The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 396: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (27)

  Chapter 396 The House Spoiler in the 1970s (27)

   "Impossible!" Xu Laosan retorted, "Your grandfather also has medicinal wine. It's useless to cheat money."

  Xu Yin was expressionless: "Whether it works or not, I will know tomorrow. Hurry up! Mother, you press it for Dad first, and I will teach you which acupuncture points to press."

   "Do you need to touch acupuncture points? I don't understand!" Chen Huilan waved her hands nervously.

   "It's okay, just do what I tell you to do."

  Xu Yinjiao, Chen Huilan pressed, and pushed Xu Laosan so hard.

   "Hey, I thought it would be painful to press it, but it's actually okay, it feels numb after pressing it for a long time, so comfortable!"

   "Crack!" Chen Huilan slapped him, "Get up when you feel comfortable, and you will do it for me. While my daughter is still there, do what she says."


   Xu Laosan reluctantly got up.

  But when I got up, I found that the sore places on my body had really relieved a lot.

   "What kind of medicinal wine is this? It's so effective? It's much more effective than the ones your grandfather bought before."

   "... I asked someone to buy it, as long as it is easy to use."

  After Xu Yin taught her father how to press acupuncture points, she went back to her room and fed herself two Yangrong pills.

  She is not physically tired, but her heart is tired. Driving the couple to the field is more tiring than driving mules or horses.

  It seems that without giving some sweetness, they probably won't be able to make it to the end of the double grab.

  So, the next morning, before dawn, she got up and patted on the couple's door:

   "Father, mother, I will go to the mountain to see if I can catch a pheasant and come back. I will make chicken soup for you at noon. Can you go to work today?"

  After listening to the pheasant soup and pressing the acupoints before going to bed, his body was indeed not as sore as yesterday. Third Xu struggled to sit up: "Yes, yes! You can go! Your mother and I will get up immediately."

   As he spoke, he woke up his daughter-in-law, the husband and wife should share joys and sorrows together.

  Chen Huilan yawned, and responded: "I can lift my arms, and my **** bones are not as sore as yesterday, and I can still persevere. Girl, can you really catch pheasants?"

  The key is the latter sentence.

  Xu Yin: "...I will try my best."

  Actually, this area is full of small hills, and you can turn from one foot to the other in half a day. It's not a deep forest, so how can there be so many pheasants for her to catch.

   It's just an excuse.

  She walked fast, reached the top of the mountain in half an hour, and turned to the other side of the mountain.

  Recently, the farming is busy. Even if the villagers go up the mountain, they only hang around on this side of the mountain, and have no time to go to the other side of the mountain.

   Xu Yin poked through the grass, and she really found a nest of wild eggs. She took six and kept six.

  After that, he took out another Taoyuanxing pheasant and stuffed it into the back basket.

  I saw acacia trees on the way down the mountain, so I picked up a few handfuls of saponins and took them home to wash and eat.

  You need a ticket to buy a bar of soap these days, and you don’t want a ticket unless you encounter a defective product, but this kind of opportunity is rare.

   Unless you get up early in the morning and line up at the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative like buying meat, you might be able to catch up.

   But she is willing to wait in line to eat meat, but she is not so motivated to buy soap.

  Anyway, the market will be released within a few years, so it’s not bad to use saponin beans for a while, it’s all natural, no additives! Easy to use and environmentally friendly!

  Before going home, I deliberately took another road, went around the old house, and sent a bottle of medicinal wine to the old man.

   "Grandma, grandpa went to the ground?"

   "Yes! Earn more work points and save more food while you can do it."

   Mrs. Xu cooks breakfast alone at home. After breakfast, she will go to the field too.

  I can’t do anything else, but I can help out in the grain drying field and earn some work points.

   "When Grandpa comes back, let him rub the sore place." Xu Yin left the medicinal wine to Grandma Xu, and gave her six wild eggs.

  Under Mrs. Xu's pleasant and surprised eyes, she whispered in her ear: "I went up the mountain to pick it up. I was lucky and caught a pheasant. I will bring you and grandpa a bowl of chicken soup at noon."

   "Hey! Have you caught a pheasant? This is good luck! No need to send it away, keep it for yourselves. It will take a few more days, can your father take it?"

  Mrs. Xu felt sorry for her youngest son, worried that he would be so tired that his skin would peel off.

  Xu Yin smiled and said: "There is one, it can't be kept in hot weather, it's safest to eat it in the stomach."

   It didn't take long to put down my things, and I had to go home and make breakfast.

  Once Mrs. Xu waited for her wife to come back, she showed him the filial things of her granddaughter with a smile on her face:

"This is medicinal wine. Yatou rubbed your sore parts and said it worked very well. These are pheasant eggs. She woke up from the mountain today and found a pheasant nest. Not only did she pick up the eggs, but she also caught a pheasant. , He said he was going to send us chicken soup at noon."

  Old man Xu had a smile all over his face, his heart was very warm, but he said: "This girl, you can keep it for yourself and eat it, and take it around, and you are not afraid of being bumped into."

   "That's what I said too. Tell her not to give it away, she insists on it..." Mrs. Xu smiled until the corners of her eyes crease several times, "Old man, are you hungry? Hurry up and eat, and rub it with medicinal wine after eating."

"Tell her not to spend this money next time." Old man Xu picked up the medicinal wine bottle, which didn't have any labels on it, just a small brown bottle, presumably made by a barefoot doctor himself, and shook his head, "I bought it before, it's nothing use."

   "Oh, since girl Yin bought it, you can use it. Don't you keep saying that your arm hurts so much that you can't lift it up in the morning?"

  Old man Xu sighed.

   Yes, I bought everything, so I don’t need to waste too much, but this thing is really useless.

   "Ah Choo!"

  Xu Barefoot Doctor Yin sneezed at home and continued to make time to cook.

  Xu Laosan and his wife came back to have breakfast after working for an hour.

   Pickled melon, kimchi, chili scrambled eggs, and a bowl of white rice.

  During the busy farming period, Xu Yin steamed dry rice for breakfast, and porridge might not make her hungry.

  Xu Laosan finished two bowls of white rice with chili scrambled eggs, and thought of the delicious pheasant soup for lunch, he put down his chopsticks contentedly.

  Stop eating, save some stomach for lunch.

   "Yinyin, where did you buy the medicinal wine? It really works! After cutting the rice in the morning, my arms are not sore at all."

  Chen Huilan nodded and agreed: "Me too, the waist and buttock bones have improved a lot, unlike last night, the pain was so painful that I couldn't sit still."

  Xu Yin was the last one to pick up the rice and get up to pack the dishes: "Press it every night before going to bed, it will work. Father, mother, are you still harvesting rice today?"

   "I'm cutting rice, and your mother is going to sow millet in the afternoon. What are you doing, girl?"

   "I plow the field."

  The Seven-Star Brigade has no tractors yet, only a few old buffaloes. During the double robbing period, there are not enough cattle, so people have to form several teams to pull the plow.

  Xu Yin took the initiative to ask for this job.

  The production leader was both relieved and worried.

   What is gratifying is that if everyone is as proactive as her, they will not have to worry about failing to complete the task;

   What worries her is, she is a **** after all, and plowing is heavy work, can she handle it?

  Xu Laosan and his wife also said the same:

   "Why don't you let the captain change, you are not allowed to go to a girl's house. You can help your mother by going to the grain drying field."

   "Yes, Yinyin, plowing is not just about being quick, you have to have a lot of strength."

   "Am I not strong enough?"


   One sentence choked the couple.

   Come on, come on, such a lot of strength, let alone a girl, is rare among young people.

  The couple stopped chattering, and took a short rest after eating, then went down to the ground carrying a water bottle and wearing straw hats.

   "Yinyin, don't forget the chicken soup!"

  Before going out, Xu Laosan turned his head and yelled.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Almost forgot.

  Cleaned the bowls, cleaned the stove, cleaned up the pheasant, put a handful of soaked mushrooms and a few dried jujubes after boiling on high heat, and then removed the strong firewood, leaving only the charcoal embers to simmer.

  Ensure that it will not be extinguished and the water in the pot will not be boiled dry, Xu Yin put on a straw hat and a kettle and hurried out.

  When the production team leader came to inspect the progress, Xu Yin had just plowed an acre and came up to drink.

   "How is it? Are you tired?"

"It's okay." Xu Yin shook her arms and said, "Captain, why doesn't our brigade buy a tractor like other brigades? This saves time and effort during the busy farming season, and can go to the city to earn extra money during the slack season. "

"Do you think you can buy a tractor if you want? There are only a few quotas each year. After the commune reported it to our brigade, there has been no news. But even if you are eligible to buy it, the branch secretary said that you are not sure whether you want to buy it. No one bought it. Can drive it! Who will drive it back?" The captain took out a cigarette and smoked one.

  Xu Yin's eyes lit up: "I will!"

   She is so good at this! He used to be a small expert who repeatedly broke through the S rank!

  (end of this chapter)

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