The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 422: Fake daughter retired from the circle to farm (4)

  Xu Yin came to her room with her luggage.

  The area around Qingzhu Village is probably due to the terrain, so there are not many buildings built.

  When she rode a tricycle into the village, most of what she saw were courtyard houses like Xu’s:

   There are three main rooms facing north and south, and one wing room on the east and west sides.

  A family with a large population is nothing more than four rooms in the main house and two rooms in the side rooms.

  Grandpa Xu and his wife lived in the three main rooms of the Xu family. Xu Yin came to the east wing where Xu Yue used to live.

  The room was very clean.

   It can be seen that her mother in this world is a hard-working, quick-working, and hot-tempered woman, and Chen Huilan in the previous small world belongs to two completely opposite types of people.

  Xu Yin put down her luggage, opened the east window, and saw a blue sea of ​​bamboo, which was the bamboo forest contracted by her family.

  Qingzhu Village, as the name suggests, lives on bamboo.

  Just these years, bamboo products have gradually lost their market competitiveness.

   Young people who have returned from working abroad prefer to grow torreya, fruit trees, and some agricultural products that are better sold in the outside market. After they mature, they will sell them live on Taomai or on a certain music.

  But the Xu family has been passed down from generation to generation, and they only know how to weave bamboo strips. Let Xu's father cut off the bamboo and replant it.

  Otherwise, after seeing the mountains in the village and the bamboo forests on the mountains gradually being replaced by other fruit trees, I would not rush to invest all my belongings and buy the bamboo forest behind the house.

  【Ding—you can eat without meat, and you can’t live without bamboo! Ingenious planting and ingenious maintenance, to build a beautiful landscape, a world of ten thousand poles of green bamboo! Complete the reward Small World Vacation once! 】

  The system suddenly released a task for her, which was related to the bamboo forest behind her house.

  Don't worry about it now, just roll up your sleeves and do it!


  Xu Yin's arrival swept away the haze of the past few days in this family, and opened up a warm sun.

   "Yinyin, you are resting at home, ask your grandpa if you don't understand anything, mom went to the hospital to accompany your dad."

   "Mom, I'll go with you." Xu Yin had already packed up a change of clothes and some personal belongings, and took out a backpack, which is very convenient to carry around.

  Feng Cuiqin thought for a while, then nodded: "Alright, your dad will feel better when he sees you. The doctor said try to make him happy, it will help his condition..."

  But there was nothing happy at home before.

  Not long after the head of the family was diagnosed with liver cancer, he received a bolt of news—Yueyue was not born to their family! The children of the two families are wrong!

   Then Yueyue was taken back by her biological parents, and Yinyin was unwilling to go back to her own home, she didn't show her face as the head of the house, and she felt very sad.

  Grandpa Xu drank the tea made from the tea leaves given to him by his granddaughter, and when he heard that his granddaughter was going to the hospital to see his son, he nodded in relief: "Go, go, I will watch over the house."

"Grandpa, it's better not to solicit customers at the entrance of the village." Xu Yin discussed with him, "I heard from my mother that you are good at weaving bamboo strips. I have a friend whose birthday is coming soon, and I am worried that I can't think of what to give her. How about you?" Weave me a flower basket, and I will buy it from you at the market price, anyway, it will cost me money to buy gifts at the mall, right?"

  Speaking, Xu Yin drew a wide and flat square flower basket and showed it to Grandpa Xu: "Grandpa, this is such a flower basket, can you weave it?"

   "Hey! How difficult it is for me, such a small basket!"

   "Success! Then I will hand it over to you! Here, here is the deposit!"

  Xu Yin paid him fifty yuan for fear that he would go out to fetch people after making up half of the story.

   As a result, Grandpa Xu glared: "Take it back!"


   "Weaving a basket for my granddaughter and charging money, what kind of rumors are spread!"

  Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "But if I go to the mall to buy it, it will cost money!"

   "I don't care if you spend money outside, we are not into this kind of thing!"

  Xu Yin thought about this reason, and said obediently: "Then I won't be polite to grandpa, and I will make a pot of wine for grandpa later!"

   "It should have been like this a long time ago!" The old man nodded in satisfaction.

  Xu Yin and her mother looked at each other with smiles in each other's eyes.

  After settling home, Xu Yin followed Mother Xu to the hospital.

  On the way, I heard from her mother that the operation time has not yet been set. One month before the operation, she must avoid alcohol. Her father has no other hobbies, but he prefers to drink. After a day's work, he will take a few sips of wine.

  So I can only wait, and it will be almost a month, and the operation can be performed when the latest inspection report comes out without any other problems.

"The doctor said that if the affected area is small, it means accurate resection; if the affected area is large, half of the liver may need to be removed...Mom will spend the night with the hospital these days. If you are, I will ask your cousin's sister-in-law to bring you back after seeing your father. , her in-law's house is in the town."

  Xu Yin listened quietly, logged into the system in her mind, and found out the latest random skill [Prosperous Fortune (Non-permanent)].

  Confirm the user—Xu Weiguo, click to use!

  【Prosperous Luck and Disaster Disaster (Non-Permanent)】Immediately changed from the original "can be used 3 times" to "can be used 2 times".

   The bad luck is gone! Good luck!

   May everything go well! May the operation be successful!

  As long as the operation is successful, she believes that with the conditioning of anti-cancer medicinal wine in the later stage, she will definitely be able to survive this catastrophe.

   Ward of the First Hospital of Wenpu County.

  When the doctor found Xu Weiguo's room during the ward round, he flipped through the record sheet and asked the nurse, "Has the test report for this patient come out?"

   "It will be three o'clock this afternoon at the earliest."

   "Well, arrange surgery as soon as I come out."

  Xu Weiguo listened to the doctor and nurse's conversation with his head down, hesitated for a while and asked, "Doctor, if I don't have surgery for my disease, what will happen if I choose conservative treatment?"

  The operation fee is too expensive, and after the operation, chemotherapy and recuperation will be continued. Once a person is admitted to the hospital, it feels that no amount of money is spent.

  He couldn't help worrying about his family, wondering if he could hold on...

   "Xu Weiguo!"

   Before the doctor could speak, Feng Cuiqin rushed in aggressively:

"Who told you to consider conservative treatment? Ah? Who told you to ask the doctor about this? Or do you want to live? You think life is too hard and you have enough? You decided to leave the old and the young, and the mess at home. It’s okay, just stretch your legs, right?”

   "Cuiqin, I..."

   "Don't you, mine, I'll ask you, did you think so just now?"

"not me…"

   "Shut up if you don't!"

  Feng Cuiqin gave the man a fierce look, then turned to the doctors and nurses and said:

   "I'm sorry, doctor. Xu Weiguo must choose active treatment. Don't believe his own words. I am the master of this matter, and I will come if I need to sign it. Oh no, our daughter can do it too! She can make the decision."

   "Daughter, daughter?" Xu Weiguo was dumbfounded when he saw Xu Yin behind Feng Cuiqin.

   It's clearly not Xu Yue, could it be Xu Yin, your own daughter?

   It turns out that my daughter-in-law looks so good-looking! As expected of Xu Weiguo's seed!

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