The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 606: Sixty Things Fine Plant Flowers (30)

  Chapter 606 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (30)

  In the future, the pig farm will no longer have to bend over to lift water from the well, and lift it under the eaves to pour it into the water tank.

  People sit by the mouth of the well, put their feet on the pedals on both sides of the pressurized well, like riding a bicycle, pedal slowly, and the pressurized well will start to work.

  The well water gurgles out from the water outlet, connect a leather water pipe, and use the siphon method to introduce the water into the water tank.

   In this way, just one person sits there and easily pushes the pedal, and the well water will automatically fill the tank. You can pedal as long as you need to fill, stop when full, and there will be no waste. This is much easier than fetching water.

  The job of fetching water while sitting down, not to mention young workers, any worker can do it. Besides, everyone finds it novel. When Xu Yin said that it can be used, they all rushed to rush to press the water.

  On the day after it was installed, the water tank under the eaves of the pig farm was always full, not to mention the guessing game, and the duty list for a whole month was released.

   This is because the longest existing duty schedule is one month. If there is an annual duty schedule, they might want to make an annual duty schedule.

   When it was over, he said to Xu Yin: "Xiao Xu, you have worked hard, leave it to us, and you don't want to participate!"


  I have never seen someone so willing to take turns.

  Sheng Yujin came to the farm to visit the subject during her break, saw the pressurized well, and asked curiously: "Is this made of the materials you asked me to bring last time? Is it really done?"

   "Well, some materials are too much, and some are not enough. I made a list, you saw it when you were on a business trip, and brought it back. Next time, you will also install one for your grandma's well."

   Taking advantage of no one around, Sheng Yujin hugged her slender waist and rubbed her cheek: "Why is my partner so good!"

  Xu Yin lightly pecked the corner of his mouth with a smile: "I'm good to him because my partner is good to me!"

  Sheng Yujin's chest was filled with warmth, and he couldn't help but want to deepen the kiss. He didn't want to hear the loud laughter of Mrs. Wang next door, so he had to give up.

  I thought in my heart that it was time to put the marriage on the agenda, otherwise it would be too torturous to watch and eat.


  The accounts of the farm are fairly clear. Chen Wenlan checked them in less than half a month. If there was no problem, she had to report back to the factory.

  Before leaving, many vegetables in the vegetable field in front of the door were ripe. Xu Yin picked a few handfuls and gave her a pack of jasmine tea. Drinking a cup when you are nervous can relax your nerves.

  Chen Wenlan had a drink before and liked it very much, so she was not polite, and left a stack of tickets for Xu Yin: "Next time you come to the city, remember to find me, let's go shopping together."


  Chen Wenlan went back, but Sheng Yujin would still come to see her on her rest days.

The alfalfa seeds that had been sprinkled at the foot of Maozhu Mountain had germinated. Young pigs could not eat the old flowering alfalfa grass, but the alfalfa sprouts liked it very much. Xu Yin cut off the alfalfa sprouts at one time and stored them in the system warehouse. Take and feed.

On the day when Sheng Yujin took a break to see her, if he couldn't get a holiday, he would slow down his work pace, bring tea, snacks, and tools for cutting pigweed, and take him to the foot of Maozhu Mountain, where he sat on the soft grass in the shade, and walked slowly. Chat with alfalfa sprouts, and sit down for a while to drink tea and eat a snack.

  Couples who are in love don’t need to spend time finding a date location, as long as they are together, everything feels sweet.

If it is transferred to vacation and the weather is good, Sheng Yujin will ride her car to climb Jiuzi Mountain to enjoy the sunrise and sunset; if it is cloudy or rainy, she will stay in her dormitory, and the two of them will cook and eat together. Don't have a taste.


   In the blink of an eye, summer is coming to an end and autumn is coming, and the dishes in front of the dormitory are gradually ripening.

  One day, Xu Yin was pulling radishes, and Sheng Yujin came to see her with a bag of autumn pears:

   "Daqiang's family grows it themselves. Didn't you think the peaches last time were delicious? You can try the pears this time. I'll exchange some with him after I find out how delicious they are."

   "So many? Don't you bring them all to me? Didn't your grandparents send some?"

   "Yes, Daqiang gave me two bags."

   "Then you can bring some radishes to grandparents and sister Chen later. The radishes I planted are delicious!"

   "It can be seen." Sheng Yujin looked at the white and fat big radish with feet thicker than an adult's arm, squatting on the ground, and asked Xu Yin, "Do you want to pull it out?"

   "No, it's freshest when you pull it out and eat it right away. It's just the two of us having dinner today. I'll pick a few first and give you some to share."

"I come."

  Sheng Yujin has completely unlocked the achievement of "farming master" in Xu Yin's eyes from digging holes clumsily at the beginning to loosening the soil, topdressing fertilizer, and pulling radishes at his fingertips.

   "To reward you, I will make you a delicious meal today."

  She smiled and took out a bucket from the kitchen, which contained a dozen eels.

   "Where did you get it?" Sheng Yujin said happily.

  In this season, many rice field eels can indeed be caught in the countryside, but knowing where the rice field eels are is one thing, but whether they can catch them is another.

   Veteran eel catchers will not tell you the secret.

  Taught you, where does he earn extra money?

  Xu Yin smiled triumphantly at him: "A few days ago, when the late rice fields in Zhujia Village were flooded, Sister Tian asked me to catch eels together at night, and I caught the most."

  Because she has homemade bait that has been tried and tested and is the favorite of fish and shrimp.

   Just put a little in the eel cage, and you will have a big harvest.

   But she didn't dare to try.

   Occasionally, it can be said to be luck, but every time there is a big harvest, it is suspicious.

  It’s enough to get some meat on the surface to improve the diet of the partner. These ten items are enough, but she still wants to live this life in peace and stability.

  Sheng Yujin rolled up her trouser legs and shuttled through the vegetable field, pulling weeds and loosening the soil, while Xu Yin made an eel feast for him in the kitchen.

  Sliced ​​eel, fried eel segments, fried shredded eel with leeks, and finally a fried eel paste. The staple food is shredded radish cake made of fresh white radish.

  It was the first time for him to eat so many kinds of eels. The eels he had eaten before were either steamed and dipped in soy sauce, or stir-fried with garlic and chili.

  With sweetness in his heart, he rubbed to Xu Yin's side: "My partner is really capable."

   "You are also great!" Xu Yin smiled and met his joyful eyes.

  Since the two established a romantic relationship, he has been riding a bicycle for more than an hour every rest day to accompany her at the farm, taking her out for a ride when there is work and no load.

  With no divine power, no [automatic temperature control device], [Xiaoyao insole] to assist him, the thin calluses on the driver's palms were ground into rough thick calluses, and blisters appeared on the soles of his feet.

  Xu Yin plans to make him a pair of thicker mille-soled cloth shoes after this period of work is over.

  There are too many things to be busy right now, so I can only cook a few delicacies to reward him first.

  That evening, when Sheng Yujin rode his bicycle back to the city, both sides of the front of the car were full of hangers. Xu Yin asked him to give it to the elder brother and sister-in-law to try out the early adopters.

  (end of this chapter)

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