The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 499: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (21) (for the intervi

  Chapter 499 The Cannon Fodder Cousin of the Hero of the Imperial Examination (21) (Addition for Cai Ni~)

Under the leadership of the village head, the villagers of Xujia Village cleaned up the ruins of the nunnery before the new year, pulled out the weeds that came out of the mud, loosened the soil twice, fertilized it once, and waited for the beginning of spring grow flowers.

  Xu Yin inspected the greenhouses rebuilt by the nunnery on the spot, expressed satisfaction with the labor efficiency of the villagers, and asked Xu Kui to settle their wages.

  She plans to divide the greenhouse into two areas: one is used to grow flowers that are not resistant to cold, and the other is used to grow vegetables.

  However, after the beginning of spring, each family can grow seasonal vegetables in their own plots, front and back yards, and the greenhouses are temporarily borrowed to grow flowers.

   Plant several types of flowers that need to be pampered, such as camellia, peony, orchid, Phalaenopsis, and epiphyllum.

  Elegant epiphyllum-flavored perfume has always been her favorite.

  If I can personally mix a Epiphyllum perfume, it will be a dream come true.

  After planning the planting of the greenhouse, Xu Yin came to the chaishan that was cleared a few years ago but had not yet been planted.

  She asked Xu Kui to write it down: "This mountain will be called Spice No. 2 in the future, and all of it will be planted with lavender; this will be No. 3, and all of it will be planted with rosemary."

  Because these two are used in the largest amount, whether it is essential oil or perfume, lavender and rosemary are classics.

  Mount 4 intends to grow some auxiliary ingredients that are not in great demand but are excellent for fragrance, such as lemon, citrus, cardamom, chamomile, geranium, patchouli, sage, etc.

  As for the spice mountain that has been opened and harvested once, it is naturally No. 1 mountain.

  Go back and make a new division, remove lavender and rosemary; expand the planting area of ​​rose, jasmine, and vetiver; the top of the mountain is still a boutique cultivation area.

  Xu Kui always felt a little unrefined seeing her daughter numbering Spice Mountain with one, two, three, and four.

  Recalling the time when the old man and the old man, any spice in the shop had to write for several days before it came out with a gentle fragrance name before it was released, so I carefully suggested:

"Girl, after our flowers and plants are extracted into essential oils, they are mainly sold to rich wives and young ladies. They may not be able to speak well, but they like elegant names. In the opinion of villains, it is better to choose an elegant one from Lianshan. Dot's name?"

  Xu Yin said nothing: "Okay, this task will be entrusted to you."

  She was too busy to waste time naming the mountain.

  Xu Kui: "..."

   Unexpectedly, the girl valued him so much.

   Kneeling down on the ground with a plop, he wanted to kowtow to Xu Yin in gratitude.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  He pressed his forehead with a headache.

   "If you keep doing this, I'll give you one, two, three, and four as the name of the mountain?"

  Xu Kui immediately stood up and wiped off his trouser legs.

  For fear of being too late, the girl took away the right to name the mountains. Since then, these mountains have been called No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4.

  After taking this important task into his hands, Xu Kui realized belatedly: Although he knew a few words, he only knew a few words. Let him recite poems and compose poems with a high degree of prose, and he is not as capable as he is!

  But the task has already been taken, and he will hand it back... Firstly, he is afraid that the girl will feel that he is not capable of taking on the porcelain work; secondly, he is afraid that the girl will give these mountains a name, two, three, or four on the spot.

No! He must give these precious mountains, which are related to the eternal foundation of Xu's spice shop, an elegant and pleasant name.

  So, after arranging the normal operation of the greenhouse base of the fragrance workshop, I took time to go back to Xu's mansion and ask his father for help.

   "Father, who in our house knows how to recite poems and compose Fu?"

   "Why are you asking this?"

   "I need help with some good, elegant names."

  The old housekeeper stroked his beard and shook his head: "I'm afraid no one can help you with this matter."

  The sad news of the death of the master and wife in Xiangcheng came. The female master who was resident in the mansion to teach the girls piano, chess, calligraphy and painting was worried that the whole mansion would wear sacks, mourning and white gauze, so she paid her salary and left on the same day.

  At present, besides the girl, he is the most literate person in the mansion.

"However, father is the same as you." The old housekeeper patted his son on the shoulder: "At most, he is familiar with the three-character scriptures, and he is lucky enough to learn from the old man. He can't do anything else... Eh? The new accountant can write well in one hand, Maybe you have something in your belly, why don't you ask him? However, he is not very pleasant to speak, otherwise he wouldn't have a good face and be cut like that, I'm afraid he can't think of a good name... "

  Xu Kui thought of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, what if Fang Zhenger had read the Eight Classics and could recite poems and compose Fu? So I went to the accountant for advice.

  Sikong picks his ears: "... Tell me, what is the name?"

"Mountains!" Xu Kuilang replied in a loud voice, "After the girl cleaned up the four chai mountains, they were planted with spice flowers. One mountain was all planted with lavender. When the flowers bloomed, it was like a sea of ​​purple mist, as beautiful as a fairyland; one mountain was all planted with lavender. The rosemary with small white flowers is also very beautiful; there are two more, many flowers are planted together, but I thought, the name Baihuashan is not appropriate, after all, there are not so many kinds..."

Lala described to Sikong the four hills where spice flowers are grown, and finally begged: "Brother Sikong, if you know how to do it, please help me. If brother Sikong encounters any difficulties in the future, I will definitely do my best to help brother Sikong." As soon as you..."

  Sikong was so entangled by him that his head was two big, he picked up a brush, wrote a few words on the paper at random, took it up and blew on the wet ink, and handed it to Xu Kui: "Take it if you don't mind it!"

  Xu Kui got it in his hand and carefully identified it, and said with a bitter face: "Brother Sikong, your cursive handwriting is really crazy, I can't recognize a single word..."

  Sikong: "..."

   I had to write another one.

  Xu Kui laughed after reading it: "I can recognize it if I write it this way... Quefeng, Suyue, Qiuxiang, Qunfang, good names!"

  He cupped his fists to thank Sikong, then put the piece of paper into his arms like a treasure, and went back to the other courtyard without stopping.

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows when she received the four mountain names presented by him, it’s not bad! Quite cultured.

  Especially the name Quefeng, purple was also called Quetou color in ancient times, and patches of purple meet on this mountain, isn’t it Quefeng?

   "I can't tell, Xu Kui, your cultural attainments are not low! Why don't you continue to study and go to get a fame?"

  Xu Kui was afraid that the girl would really pay for him to go to the academy to study and take scientific examinations, so he was so frightened that he quickly confessed to Sikong:

   "Girl, to be honest, I didn't come up with these names, it was Sikong. It was the accountant in our mansion who helped me think of them..."

   "So it's him..."

  Xu Yin was quite impressed with the new accountant.

   Mainly because of that face, it was so ruined that it was impossible to see.

   In addition, the man seemed timid, always lowered his head when speaking, and his voice was very soft. I didn't expect that in addition to being able to settle accounts and keep accounts, there is also a literary style.

   "Since you are so dedicated to naming those mountains, let's name them!"

  Since then, the hill full of lavender is called Quefeng, the hill full of rosemary is called Suyue, the hill full of dozens of spices is called Qiuxiang, and the No. 1 mountain of the boutique flower cultivation base is called Qunfang.

   Ask for one



  (end of this chapter)

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