The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 404: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (35)

  Chapter 404 Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (35)

   "Oh! What's wrong? It's so serious?"

  In the health center of the Seven Star Brigade, there is only one sitting doctor. He was a barefoot doctor in the early years.

   Then he shouted: "Grandpa Feng, he probably has a broken bone, can you set the bone?"

"Let me see."

  Dr. Feng touched Xu Chengjin's injured leg with a solemn expression. After a little effort, he heard a slight "click" sound, and the disjointed bones returned to their original positions.

   "It's okay, the hand is not born!"

  Xu Yin heard the words with a black thread: You were not sure about the co-author before you started? That might as well be me!

   "Okay, the bone is in the right place, put plaster on it for a few days, don't rush to walk on the ground. But it's burning..."

  Dr. Feng took Xu Chengjin's temperature and found that the temperature had reached 40°. He frowned and said, "It is true that a fracture will cause fever, but it is not so high."

  Xu Yin asked: "Grandpa Feng, does taking antipyretic medicine work?"

   "It works, but I don't have Analgin here." Dr. Feng spread his hands and sighed, "Xiao Hu from the Shuangqiao Brigade promised to take it for me, but there is no news for a long time, and I don't know if he brought it back..."

   "As long as it works, I have the medicine."

  Xu Yin couldn't care less at this moment, and took out an antipyretic. If I continue to burn, I worry that I will become a fool.

   Doctor Feng: "..."

   Twitching the corners of his mouth, he lent Xu Yin his enamel cup without saying anything.

  Xu Yin poured a glass of water, but it was replaced with Lingxuzong mountain spring water, gently held Xu Chengjin's head, and fed him medicine.

   Fortunately, although the other person was unconscious, the subconscious swallowing reaction was still there, and he was fed the medicine smoothly.

  Plaster Xu Yin has better ones, but the antipyretic medicine Mimi is small and can pretend to be taken out of the trouser pocket. How to touch the plaster?

   I had no choice but to use Dr. Feng's first.

   Besides, she doesn't know where he lives yet.

  But even if they found out where he lived, they were still worried about sending him back at this time.

  That Zhao Xuefang on the mountain might still be waiting eagerly, and sending him back is undoubtedly a sheep in the mouth of a tiger.

   "That's why I said, being too handsome is an original sin!"

  She put plasters on him and complained.

   Doctor Feng: "..."

   Did you forget that I'm still here?

   At this time, with a "clang" sound, Xu Laosan pushed open the half-hidden door of the brigade headquarters and rushed in.

   "Yinyin, why did I hear Lan Lan say that you carried a man down from the mountain?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  How did Xiao Nizi spread the word?

   "Is it this kid?"

   Xu Laosan saw the man lying on the bamboo couch, he was stunned for a moment, and his tone softened, "Why is it him?"

  Xu Yin asked in surprise, "Father, do you know him?"

"It's not considered to be acquaintances. On that day, the new grain had just been distributed. Didn't I carry the millet to grind the rice and almost fell? It was he who stopped me and saved me and a basket of millet. He should be in the The educated youth of the first production team."

"I remembered when the third child mentioned the educated youth." Dr. Feng patted his leg and suddenly realized, "I said that this face looks familiar. I dare say that it is Xu Zhiqing who teaches the senior class in the brigade primary school. The kids loved it."

   "What's wrong with him?" Youngest Xu took a closer look at Xu Chengjin, "Or, girl, what happened to him?"

  Xu Yin rolled her eyes: "I'm the one who saved him, okay!"

   "Oh, I thought you were in a hurry to find a son-in-law, and when you saw a good-looking one, you snatched him away."


  Is this your real father?

   "Father, he hasn't woken up yet. Dr. Feng is going to get off work, why don't you carry it to our house?"

  Xu Lao San heard what Xu Yin said, and took a look at her: "You really didn't like him? You didn't want to recruit him?"

  Xu Yin said speechlessly: "Even if I think about it, he might not agree. He is an educated youth, did you forget?"

  Xu Laosan muttered: "What happened to the educated youth? Didn't the educated youth also jump in the queue and go to the countryside to do farm work?"

   "Okay, Dad, don't talk about this first, please borrow a scooter for me."

   "Aren't you good at reciting? Why borrow a scooter? No trouble."


  Xu Yin looked at the sky, this must really not be her real father.

   Doctor Feng also has an intuitive understanding of Xu Laosan's laziness.

   No wonder everyone used to say: If the seven-star brigade is the first lazy guy in the appraisal, Xu Laosan will be the second, probably no one can be the first. If there is, it is his daughter-in-law. Together, these two will definitely be the laziest couple in the Seven Stars Brigade.

  However, recently, I seldom hear people talking about it. Instead, everyone is saying that Xu and his wife have changed their appearance and started a new life.

   But I didn't expect that he was still so lazy in his bones, and he didn't even care about his daughter's reputation.

Dr. Feng made a fuss in his heart, and couldn't help interjecting: "Just now, Xiao Xu came here out of urgency. You are not in a hurry now, and you still let your daughter go with a big man on her back? See, aren't you afraid of spreading rumors?"

  Xu Laosan finally came to his senses: "All right, all right, I'll borrow it. But it's okay to be seen by others. At worst, let this young man be my son-in-law. He is worthy of my daughter, right Yinyin?"



  Xu Chengjin sweated a few times, and the fever finally subsided.

  Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, and took a warm towel to wipe off the sweat from his forehead, face, and neck, and then took a dry towel to absorb the sweat on his back.

   "Second Sister, Teacher Xu is still awake?" Xu Lan came over and asked in a low voice, "What about the porridge on the stove?"

   "Let's simmer, you take out the fire and go to bed first. It's getting late, and you have to go to school tomorrow, isn't it the exam soon? You promised me that you will come back with good grades in the exam."

   "I know, I know!" Xu Lan ran back to the stove, turned off the fire in the stove, the porridge was still warm, and climbed onto the bed after washing.

  No way, the second sister seems to be a different person since she worked hard. She loves cleanliness too much. She is not allowed to go to bed without washing her face and brushing her teeth before going to bed, or taking a shower in hot weather.

   "Second sister, I'm sleeping."

"OK, good night."

  Xu Yin waited for her to lie down, then blew out the kerosene lamp, closed the door, and returned to the main room.

  Xu Chengjin was lying on the temporary bed in her main room.

   Fortunately, in summer, a thin blanket will do.

  Xu Yin rewound a towel and spread it on his forehead to wipe off the sweat. Suddenly, seeing his eyelashes trembling slightly, she slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you awake?" Xu Yin met his bloodshot deep eyes, "Do you know that you have a broken bone and a fever? Dr. Feng straightened your bones, and now you are taking medicine. Don't hurt your feet during this period. I Seeing that you have been in a coma, and the brigade headquarters is about to close from work again, I brought you to my house. By the way, are you hungry? I’m going to serve porridge, the fever has just subsided, so I’ll eat something light first.”

   After Xu Yin finished speaking, she was going to the kitchen, but Xu Chengjin grabbed her wrist.

   "I heard." His voice was hoarse.

   "Huh? Hear what?"

   "Your father said, you want to recruit a son-in-law."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  You wounded + sick patient, you don’t care about your own body the first time you wake up, but you care about other people’s gossip?

  (end of this chapter)

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