The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 488: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (10)

  In August, two carefully cultivated unknown flowers from Hundred Gardens in the Cultivation World finally germinated.

  Xu Yin had planned to fail.

  Who would have thought that these flower seeds the size of rice grains would take so long to germinate after being soaked for a day and sown.

  Xu Yin took care of them carefully, recording their growth status every day, and found that ten days had passed before the buds grew to the size of a pinky finger.

  Xu Yin couldn't help rubbing her chin and thinking: How many years did it take for the adult-tall flower stems and the huge flower discs in the garden to grow?

   Then I thought again: Time in the cultivation world is the least valuable. A flick of a finger can mean ten years, and a hundred years, for those monks, it is just a blink of an eye and a few breaths.

   Then do you want to cultivate it?

   She hesitated.

  Suddenly, she thought of the spiritual dew that also came from the Hundred Gardens, wondering if watering them with dew rich in spiritual energy would make them grow faster?

  So, she chose the delicate bud that seemed to be the weakest, and watered it with spiritual dew.

  The rest still use local mountain spring water.

   At this time, she especially missed the mountain spring water of Lingxu Sect.

  Although the aura is very weak, far less than the aura contained in the spirit dew water, it is also extraordinary compared to ordinary mountain spring water.

  Thinking about going to the Lingxu Sect again if he has the opportunity to go to the Lingxu Sect next time on recuperation leave, he must fill up all the water storage tanks in the system warehouse.

  Of course, if you have the opportunity to go to Baihua Garden again, you must collect more spirit dew.

   are all good things!

  Speaking of good things, she also has the loam soil from Taoyuan Star, which is also very beneficial for plant growth.

  So I took a little out, and this time I picked another bud as the experimental subject. The rest still use ordinary soil.

  She marked the flower seedlings irrigated with spirit dew as No. 1, the flower seedlings mixed with Taoyuan star soil were marked No. 2, and the rest were not marked.

  After that, observe and record regularly every day.

   In a flash, another half a month passed.

  After several days of observation and recording, from the growth ability of these flower seedlings, Xu Yin came to such a conclusion:


   It can be seen that the spiritual dew, which also comes from the cultivation world, has the greatest effect on these flowers.

   But the effect of Taoyuanxing soil is not bad.

   Besides, she didn't mix much, only about 10% of it. If it is mixed with more, it may even be planted with the soil of Taoyuan Star...

  Xu Yin opened her mind, and then immersed herself in experiments.

  In front of the unmarked flower seedlings, she put up small wooden signs with numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 in sequence.

   Then, add 20% Taoyuan star soil to No. 3 flower seedlings, 50% to No. 4 flower seedlings, 70% to No. 5 seedlings, and replace all No. 6 with Taoyuan star soil.

  Time passed quietly while she was concentrating on cultivating unknown flowers in Baihuayuan...

   After a while, the weather turned cooler and entered the golden autumn of October.

  Xu Yin's flower seedling experiment has also come to an end.

  Under her unremitting efforts and adjustments, she finally integrated a set of cultivation plans that can make the flower seedlings of Baihuayuan grow the fastest and the stems and leaves the strongest—

  Linglu water is mixed with 50% Taoyuanxing soil.

  If it is used with all the Taoyuanxing soil, the growth rate is indeed the fastest, but there is also a problem: the leaves are too fat.

  Growing flowers is different from growing vegetables. Flowers need strong stems to support them. If the flowers and leaves are too fat, she worries about lodging later.

  After experimenting with the best breeding method, Xu Yin transplanted these flower seedlings to the boutique planting area on the top of Xiangxiang Mountain.

   Two types of flowers with three plants each, like a small family, looking a bit sparse.

   Knowing the cultivation method anyway, she soaked another handful of seeds.

  This time I picked two unknown flowers with elegant fragrance, but especially beautiful blooming.

  Always use unknown flowers to call them, and I don’t know who is who.

  Xu Yin named them based on her impressions:

  The two types with strong floral fragrance are called "Auspicious" and "Ruixiang" respectively, and both have a homophonic word for "Xiang";

  The two freshly sown varieties with light and elegant fragrance are called "Yueyin" and "Star Sunflower" respectively according to their flower shapes when they bloom. The petals of the former are curved like a light moon, while the stamens of the latter are like a galaxy.

  After finishing all this work, the old butler sent a boy to bring over a basket of seasonal fruits, and sent a message, asking her if Zhong Qiu would come back home?

  It turns out that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon!

  Xu Yin thought about it, then go back!

   Just to check the accounts of the mansion, to see if the new accountant is honest.

   Knowing that the girl was coming back, the old butler led the servants in the house to vigorously clean up.

   "Sikong, you are in charge of the accounting room, be sure to clean it!"

  The errand boy next to the old butler, come over to inform.

  The other party nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

  The little servant scratched his head, feeling strange! Why does this new accountant give people a kind of... what is that word called? right! Not angry but mighty! It feels even scarier than when the old man got angry at them and his servants back then!

  He was not even ten years old back then, and when he saw the old man getting mad for the first time, he was so scared to pee. But today, facing the accountant Sikong, the feeling of being so scared to pee came again.

  But brother Sikong is obviously just a bookkeeper who is too weak to pick up on his shoulders.



  Fengcheng Sun's family, grandma came back from the street with a big smile on her face.

"My son has become a scholar. Those neighbors who used to have high-spirited eyes now see me and are so enthusiastic. They even ask if my son is married. Bah! When my son passes the provincial examination next year, he will be the master of Juren. Who cares to marry these daughters from small families."

  Sun Zhiqian came out of the room yawning, mentally listless: "Mother, Brother Xiujie failed the exam, so he won't be able to pass the provincial examination."

   "Huh?" Grandmother was stunned, "That is to say, the money for the test in Fucheng and rural areas in the coming year has not yet been settled?"

   "Yes! I still owe him the money this time, but he failed the exam again. I can't open my mouth to ask him again."

   "What should I do!" Grandmother was in a hurry.

  The only income in the family is that grandfather does part-time labor for others. Occasionally, if you meet a generous host, you will give some rewards, but this is not often the case.

  The money earned from part-time jobs, after deducting the daily expenses of the family, there is not much left at all. How can I save enough expensive money to catch the exam.

  In the past, I used to support my son to study, and I also went back to my mother’s house during the New Year’s holidays. From my mother’s house, I picked up some expensive gifts such as silk and satin from my second brother, and sold them for a lot of money.

  Now that parents are long gone, and the second brother is also dead, where can I get money?

  After much deliberation, I still have to contact my niece.

  As long as you can contact your niece and coax her to change her mind, with your niece's generosity and wealth, you will have the money to spend, not to mention the cost of your son's exams, and the money to change your family to a second hospital and buy some farms.

  Grandma's calculations were crackling, and she decided to take advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival to go to Fengcheng again.

   It can't be so unlucky, the housekeeper is not here, right?

  As long as the housekeeper is there, as long as she asks where her niece Shouxiao lives, she will be confident.

  In the first festival after losing her parents, only my aunt thought about her, and traveled thousands of miles to accompany her. I believe my niece will be moved.

  Thinking about it, grandma moved herself first...

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