang Jing's turn to fertilize and water the vegetable garden.

  He carefully watered a cabbage plant with several bulbs, and then checked for caterpillars, which had to be caught quickly.

   No matter how economical the cabbage was, it was almost finished, and Xu Yin said she wanted to save the few remaining cabbages.

  So cabbage will be the "main green" on their table for some time in the future, and they don't have to be carefully served.

  Fortunately, there were no insects. Fang Jing heaved a sigh of relief, and pushed aside a large clump of leaves next to him. He was stunned for a while, and shouted in surprise:

   "Come and see! What is this! Melon! Hahaha! There is watermelon!"

  Hearing the word "watermelon", others quickly gathered around.

   "Is it true? There are watermelons?"

"where is it?"

   "Here! Here!"

  Fang Jing turned sideways, showing them a small watermelon lying under a leaf.

   It is really a small watermelon, the smallest one cannot be smaller.

  Because it has just bear fruit, it is not as big as a baby's fist.

   But this does not hinder their happiness.

   "There are watermelons on this island!"

   "It seems that God really takes care of us."

   "Great! I can't stop drooling at the thought of eating watermelon."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Xu Yin was also very happy to see everyone's spirits being aroused by a small watermelon seedling, and it was worth her effort to sow the seeds.

  Although a lot of watermelon seeds have been sprinkled out, the survival is only in single digits, but as long as there are survivals, it proves that watermelons can grow here. In less than a month, there will be watermelons to eat!

  So, after Chinese cabbage, watermelon has become the favorite of everyone.

  Every morning, noon and night, there are people walking around the melon seedlings, and from time to time they burst into exclamation:

   "Wow! I haven't seen you all night, and Baby Melon seems to have grown up again!"

   "I haven't come all morning, it's a big circle."

   "According to this rate, you can eat it in less than a month?"


  The fate of co-authoring group pets is to eat them in the stomach?

  When the first melon bears fruit for half a month, another melon seedling also bears fruit.

  Now, everyone is even more busy, and they start betting on which melon tastes better.

  The most lively ones are the male compatriots.

  Build two more wooden houses, call it a day and return to the base camp. Before dinner, go to see the melons, and bet on which melons look delicious.

   "The first melon must be the tastiest! The first melon!"

   "That's not necessarily the case, just like the first child may not be the smartest."


  Is there any comparison between the two?

   "By the way, this is not one melon vine and two melons, it is obviously two melon vines. How about two families who don't get along at all!"

   "That's why I said there is no comparison, you have to compare which one is sweeter."


alright, you win.

  The female compatriots gradually turned their attention to other vegetables.

  Since even watermelons can be found on the island, will there be other vegetables and fruits?

   "There must be! I found this melon seedling near the habitat of seabirds. If it was brought by seabirds, there may be other things." Xu Yin pushed the boat along and tricked them to complete the collection task together.

  (end of this chapter)

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