The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 623: Sixty Things Fine Plant Flowers (47)

  Chapter 623 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (47)

  As soon as Xu Yin returned to the farm, she was called by the head of the farm to participate in the Labor Model Commendation Conference on May Day.

  She was pushed by the city to the capital to participate in the National Model Worker Award for her detailed improvement, economical and environmentally friendly "pig-biogas-fruit" biogas digester linkage construction, and she really won the evaluation.

   "Xiao Xu, you are not only the only one in our factory, but also the only one in the city!"

  Chief Qi held the medal of the National Model Worker and touched it fondly.

  Xu Yin knows the main reason for being rated as a national model worker—indirectly supporting the construction of biogas digesters vigorously promoted by the state!

  She is equivalent to riding the wind of the new era and the good luck of the motherland.

   "Xiao Xu, now you have become a celebrity. Not only are you walking sideways in the textile factory, but other factories may also come to invite you. You won't leave the farm, will you?"

  Chief Qi was a little worried.

  Since he came to Xu Yin, his work has been easier than in previous years, and his achievements are obvious to all. From time to time, he is praised by his superiors, and he walks to the general factory for meetings.

  If Xiao Xu leaves, he will be at a loss. He will not know what to develop and what to do next.

"Xiao Xu, I sincerely want to keep you. You see, I will retire within two years at the most. I have expressed my opinion to Director Lin and Secretary Xiang. I will definitely recommend you as the next director. You can't just leave Let's go! The farm still needs you to push it forward!"

  Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "Director, what are you talking about! Why should I leave?"

   "Now you may not have this idea, but if the benefits offered by those units outside are far better than ours, wouldn't you be tempted?"

Xu Yin shook her head: "I'm not interested in those positions. I think the farm is very good. Besides breeding, it can also be planted. And you see, I have settled my home here. It took a winter to cut bamboo into bamboo boards. The ground is good, and insect-repelling flowers and plants have been planted in the yard, so I don’t want to leave!”

   "Hahaha! It's best not to go! It's best not to go!" The director of the field cheered, and patted Xu Yin on the shoulder vigorously, "Continue to maintain the current momentum, and the next field leader must be you!"

  In the past, he would still worry about the difficulties of the head of the factory, but now...he is a national model worker, even if it is for the purpose of retaining, the leaders will let Xu Yin be the head of the factory.

  Xu Yin is really not interested in the head of the farm, but she suddenly thought of one thing...

  The farm manager Qi just retired at that time. If the new farm manager appointed by the superior is keen on making noise and making noise, and doesn't care about the operation and production of the farm, the consequences will be disastrous.

  If you want to live in this world safely, you have to hold your destiny firmly in your own hands.

  After making up her mind, Xu Yin no longer refused to let the head of the factory take her to the main factory for meetings from time to time to show her face, and occasionally give advice to the leaders.

After coming and going, whether it is the leaders of the main factory branch or other brother units, they can all see that Comrade Xu Yin will most likely not be transferred to other positions in other departments. I have not seen that the head of Qi is already training like heirs. She is gone.

  In the middle of May, the walnut tree transplanted last fall bloomed.

  Xu Yin thought it would not bloom this year. After all, it has only been three years since the grafting.

   Unexpectedly, it opened, and it opened very vigorously.

   It can be seen that watering with spirit dew and topdressing with decomposed biogas residues, the effect is awesome!

  The flowers of the walnut tree are very similar to the caterpillars on the poplar tree. They are fleshy and hang down in bunches.

  The wind blows, swaying with the wind like a wind chime, very interesting.

  Although walnut blossoms are ugly in appearance, they are far less beautiful than peach blossoms, pear blossoms, and apricot blossoms, but they taste very good.

  The free-range chickens have been gathering under the walnut tree recently, and when walnut blossoms fall, they rush to grab food.

   Gradually, the ewes also walked under the walnut tree.

  Eat all the walnut flowers on the ground, and raise their necks to eat the walnut leaves they can reach, worrying that they will eat up the leaves and have to drive them back to the sheepfold.

   Not only the animals in the farm like to eat walnut flowers, but also the workers.

  Come over after work to see if there are any freshly fallen walnut blossoms, and pick them up to blanch cold salad or scrambled eggs.

  Unfortunately, as long as there are flocks of chickens, no one can pick them up.

  Xu Yin cut off the male flowers, leaving only the female flowers, hoping to bear fruit.

  The male flowers can't bear fruit anyway, so I share it with everyone and add another dish.

  Sheng Yujin came to see her at the end of her flowering period.

  He has been on a lot of business trips recently, so he just came back from buying goods from other cities yesterday.

  Xu Yin saw that his eye sockets were sunken, probably because he didn't sleep well.

   "Let's have a simple lunch at noon. After eating, you can go to my dormitory to catch up on sleep. In the evening, I will get some fish and shrimp for you."

  In the village on the other side of the river, the paddy fields began to release water again, and the river bank dropped a few feet. Xu Yin planned to catch some fish and shrimp.

  After the beginning of spring, she put a lot of fry and shrimps down, hoping that they would all survive.

   "There is no rush to eat, I have something to tell you."

  Sheng Yujin held her wrist and led her to the walnut grove.

   Facing the bunch of walnut flowers that will be thanked by Xie Weixie, he spread out his palm, revealing a pure gold plain ring, and put it on her **** seriously.

  Xu Yin smiled and met his seductive eyes with a bit of nervousness: "Don't you want to say something?"

   "Cough." Sheng Yujin cleared her throat, looked at her solemnly and asked, "Will you marry me? I will treat you well for the rest of my life."


   Thought he would say something, but it turned out so straightforward?

  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing, she looked down at the ring ring shining in the sun, then looked up at the green and fuzzy walnut flowers, and smiled slightly: "All right!"


  Sheng Yujin excitedly picked her up and spun her around under the walnut tree.

   Annoyed that the chickens were clucking to peck him.

   This guy is so annoying! They even trampled their favorite walnut blossoms!

  Xu Yin put her arms around his neck and laughed.

   "Put me down now! Beware of the rooster coming to peck you!"


  After Xu Yin agreed to his marriage proposal, the wedding date was also fixed—the National Day festival with the cool autumn breeze.

  Although Xu Yin said that the bride price doesn't matter, the Sheng family still prepared a generous gift.

In addition to the thirty-six-legged furniture and double pillows for two quilts made for the wedding room, an additional big red envelope was sealed, and a load was picked: a pair of pig knuckles and two carp were placed in a basket. In the other basket are wedding cloths, wedding cakes, wedding candies, and longan, peanuts, red dates and other happy fruits. There are ten kinds of them, which imply perfection.

  It means that the one-in-a-million cash red envelope of 101 yuan was given to Sheng Yujin directly to Xu Yin, while the other betrothal gifts went to the old Xu's family.

  No matter how her family treats her, Zheng Bajing Xiapin seems to respect her.

  He didn't want her to marry him and be talked about by outsiders.

  (end of this chapter)

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