The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 389: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (20)

  Chapter 389 Disturbing Housewives in the 1970s (20)

  When they went to work, these women chatted about this matter calmly with the foreign workers:

"I asked the third daughter-in-law, and she said that she didn't know how to do it. Her second daughter-in-law was taking care of the private land. She and the third child never asked about what they planted and how they looked. It made me feel sour. Wow, she and the third child are so lucky! The eldest daughter is capable and filial when she is at home, and after the eldest daughter gets married, it is the turn of the second daughter to be capable and filial. These two are really lazy people have lazy luck..."

"Isn't that right? I went to Hebutou to wash clothes after work yesterday. I passed by the old third's house. The couple were drinking mung bean soup with their legs crossed. Their second daughter was cooking. Almost all the work in his house was done by their second daughter. , apart from earning work points, the two of them only need to wash their own clothes, and they don't have to do anything else, which makes me envious."

"Don't mention it, you are two sons, and you can't get away with the family work. I have three more daughters than you. Why don't you still hit the back of your head with your heels and be busy from morning to night? They are also daughters, so why is Xu's third daughter capable?" How about filial piety? People are more popular than people!"

   "Do you think that if the parents are lazy, the children will be able to do better?"

"Don't tell me, I really tried to do nothing like the old and the third. I just lay down on the bed and hoped that my son and daughter would cook the meal and call me to eat. As a result, you guessed, what time was my house that day?" Dinner? 7:30! Hey, I get angry when I mention this, I don’t cook, and there is no one at home who cooks, and they are all sitting with their bowls and chopsticks waiting to eat.”

  The women compatriots complained to each other about their uneasy children, and the topic returned to Xu Jiayu's fat.

   "I'm going to quit work and ask Yin girl, what's the matter with her fat, she's so fertile!"

"I am coming too!"

   "Then I will go too!"

  When Chen Lei Niang heard it, so many people asked? Then can I mix in the crowd and listen to it?

   If Xu Laosan really wants to take the opportunity to pick a son-in-law, everyone who goes there must have a share, and he can't just catch her son-in-law!

  So, when the work was dismissed that day, a group of women registered their work points, returned their tools, and flocked to the private plot of the Xu family.

  They knew that at this point Xu Yin was probably busy working in the private plot.

  For the same 10-work-point job, she finished it in half the time compared to others.

  The production team leader hoped that she would do more work. At worst, she could be credited with 12 work points, or even 15 work points.

  But Xu Yin thought about the need to take care of the private land at home, and cooking after it was over, so forget it. Let's use her spare power when the busy farming needs to rush to harvest.

  At this stage, it is almost the same for everyone to share the farm work.

  If she does the work of two or three people by herself, some people may not earn enough work points. Doesn't this mean that she is stealing people's jobs?

  So, Xu Yin left after finishing work every day.

   Unless her father sneaks a little lazy halfway and sees that he can't finish the day's work, he will help him, but most of the time he will do it by himself.

   "Yinyin! I'm busy working in the private plot again!"

  Xu Yin was wearing a straw hat and hunched over to loosen the soil for the vegetable field. When she heard someone calling her, she straightened up and looked over. She was almost startled. There are so many people?

   "Yinyin, your vegetables grow really well!"

"No! Especially this pumpkin, have you seen it? It's all fruited! My family's only bloomed. At first I thought it was the seeds from Yinyin's family, but I heard from the third daughter-in-law that it has nothing to do with the seeds, it's Yinyin's own fertilizer. good."

  Everyone was thinking about the fatness of the Xu family, so they exchanged a few words and got straight to the point:

   "Yinyin, we came here with the cheek to ask, how did you lose weight? Can you teach us?"

  Xu Yin heard from her mother two days ago that Aunt Chunhua thought that her pumpkins grew well because of the seeds, and wanted to exchange a few seeds with her family. She expected such a day, so she had already thought about the wording.

"Yes! It's actually very simple. The ratio is more precise. The synthetic ecological fertilizer not only contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to meet the needs of crop growth, but also contains rich organic matter, humic acid, nucleic acid, amino acids and other trace amounts. Nutrient elements...then control the time of fermentation and retting, so that the fertilizer is fully decomposed, so that the absorption and utilization rate of crops will increase, and the growth will be faster..."

   All the women were confused, what nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? What amino acid? What are you talking about?

   Also control the time? How to control it? Ordinary retting takes seven or eight days or ten days, so should it be controlled at seven or eight days or ten days?

  Xu Yin told them: at least twenty days.

  The ones that have been fertilized for seven to eight days or ten days are actually not fully decomposed. At this time, it is used for fertilization, which is a lot of waste.

  The same amount of fertilizer, if fully decomposed in 20 days, the fertility must be far better than that of 70, 80 or 90 days.

   "More than twenty days? How long does it take?"

   "It's no wonder our family fertilizes, as if we didn't apply it. The number of days is not enough." Li Chunhua, who lives next door to Xu Yin's house, suddenly realized, "My family is impatient, and after retting for seven or eight days at most, it will be scooped into the ground."

   "My family is also the same. They also say that the manure piled up with hard work is no better than not watered, and the leaves of the vegetables should be yellow as usual. I didn't expect that there are so many things about composting."

   "Yinyin, you are smart! How come you have so many? My dead girl has been in junior high school for a year. If you ask her these things, she can't even give a fart!" Li Chunhua's sister-in-law Fang Meihong said.

  Xu Yin: "..."


  Forgot the original body and only graduated from primary school.


   Before she could figure out how to deal with it, Li Chunhua said, "Does it have anything to do with whether you can farm or not? People don't teach this in junior high school."

"That's true. What is taught in the school is to let them pass the high school entrance examination and become workers. If they are allowed to farm the land, who will go to school!" After a pause, Fang Meihong smiled at Xu Yin, "Yinyin, auntie I'm not talking about you, you're doing fine."

  Xu Yin was very happy in her heart, and there was no need to look for reasons now.

  Following the other party's words, he nodded and said: "Yes! Three hundred and sixty lines, if you do well, you can be the champion in every line!"

   "That's right, that's right!"

   "That Yinyin, when are you free, can you teach us how to make this fat?"

   "Yes, Yinyin, if you have any work that is too late, we will help you."

  Xu Yin waved her hand: "No, no, my family doesn't have much work. If you want to learn, why don't you know the day after tomorrow?"

  She has plans to make new fertilizers recently.

  Today, I just fertilized the private plot and the small vegetable patch next to the courtyard wall in front of the house. The rest of the fertilizer can be used again, so that it just connects with the new fertilizer.

  Li Chunhua and the others hurriedly nodded: "Then tomorrow! Is it also this time?"

   "Yes! Just come over after work is over."

   "Good good good."

   Received the letter of approval, everyone went back happily.

  Chen Lei Niang walked at the end, looked back at Xu Yin, and thought that if Xu Laosan didn't recruit a son-in-law, Yin girl and Lei Zi would be a good match. Unfortunately…

  (end of this chapter)

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