The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 620: Sixty Things Fine Plant Flowers (44)

  Chapter 620 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (44)

  Actually, bathing for five cents is not cheap, and it doesn’t cost much.

  It used to be troublesome to carry water, but now there are pressurized wells and a river channel water intake method called siphon developed by Xu Yin.

   Just like that, five cents for one person, one cent for two people, fifteen cents for three people...

  Chief Qi glanced at the ledger handed over by Accountant Xiao, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Hey! So many?"

   Accountant Xiao beamed: "This is as of yesterday, and I haven't counted the bath tickets handed in today."


   What kind of expansion and expansion are you doing? Just open a bathhouse as a side job!

   This is of course a joke, it is impossible to really use the bathhouse as a side job.

   Otherwise, what kind of farm is it called?

  But it is true that during the time before this period, this bathhouse, which is not considered a sideline business, earned a considerable amount of extra money for the farm.

  The director Qi was happy, and took out some of them to purchase a batch of cooking oil and rice noodles, and distributed them to the employees as extra benefits.

  This year, the workers in the farm are very happy.

   Grain, oil, rice noodles, pork and live chicken, every family can have a prosperous new year.

  The batch of tender chickens subscribed before, let them peck insects and graze under the walnut tree during the day, and rush back to the chicken coop at night to feed a meal of wheat bran.

   After three months, they have grown big and fat. Not to mention roosters, hens are very ferocious, and they flap very vigorously.

  The employees who only bought one regretted it. They should have bought two more at that time.

  Chinese New Year chickens and ducks are so expensive, you may not be able to buy them if you have a ticket, and the ones you buy are not so fat.

  It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and if you miss it, you miss it.

  There is no such store in this village, so there will be no such good things next year. Next year, the public will raise them by themselves. In addition to chickens and sheep, there will be no space for employees to subscribe.

   Of the five chickens that Xu Yin subscribed for, two were planned to be raised by Sheng Yujin from the beginning.

   There are three left, two are kept for myself to eat slowly, and one is taken home, which is counted as the food allowance for the Chinese New Year.

   In addition, she received one bonus and two more prizes than other employees.

  The reward was given to her by the head of the farm to reward her contribution to the farm in the past six months.

  Without her, the farm would still be the same as in previous years, except for some leftover pork, pig bones, and pig offal, nothing else. Nor will he be rewarded by his leaders.

   Therefore, he gave this bonus quite happily.

  The two prizes were the advanced individual and the municipal model worker. The former was given to her by the factory union—an enamel cup, and the latter was given to her by the city union—a set of enamel washbasins, soap, and towels.

  The red list is still posted in each factory department. How could Xu's mother not know that her fourth child was rated as an advanced worker and a model worker, so she hoped that she would take home the enamel washbasin and enamel cup and save it for Xiaowu to marry a wife.

  Unexpectedly, Xu Yin never thought about bringing these things back. Firstly, it was too troublesome, and secondly, Sheng Yujin really went to apply for a wedding room.

  Director Qi received the contact form from the main factory, and asked Xu Yin to tease him a few words:

"You need to approve the house when you get married, just ask me to do it. It's just a few steps away, how convenient, why do you let your partner go to the main factory for approval. The approval is still the staff room of our farm, no It's still going to fall into my hands..."

  Xu Yinjiong: "..."

  Where did she expect her comrade Xiaojin to be so anxious, and the wedding date has not yet been set, so she went to apply for the wedding room.

   Fortunately, she and he are both employees of the textile factory. If two employees apply for a wedding room, the factory will definitely arrange it. In particular, one is the backbone of the Ministry of Transport, and the other is the advanced farmer. No matter what happens, priority must be given.

Director Qi asked her to choose by herself: "It's a pity that you are a year late. At this time last year, the building had just been built, so you can choose any room. Now the building is full, and there is only one room next to the stairs. Not only is it small in size, There is only one window. There are quite a few vacant rooms in the one-story house, but you young people must prefer buildings..."

  Xu Yin said without hesitation: "I choose a bungalow."

  The one-story house has a yard, and the yard is very large, so you can grow whatever you want.

   "Huh?" Chief Qi asked in surprise, "The one-story house is an old house left before the founding of the People's Republic of China. The ground is all mud. Are you used to living in it?"

  Xu Yin thought about it, and asked: "The mud floor is very damp, can I use bamboo to pave it for a little modification?"

   "Of course you are willing to spend time tinkering."

   In this way, she chose a bungalow at the far east as the wedding room.

  The house has windows on three sides. The east window looks out to the river less than 30 meters away. On the other side of the river is the farmland of a nearby village.

  On the west side, separated by a wall are the young couple who work under Sister Tian. They just got married this year, and they don’t have many kind words.

  In short, except for the fact that there are more bugs in this house in summer, she is very satisfied with everything else.

  She is not afraid of insects. She has insect-resistant plants and herbs, which are planted in a circle in and outside the yard, and supplemented with insect-repellent sachets and mosquito-repellent dew. Maybe when the time comes, there will be fewer mosquitoes in her house than in the building.

  Now that the wedding room has been applied for, the brand new enamel washbasin, enamel cup and so on are naturally reserved for the wedding.

   Not to mention her own prizes, even Sheng Yujin's year-end reward for outstanding backbones—the phoenix peony porcelain teapot with a copper handle was also placed here with her.

  On Chinese New Year's Day, Xu Yin brought back a chicken, two bottles of old wine bought for Xu's father, and a pack of fried peanuts to go with the wine.

  Mother Xu was overjoyed when she saw the chicken she brought back. This year the second child married a daughter-in-law, and the new daughter-in-law is celebrating the New Year at her in-law’s house for the first time. The New Year’s Eve dinner should not be too shabby.

"Fourth, don't you send out pork?" Xu's mother brought the chicken into the kitchen and asked Xu Yin casually, "And what about the prizes for the advanced and model workers? I heard that there are enamel washbasins and enamel cups. How about you?" Give it to me, next time when Xiao Wu gets married, I can save it and buy it."

Xu Yin was washing the cabbage, and said to her slowly: "Isn't it too early for Xiao Wu to get married? You can let him earn by himself. Like me, he can be rated as an advanced worker and a model worker. The enamel washbasin and enamel cup can all work together." ? Oh, this year there is an extra towel and a piece of soap than in previous years."

  Mother Xu: "..."

  You are a model worker, you are a Chinese cabbage, anyone can judge?

   curled his lips: "Your brother will go to high school and college in the future, so how can he start working so soon."

   "Then don't get married so soon, love will delay his future."


  Mother Xu was so stunned that she couldn't speak.

Seeing her grabbing the chicken feathers vigorously, Xu Yin lifted her eyelids: "Mother, be gentle, the skin of the chicken will be peeled off by you with such a strong hand. My chicken is fat and eats bugs, chicken grass and chaff. Growing up, there is no smell at all, the chicken skin is fragrant, tender and delicious...By the way, why is my chicken a meat dish in our family? What about the eldest sister? What about the second brother? What about the third sister? What did they buy for the family? New Year's goods?"


  (end of this chapter)

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