The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 626: Sixty Things Fine Plant Flowers (50)

  Chapter 626 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (50)

  Chairman Qi returned to the field dazed with the news of the thunderous dry land.

  Xu Yin was no less surprised than him when she received the personnel appointment notice from the deputy director.

  But what she is doing now is actually the job of the deputy director, the only difference is that she didn't have a title before, but now she is justified.

  Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is nothing to be surprised about.

  So concerned about the business: "Director, is our food processing sideline going to work?"

  Chief Qi: "..."

  Why aren't you surprised? Just thinking about side jobs.

  Old Qi, I completely forgot about this, okay!

   Fortunately, the farm is no longer under the jurisdiction of the textile factory, and is an independent department. It is a small matter to engage in sideline business, and the head of the farm can make up his own mind.

  So, after the pigs that were still overfulfilled this year were slaughtered, the food processing workshop was launched in full swing, recruiting, training, and division of labor... Finally, Pingcheng's first nutritious and delicious walnut powder was launched a few years ago.

   "The shell is thin, the kernels are white and the body is big, and the effect of dietary therapy and health care is good!

  Choose it as a souvenir during the New Year and holidays, and to honor the elders! "

  This winter, advertisements for walnut powder swept the streets and alleys of Pingcheng.

  Go back to her mother's house? Carry a can of walnut powder!

  Go to the mother-in-law's house? Carry a can of walnut powder!

  Visiting old leaders? Carry a can of walnut powder!

  Walnut powder replaced malted milk in the hearts of the older generation.

   There is no need to consider walnut products such as walnut cake, walnut crisp, walnut sesame cake, etc. Just one walnut powder will clear the walnut inventory of the farm.

  The "pig-marsh-fruit" farming model has successfully landed!

  Everywhere heard about the deeds of this farm in Pingcheng, and learned from it one after another, and the promotion of biogas has never been smoother.

  Xu Yin has included goat milk in her daily production plan since she rolled out the food processing workshop.

  So, after walnut powder, the food processing workshop under the farm launched goat milk powder, which eased the milk powder market that was always in short supply.

  The following year, the farm manager Qi retired, and Xu Yin was undoubtedly the best candidate to take over the farm.

  The contributions she has made to the farm over the years are obvious to all.

  The superiors voted unanimously, and Xu Yin was successfully promoted to the director of Pingcheng Farm and the person in charge of its food processing workshop.

  Just got the official seal and moved into the bright and spacious director's office, Xu's mother dragged Xu Rong to the door crying.

"Fourth, only you can save Xiaowu. He is only sixteen years old, how can he go to the countryside? How poor are those places! Please help me to put him in a job here, not a regular worker, but a temporary worker too. Okay!"

  Xu Yin knew what it was without guessing.

  She ignored Xu's mother, but asked Xu Rong: "What do you think, Xiao Wu?"

   "Fourth sister, I, I don't know." Xu Rong looked blank, "I heard from them that going to the countryside is very hard, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear that hardship..."

"The only way to be a master is to endure hardships. Fourth sister, I worked in the factory at the beginning. I didn't suffer much. Do you know how it went? Later, I was transferred to the farm and suffered hardships, so I have the life I have now. .”

  Xu Rong's eyes lit up instantly: "Then I'll go to the countryside!"

  Xu's mother broke down: "What are you talking about, fourth child! You were asked to put a job for your brother, why did you push him to go to the countryside instead? You are still not human!"

  Xu Yin sorted out the documents on the case, and said slowly: "Others can go, why can't Xiao Wu go?"

   "You are the head of the field, you can give him a job. With a job, Xiao Wu doesn't have to go!"

   "Then everyone comes to me for a job, how can I carry out my work?"

   "What do you care about other people! Just take care of your own family! Xiao Wu is your own brother and not someone else!"

  Xu Yin ignored her.

Xu's mother was so angry at her attitude that she yelled: "I gave birth to you for nothing! Since you were transferred to the farm, what contribution have you made to the family? Your salary is in your own hands, and you will get it back every year and holidays." The things in the family are always only your father’s share. I worked hard to bring you up, but I didn’t enjoy your blessings at all... The second child was transferred to another post and wanted you to help, but you refused; the third child fell in love with it The little accountant in the finance department wants to get you connected and you say you're not a matchmaker..."

  The more you complain, the more angry you become.

  This dead girl, I don't know how to make outsiders talk to her and help her.

yes! She does bring gifts home every year and festival, but those things are either cigarettes, wine, tea for her wife, or a few packets of snacks that Xiao Wu likes. It looks like a lot of things, but none of them are actually what she needs;

  What annoyed her the most was that the fourth child was determined not to contribute when the second child was transferred, so she won the trust of other employees, and felt that she was a leader and acted fairly and did not rely on cronyism;

The fourth child is still unwilling to match up with the third child. The little accountant whom the third child likes turned around and started dating the daughter of the Liu family, which made the third child cry. Instead, the Liu family reconciled with the fourth child through this matter. Already...

   All these piles, one by one, seemed overwhelming to Xu's mother, and the fourth child with his elbow turned outward made her angrier and angrier the more she thought about it.

"Outsiders look at our family with envy. In fact, you didn't help the family earn anything. Now Xiao Wu is going to the countryside. If you, the older sister, don't help, are you still a member of the old Xu family? Published in the newspaper Get rid of the relationship!"

  Xu Yin was waiting for her words, and said kindly: "Okay! When will it be published in the newspaper? I will definitely respect mother's wishes."

  In this sensitive and suspicious age, children who voluntarily leave the family and sever the parent-child relationship with their parents will definitely become the talk of the neighbors after dinner, and become the best example of "unfilial piety" in their mouths.

  Although she doesn't care about being gossiped about, she is not alone after all. Apart from her father Xu, who is the only one in her original family who has expressed kindness to her, there is also Comrade Xiaojin and his kind family!

   What's more, there will be variables that no one can predict in the next few years, and any flaws may be magnified. The party who is impatient can easily be pinched.

  But it would be great if Mother Xu proposed it first.

  Xu's mother looked at the fourth child who had a faint look of expectation in her words, and choked in her heart: "..."

  Damn girl! Even saying that can't shake her heart of stone!

   "What crime have I committed! I have given birth to so many children, and none of them is sensible. They are obviously capable but don't know how to share for the family..." She sat down on the ground and howled hysterically.

  Xu Rong was worried that the fourth sister was really divorced from the family, so he stopped the crying mother Xu and persuaded:

"Mother! Don't be like this. In fact, what the fourth sister said is right! A man's ambition is everywhere. If he doesn't work hard at this time, he will be mediocre for the rest of his life! I want to go to the countryside! I want to be as capable as the fourth sister! Mother, don't do it for me again! Don't worry, I've grown up, I'll decide my own affairs!"


  Mother Xu didn't faint from anger.

  When she was a child, Xiao Wu, who listened to her in everything, actually told her not to worry about it from now on, he decided on his own affairs.

  (end of this chapter)

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