The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 438: Fake daughter withdraws from the ring to farm (20)

Thinking of my younger brother who is addicted to gambling, Baobuqi owes gambling debts again. He is in his thirties and spends time in casinos all day long. His wife ran away with the children. He doesn’t care. , I knew how to encourage my parents to borrow money to wipe his **** everywhere.

  Feng Cuiqin immediately sank:

   "Mom, what are you doing here?"

   "I'm here to see my son-in-law." Feng Cai'e put down the basket on her wrist, "I also brought a basket of eggs for my son-in-law to make up for him. By the way, where is Yinyin? Why didn't you see her?"

   "She went to town."

   Knowing that her granddaughter was not at home, Feng Caie was quite sorry:

"I heard that when she came back, she bought a lot of building materials, hired people to build mountain roads, and interplanted medicinal materials in the bamboo forest. Did you invest a lot of money in the cost of medicinal materials? Son-in-law, the area of ​​the bamboo forest contracted by you is not small. Interplanted medicinal materials, she alone Can it be managed? Do you want my family, Baohua, to help?"

"Ask Baohua to come? Mom, are you kidding me?" Feng Cuiqin sneered, "What can Baohua do? Sleep when you're full, sleep when you wake up, you let him work? I'm afraid you don't want our family to serve him! "

"Damn girl, what are you talking about!" Feng Cai'e was in a hurry, "Baohua is your younger brother no matter what, do you ever say that about your own younger brother? He is having a hard time now, and your sister pulled him away What's the matter?"

"That's what he asked for! If he didn't gamble, all the buildings in his family would be built, but look at him, he has a lot of debts, and what he borrows is not the principal but the interest. All the bungalows have to be paid off! I see that my sister-in-law is doing well..."

  Feng Cai'e was so ashamed and annoyed by her daughter that she raised her hand to hit her, but the sound of a motorcycle turning off came from outside the house.

  Afterwards, Xu Yin walked in carrying two bags of seasonal fruits bought in the town.

   "This is Yinyin, right? Oh! My granddaughter is so beautiful!"

  Feng Cai'e immediately changed her face, and greeted her graciously:

"Yinyin, I'm your grandma! Grandma's home is in Zhenxi Village, come and play when you have time! Look at your face and hands, it looks like the life of a young lady, how can you do rough work. Plant medicinal materials in the bamboo forest You should hire someone to do this kind of work! In this way, I will ask your uncle to help you tomorrow. The wages and so on are all on my own, so I don’t need to pay five social insurances and one housing fund, just give me whatever you want..."

Feng Cuiqin was so angry that she threw the tongs with briquettes in her hand: "Mom! What did I just say for nothing? Baohua, what can he do! It's not enough for you to harm me for your good son, and now you want to harm Yin Yin? ?"

   "Damn girl, what are you doing! Do you want to smash your old lady to death?"

  Feng Cai'e hid aside in fright, and was almost hit by the tongs.

"Look at my father-in-law! I came to visit a relative, and I brought eggs for my son-in-law, so you treat me like this? Yes! Last time I said some nasty things, I took my son-in-law home for conservative treatment! But Am I not doing it for your family? The cost of the operation is so high, what if… I mean, what if… wouldn’t it be a waste of money and money? I didn’t expect that I would come to persuade you with good intentions, and even persuaded you to get revenge..."

  Xu Weiguo stood up slowly when he heard this with a sullen face.

  Feng Cai'e saw that his face was wrong, and then recalled what she just said, shrank her neck, picked up the basket and ran away: "Forget it, forget it, I'm going home, anyway, my daughter and son-in-law don't welcome me!"

  When going out, I wanted to take a bag of fruit away from Xu Yin's hand, but I didn't want to. I didn't pull it once, and I pulled it again, but it still didn't move.

  Xu Yin: Sister possesses divine power, how can you and other mortals be able to pull it?

  Feng Cai'e was a little dumbfounded. She glanced at her granddaughter several times in a daze, and then ran away with a embarrassed expression.

   Said he was here to visit his son-in-law, but he didn’t even want to keep a single egg, and even tried to steal the lychees, longan and figs bought by his granddaughter…

   What kind of grandma is this! Is it really dear?

  Xu Yin gave Mama Xu a very sympathetic look.

   Mama Xu was puzzled by her.

"Your grandma has that kind of virtue, she only cares about your uncle, so don't worry about her." Mama Xu said to her daughter, and then she said to herself wonderingly, "It's the matter of Yinyin interplanting medicinal materials, how did it spread to my natal family so quickly?" In the ears?"

  Since her mother said that, she hasn't returned to her natal home.

The old man is very clear: "People in the village like to climb the mountain from the bamboo forest of our house to the big mountain behind, or take a shortcut to the next town. The interplanting of medicinal materials is so obvious, how could it be possible to hide it from their eyes? Tell ten, ten It’s been passed on, don’t we all know? It’s just not said in front of us. As for your natal family, it’s probably passed on by the young daughter-in-law who just married to Zhenxi Village.”

   "What should I do now!" Feng Cuiqin was a little anxious.

  Nine times out of ten, her mother is trying her best to get money for her brother's gambling debts. How can she be reconciled if she doesn't take advantage?

  Xu Yin reassured her: "It's okay, I installed a few surveillance cameras at the entrance and exit of the bamboo forest. If someone wants to do bad things, you have to weigh the consequences."

   "Okay, okay, pretend right away. Is there enough money? Mom will get it for you!"

  My nephew borrowed money from them and left the hospital with some balance. Feng Cuiqin felt that she couldn't ask her daughter to pay for it every time, so she wanted to take it for her.

  Xu Yin declined: "I have the money. But Mom, if grandma or uncle really comes to cause damage, you won't help your relatives, will you?"

"No, no." Xu's mother responded very quickly, "I figured it out a long time ago. I can't help gambling debts. Once I help, there will be a second or third time... Over the years, your father and I have always been together. I paid back no less than 50,000 yuan for your uncle, but when your father was in urgent need of money in the hospital, I went back to my natal family to ask for help, but your uncle disappeared, and your grandmother advised me to take conservative treatment, so I figured it out——My natal family People are unreliable! Those who used to be considered as repaying them for giving birth to me, and will not lend them to them in the future. Your father has to take care of his body now, so he can't do heavy work, not to mention you are not too young, and you have to start saving for dowry..."


  The last sentence is unnecessary.


  The family meeting ended here, Xu Yin immediately logged on to Taomaimai, chose a universal steering wireless monitor that does not need to be connected to the power supply, and ordered 50 units at a time.

   As for the two mountains in my house, I either don’t install them, or if I install them, there will be no dead ends.

  After placing an order, I have time to manage the online store, and only then do I know that I have lost my horse.

  Holding his forehead, he replied to Lu You:

  [Miss Sister has sharp eyes! This is indeed my store. If there is something I like, I can give the young lady a discount. ]

   After she finished typing the mailing slips for the two orders of the day, she received Lu You's reply:

[hey-hey! I'm such a clever little ghost! Guess right! I have taken a fancy to the bamboo fan set of Twelve Beauties of Jinling! ]

   Confirmed that it was the same boss, she immediately placed an order.

   I'm afraid I'm a step too late, and I can't make up the twelve golden hairpins, what a pity.

  Xu Yin saw that she took away the set of Twelve Beauties of Jinling, which she was most satisfied with and spent the most time in a single shoot, so she was quite good at picking.

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