The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 391: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (22)

  Chapter 391 The Housewives of the 1970s (22)

   "What are you doing on the black market?"

  Hearing Xu Yin said that she wanted to go to the black market, Mr. Xu, who was enjoying the pheasant mushroom soup respected by his granddaughter, raised his head and asked in bewilderment.

   Mrs. Xu guessed why her granddaughter wanted to go: "Do you want to go to buy food? You can't go, you can't go! That place is where your daughter can go!"

  Old man Xu's face turned serious when he heard the words: "You don't need to buy food. I have asked someone to inquire about it. If there is any, they will help us pull it over. We don't need to go by ourselves."

  Xu Yin failed to get the location of the black market out of the mouth of the elders, so she had to give up.

  She is not for food, mainly because in the 1980s, I always heard from the older generation that in the 1960s and 1970s, many people sold valuable things on the black market in order to fill their stomachs. I can't help but want to go and see, who doesn't want to stock up on some treasures when they have a chance?

  But she can understand the worry of the second elder. Since you don't want to say it, forget it.

  A fat pheasant, the Xu family ate for three days.

  Half a soup, half a fried chili, leftover parts such as chicken feet, chicken buttocks, wing tips, necks, etc., are stewed with dried beans and dried bamboo shoots for another meal.

  In the past three days, Mr. Xu eats so much that his face is radiant, and he walks with wind, earning 10 work points every day.

  Chen Huilan has 7 work points per day, which is considered full work points among the female compatriots.

   After all, lesbians like Xu Yin who earn full work points among the male compatriots are really rare.

   But Xu Yin, as if beating them was not enough, finished the day's work in less than half a day, and then either squatted in the private plot to work, or fiddled with the chicken feed for the two chicks.

  Since she taught the village women how to mix the new ecological fertilizer, recently, the men in every household have been urged by their mothers to pick up manure and compost.

  Only the Xu family where this incident happened, the youngest Xu who came back from work still cocked his legs, humming a little tune and drinking the herbal tea made for him by his daughter.

   Men don't mention how envious they are: "Third brother, let's go! Let's pick up dung together!"

  Xu Laosan shook his legs tremblingly: "My family doesn't need it! Yinyin has already taken care of it!"

   " dare you let your daughter do all the work? You are a big man..."

   "It's not that I don't want to do it." Xu Laosan looked innocent, "It's Yinyin who said, I have a bad waist, so let me not be so tired."

   "..." Why do you want to beat someone up!



  Before dinner, Xu Yin released the two chicks from the coop and let them run around in the yard.

   This is like a child who is locked at home after school, and his physique is definitely not as good as that of a child who is having fun in the playground.

  Fang Meihong, who was carrying a basin of dirty clothes to wash in the river, passed by Xu’s house. Hearing the chirping of chickens, she poked her head in surprise and asked, “Sir, when did your family raise chickens?”

   "A few days ago, Bu Yinyin wanted to raise her and said she would save eggs for me and her mother to eat when she grew up."


  Fang Meihong felt sour in her stomach.

  After washing the clothes and returning home, I saw my daughter hiding in the room without knowing what she was doing. The clothes were not washed, the food was not cooked, and she suddenly became angry and kicked open the door of the daughter's room:

"Damn girl! Whose girl is as lazy as you! Why don't you hurry up and start a fire to cook! Do you think you are a lady in the old society? It's all over, who is still cold? The same is sixteen or seventeen years old, Look at Xu Laosan's second daughter, and then look at you! It's really a waste of money for you to go to junior high school for a year. Xu Yin, who has not finished elementary school, is better than you. How about you? It's useless at all! If I had known earlier, it would be better Save your tuition fees and buy a meal of meat..."

  Zhao Pingping was scolded by her mother, and she was very upset. On the way to the field the next day, she met Xu Yin, her eyes were like a knife, and she gave Xu Yin a hard look, and even let out a cold "hum".

  Xu Yin was inexplicably stared at by her: "..." Who is this person? Do I know you?

  She has been very busy these two days.

   After retting the fertilizer, make chicken feed. This fertilizer can be used for a long time at a time, but the chicken feed is fed every day, so it has to be done frequently.

  So every two or three days, I had to go to the foot of the mountain to cut chicken grass.

   But this is so troublesome, so I thought about re-dividing the private land, and evened out a ridge to plant some chicken grass and alfalfa.

  Speaking of which, alfalfa is a magical crop that can fertilize the soil. Any land that has been planted with alfalfa will be much more fertile than other land.

  Xu Yin had a whim: How about a rotation?

  For example, wait until the alfalfa in this row is harvested, and then plant other vegetables; after the vegetables are harvested, the land is planted with alfalfa, and vegetables and alfalfa are planted in rotation.

   In this way, the chickens have feed to eat, and the fertility of the private land is gradually increased.

  After making the decision, she spent a few days working on the private land when she had free time. After re-planning, a small ridge of land was allocated.

  Xu Laosan thought that she would replant some chili plants, because his chili pepper consumption is relatively large, so he also made a small suggestion for this:

   "Girl, this time I plant some spicy plants. The few plants your sister planted before are not very spicy, and they don't eat at all."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   OK! Isn't it just chili? This requirement is easier than eating meat, but it can still be satisfied.

  So a small corner was evened out, and two Chaotian peppers were planted.

  The small ridge that was evened out earlier was loosened and fertilized, and chicken grass and alfalfa were planted.

   In this way, six tenths of her family's private land is really fully planted.

   Except for the drainage ditches, all the fields that can be planted are planted with fruits and vegetables:

   There are two rows of pumpkins near the corner of the wall.

   These two ridges are mixed with Taoyuanxing brand "Xi Soil" mud. Needless to say, the growth of pumpkins is definitely the star of this season's private plot.

  Pumpkins come over, followed by winter melon, radish, and cabbage.

   Then there are peppers, kidney beans, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers... all the seasonal vegetables that are common on the local dining table can be found in Xu's private plot.

  Individuals need to build bamboo frames, climbing climbing, hanging hanging.

  Against the bottom of the wall here, a few lentils were planted and climbed up the wall. The lentil flowers are also very beautiful, so they can be used as a wall decoration.

  After doing the housework in the private plot, and earning work points after finishing the housework, Xu Yin is thankful that she has supernatural power, otherwise she wouldn't be able to bear it.

   After finishing this round of work, it's time to visit my little sister again. I don't know if she has had enough to eat at the uncle's house.

  After finishing work that day, Xu Yin asked the production team leader for a half-day leave, explaining that she wanted to go to town to see her little sister.

  The production team leader readily approved her leave: "Okay! You work efficiently, and you can go to work if you have something to do."

  Chen Lei's younger generations muttered to the side:

   "Why is it that I never get approved when I ask for leave from the team leader, but when Xu Yin arrives, I get approved?"

   "Exactly!" Chen Lei shouted, "Captain, I also want to go to town..."

   "Get out! When will you be as efficient as Xu Yin, come to me to approve leave."

   "..." Who the **** can do this!

  Xu Yin smiled at them and walked home.

   "Is this girl provoking us?" Chen Lei asked in surprise.

   "Brother Lei Zi, she really has the strength to challenge us."

   "..." If you can't speak, you can shut up!

  (end of this chapter)

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