Chapter 371 The Housewives of the 1970s (2)

  In the novel, Xu Yin should follow the auntie's words at this time, scolding her father for being partial, why should she let the younger sister go. If she is not allowed to go, she will go anyway. So I packed my bags that day and followed my cousin to my uncle's house.

But at this moment, she just wanted to hide from the heroine, so she accepted her father's words with a smile: "Yes, listen to my father and let Lan Lan go. I heard that the teachers in the children's elementary school of the agricultural machinery factory are all graduates of normal schools." Yes, it’s better than the countryside anyway, let Lan Lan go to receive a few years of formal education, maybe she can go to high school in the future. I’ll forget it, I’m already this old, it’s time to earn some work points for the family.”

  Zou Caifen: "..."

  Why didn't I see you so sensible before?

  Xu Yin originally wanted to persuade Grandpa Xu not to engage in surrogacy, and just let the three brothers draw lots.

  Whoever gets caught will take the place. If not caught, he will earn work points honestly and raise his own children.

   However, it was a step slower, and the opening chapter was exactly the same as the plot of the original book.

   The second brother Xu and the third brother Xu have already pressed their fingerprints.

  Even if she was persuaded enough to repent and would like to draw lots again, Boss Xu would not be willing to miss the opportunity to replace him if he didn't get one.

  It is obviously impossible to make a U-turn in the plot.

   Now what she can do is not to get involved in the affairs of the uncle's family, the first step is not to live in the uncle's house.

  As for the younger sister Xu Lan...

  Xu Yin found Xu Lan who was hiding in Grandma Xu’s room and reading the comic book brought by her cousin Xu Tao:

   "Lan Lan, would you like to live in the uncle's house? If not, the second sister will discuss with the uncle and ask him to subsidize our family with a little food, and you can stay at home."

   "I want to go, mother said uncle's house has meat to eat."


   This is a child who was coaxed to live in someone else's house by a few taels of meat?

   "But you are still so young, won't you feel homesick if you live in your uncle's house for a long time?"

   "Isn't Taotao going too? We agreed, I'll help him with his homework, and he will lend me to read comic books."


  Is this a clear arrangement of the sojourn life?

   Seeing that Xu Yin was silent, Xu Lan tilted her head and asked tentatively, "Second Sister, do you want to go too?"

   "No, no, I don't want to go." Xu Yin waved her hands frantically, "I'm just afraid that you will be at a disadvantage at your uncle's house when you are young...cough."

Speaking of this, she lowered her voice and told her younger sister: "To save money, uncle, the food may not be enough for you to eat. When the time comes, you should be smart and feed yourself. If you really can't eat enough, go home after the holiday, and the second sister will make it for you." Take the delicious ones with you, and eat them secretly when you’re hungry.”

  Xu Lan looked at her speechlessly and said, "Second Sister, what are you talking about? How can a good auntie not let us have enough to eat?"


   Don't believe it! If you want to raise you two elementary school chickens to adulthood, my uncle's heart may already be bleeding, and she will definitely find a way to save money.

  But Xu Lan didn't believe it at all, and said with a smile: "Second sister, don't worry, when the uncle's family eats meat, I will hide a piece for you and bring it to you during the holidays."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Miss looks like someone who lacks meat?

In the end, she watched helplessly that this little girl, just like her original self in the novel, happily followed her uncle's family to the farm machinery factory with a small burden on her shoulders. staff domitory.

Seeing the second girl looking eagerly at the direction in which the eldest family was leaving, the third son Xu cleared his throat, "Yinyin, it's not that my father favors Lan Lan. It's that Lan Lan is young, so our family can't afford to let your uncle raise him until he grows up." Less money."

  Xu Yin turned to look at him and asked: "Father, aren't you worried about Lan Lan? She is only eleven years old, what should I do if she is wronged?"

   "Hey, your uncle's house is just like my own, so what can you suffer? Come on, it's time to go to work, mother? Are you lazy on the bed again? This lazy woman, when can you be more diligent..."

  Chen Huilan came out of the back room and glared at him: "You said I was lazy, where did you work so hard? Going to work is like a foreign worker, earning less work points than me..."

   "Fart! What's not as much as you? Surely more than you!"

   "It's just one more shavings. I don't know, you only earned 7 work points yesterday, half of the work and you hid under the tree to be lazy, right?"

   "That's more than your 5 work points. Did you sneak home early to sleep?"

   "You didn't have 7 work points the day before yesterday, right?"

   "You asked for leave the day before yesterday and didn't go to work."


  Xu Yin was extremely speechless to these two people.

  This is a lazy couple: they go to work and work hard, but finish work faster than rabbits; they don't work much at home, and they haven't been active in other things except cooking and eating.

  The house is full of dirty laundry, just waiting for the eldest daughter to wash when she returns to her natal home.

  If there were not only a few bowls in the kitchen, if you want to eat, you have to wash it first, otherwise it will be piled up forever.

  The yard was cleaned with a broom a few years ago, and the eldest daughter came back to clean it afterward.

  In short, from Xu Yin's point of view, this couple is so lazy.

  Can she really lead such a family?

  Following the couple to go to work, Xu Yin raised her head to look at the blue sky, and couldn't help thinking of the life of Xing Taoyuan.

  In the last small world, she sensed that the end was approaching, so she handed over to Kahn the "Cultivation Notes" that she had sorted out while opening up wasteland after she came to Taoyuan Star.

  This is sorted out for the climate, environment, and soil on Taoyuan, and it may not be applicable to other planets.

   After all, she has never been to other planets, and she is not sure whether the conditions there are suitable for the cultivation methods mentioned in her notes and the solutions to some common plant diseases.

  Kan, who took over the management of Taoyuan Star from Simon, regards this "Cultivation Notes" as a treasure, and implements it meticulously according to the method written above, making Taoyuan Star the most beautiful planet that countless people yearn for. It was not until he was very old that he was solemnly handed over to the next Taoyuan Star manager.

  Xu Yin happily left Taoyuan Star and entered the small world of comprehension to recuperate.

  This time, because the "Chinese Herbal Medicine Illustrated Book" has been cleared, and I have stockpiled a lot of high-quality medicinal materials in Taoyuan, I didn't go to the valley to dig herbs. It is more interesting to go to their sect with the disciples of the Lingxu Sect who went down to purchase.

   Just in time, the mountain spring water is almost used up, so stock up!

Hello! The little disciple in front, such a good spiritual grain and spiritual vegetable, won't pick it up after dropping it?

  Xu Yin hurriedly followed to pick up the leak.

  By the way, carefully inspect the Ling Tianzi after the autumn harvest, and pick up any Linggu Lingmai that the wood disciples missed.

   are good ingredients full of aura, what a pity to waste!

  If you still feel bored after doing these things, you will float to each mountain peak to watch the disciples of each peak practice.

   During the period, I also watched with relish a few scenes where the disciples were jealous because of the partiality of the master, or because the brothers liked the senior sister/junior sister at the same time, which led to the cannibalism between the same sect.

  It’s like watching a 6D movie, and no one knows when you complain about it while watching it.

  In short, recuperating and recuperating in the world of comprehension not only stabilized and nourished her primordial spirit, but also allowed her to eat melons and watch dramas.

  Unfortunately, as soon as ten years came, he was kicked into the mission world by the ruthless dog system.

   Xu Shehu, who wants to be a happy salted fish, will be forced to 996 again.

  (end of this chapter)

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