The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 604: Sixty Things Fine Plant Flowers (28)

  Chapter 604 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (28)

  Xu Yin sent the daily necessities that Sheng Yujin had brought to his sister-in-law to the dormitory.

  Chen Wenlan only came here yesterday, and she is still familiar with the surrounding environment.

  She squatted by the vegetable patch in front of the dormitory, looking at the radishes.

   Curious how the radish grows so big at this time?

  The summer radishes planted by her natal family in May were only as thick as a thumb after more than a month because of the hot weather. The radishes here have already taken the shape of a stick.

   "Xiao Xu, you really planted this at the beginning of the month? It's only been a month since you've grown up so much?"

"Yes, Sister Chen." Xu Yin gave her the things, because she was in a hurry to go to the pig farm, so she didn't stay long, and explained in a hurry, "I applied some ecological fertilizer made by myself. It's fertile enough, it doesn't take two months You can eat it. Sister Chen, I have to rush to feed the pigs, and I will tell you about the ecological fertilizer later."

   "Okay, okay, go ahead, I should go to the accounting department too."

  Chen Wenlan waved to her with a smile.

   She also came to the farm yesterday and found out that Comrade Xiao Xu was the object of my uncle's liking.

   No wonder my brother-in-law insisted on sending me to report to the farm. Obviously, the drunkard didn’t care about drinking.

  After just one day of contact, she can't see much, but there is one thing she admires very much: Comrade Xiao Xu is really a good farmer.

And I heard from Sister Tian who led her to the dormitory that Comrade Xiao Xu is also very serious and responsible for her work. The best pigs raised in the pig farm are all from Xiao Xu's hands; Tired work, who would not want to escape? Only she rolled up her sleeves and kept silent. The plan for the biogas digester was proposed by her, almost all the sewage pipes of the biogas digester were laid by her, and the cleaning frequency of the pigsty was twice as much as that of others every day...

Although Chen Wenlan has never seen Xu Yin working, from Sister Tian's admiration, she can imagine the scene—a hard-working, simple, hard-working girl who devotes herself to fighting in the dirtiest, hardest, The most tiring job.

   This made her wonder: Is Comrade Xiao Xu and uncle really suitable?

  I always feel that my brother-in-law doesn't seem like someone who would like a girl who raises a pig.

  He is a bit of a clean freak, and he doesn't like dirty and messy environments;

  He hates small animals such as cats and dogs, let alone smelly pigs;

  He pays attention to his appearance, and at most he wears patched clothes at home, not going out...

   Looking at Xiao Xu's character, he doesn't seem like someone who can hold him down...

  Chen Wenlan decided to find an opportunity to find out what his uncle said, to see if he knew that Xiao Xu was working on a pig farm, not logistics, nor finance, nor the secretary of the farm manager.

  If the brother-in-law shows a hint of disgust, she advises him not to bother such a good girl, otherwise it will be a crime.

   "Ah Choo—"

  Sheng Yujin, who had just returned to the dispatching station, sneezed suddenly.

   "Brother Sheng, your ears are very red."

  Jin Zhiming pointed to his earlobe and joked with a smile:

   "Is someone scolding you or missing you?"

  Sheng Yujin thought of Xu Yin inexplicably, her earlobe became redder and hotter, and she raised her foot and lightly kicked Jin Zhiming, "Go away!"

  Jin Zhiming brushed his trouser legs with a smile: "By the way, Brother Sheng, Daqiang said that the peaches in his house are ripe, please let us go to his house to eat next week, and climb Jiuzi Mountain by the way, shall we go?"

  Sheng Yujin lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said, "No, you can bring me two baskets back. My grandma likes to eat peaches from Daqiang's family."

Sheng Yujin took out the few industrial tickets and sugar tickets left in his pocket, and gave them to Jin Zhiming: "Obviously, Daqiang's parents will not accept them, so be smart, and quietly press them under his tea mug before you come back. "

   "Decree!" Jin Zhiming put the ticket into his trouser pocket, "But Brother Sheng, why don't you go together? Is there something wrong?"


  He has something more important than picking peaches and climbing mountains with his buddies—a date!

  Recently, Xu Yin took some time off to measure the land around the farm, calculated the number of saplings to be planted, reported to the field manager, and started digging holes.

  The head of the field has a headache again: "Xiao Xu, the field is really out of money now."

  Xu Yin: "I know, I just want to remind you, don't forget about the saplings."


  You stare like this, who dares to forget.

  Xu Yin threw the data to the director, and went back to dig a hole.

   "Xiao Xu!" Sister Tian waved at her from afar, "Look who is looking for you?"

   Sheng Yujin carried two net bags in his hand, one bag of fruit and one bag of pastries, and followed Sister Tian to the place where Xu Yin dug the tree pit.

  Xu Yin adjusted her big straw hat with a wide brim, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here at this time? Are you not working?"

"Rest today."

   "Oh, are you worried that your sister-in-law is not getting used to it, come and see her?"


certainly not!

  Sister-in-law has elder brother to worry about, so there is no need for him to worry about it.

  The person in front of him is the one he wants to worry about.

  Sheng Yujin walked up to her.

  See her delicate face, flushed by the sun; the hand holding the shovel is stained with dirty mud.

  He is wearing a set of old clothes and trousers that are fully patched, and his shoes are old cloth shoes that are worn out.

  Sheng Yujin's heart seemed to be tightly squeezed by a pair of invisible hands, and it hurt a little.

  He put two bags of things in the shaded grass, rolled up his trousers and said, "Dig a hole? I'll do it!"

  Xu Yin refused to give him the shovel: "Your clothes will get dirty."

  Look at his specially dressed attire, it doesn't look like he is doing farm work or rough work.

  Sheng Yujin, as if she didn't hear it, insisted on taking the shovel from her hand, and dug the tree pit one by one.

  Sister Tian pulled Xu Yin aside, and whispered: "You really should let your partner do some work, and see how long he can last. When you are in a relationship, if you are not willing to work for you, do you still want to count on marriage?"

  Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "He has a different job type from mine."

   "Silly girl, this has nothing to do with the type of work." Sister Tian smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "True gold is not afraid of fire. A man has to stand the test."


   May I ask which couple spent their first day in the field working in the field?

  Xu Yin looked at Sheng Yujin, who was sweating profusely, and wanted to laugh, but also felt guilty, and poured him a bowl of herbal tea mixed with spirit dew.

   "I forgot to take a rest this week. Next week, you will remind me earlier that I will also take a rest on the day you rest. Let's go climb the Jiuzi Mountain you mentioned."

  Sheng Yujin was indeed a little thirsty, took the tea she handed her, and drank it all in one gulp: "This water is really delicious."

  Xu Yin complained: Of course it’s delicious, I’ve never seen pigs like it so much.

  Sheng Yujin took a break and continued digging: "Your job is to dig these tree pits? Can you take a break after digging? Then I will dig it for you when I have a rest, and we will talk about it after climbing the mountain."

  He is an old man, and he is too tired to wield a shovel for half a day, let alone a delicate object.

  Xu Yin blinked: "No, this is just a little labor after my work, my job... you will know in a while."

  (end of this chapter)

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