The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 363: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (22)

Just in case any woman would recommend herself to be "his" woman, Mrs. Xu Yintuo Ximeng spread a few words: She has been heartbroken by feelings, and unless she thinks about it completely in the future, she will never be in this life. No matter how tempted you are, you will no longer have entanglements with women.

   Don't worry when it's over, and add another item: She has a normal orientation. Although she was heartbroken by a woman, she will not choose a man as a partner because of this.

  The reason why I added this one is because I am afraid that some men will start thinking about her, so she will really thank you!

Mrs. Simon did her best to act as a sounding board, and felt that Xu Yin's original words were a bit blunt, so she explained in a tactful way: "Don't think that the hero doesn't know good from bad, he really suffered serious emotional trauma. You have all seen the face when he came here. Those wounds were done by his former lover and sympathizers. As long as the scars are still there, he will never be able to escape the shadow of betrayal in his life. So don't bother him, just communicate normally He said that he is very welcome, but the words that cross the line should not be mentioned again from now on."

"I didn't expect that someone as strong as a hero would have suffered such a severe betrayal. And it was the betrayal of the person next to his pillow, which is so infuriating! The hero is so charming... The woman thinks that the hero is thin, short, and looks like a Girls?"

   "If you don't like it, then break up normally. Why do you want to hurt the hero? Fortunately, this woman didn't come to the exile star, otherwise let's see how I deal with her! How dare you treat the hero like poor brother hero..."

These women, after listening to Mrs. Simon's explanation, found that a man who is as powerful as a hero is even injured and wronged, and suddenly changed from the original desire to be the woman next to the hero, to pity the hero and protect the hero unconsciously. , No longer let him be hurt or wronged, one by one began to call themselves sisters.

  Xu Yin heard: "..."

   Okay, my sister is my sister, it's better than flirting around her like last time.

  She has been worrying about the dwindling salt recently.

  As more and more vegetables are grown by various families, there is not enough salt on the surface.

   Occasionally, there will be a bottle of special seasoning salt for barbecue in the supply bag. The supervision office probably knows that the exiles will hunt some insects and roast them for food. But salt is needed for every dish, and the salt used for barbecue will soon bottom out.

  Xu Yin moved her brains to the saltwater lake and decided to dry the sea salt by herself.

   I remember that I exchanged a salt drying technique book with the system during the Yan Dynasty, and it just came in handy at this moment.

  The saltwater lake is surrounded by saline-alkali land. Except for salt-alkali-resistant crops, nothing can grow.

  Crops that are resistant to salt and alkali, she doesn't have energy points to use for saplings now, so why not open a salt farm to dry the salt and make the best use of it.

   Just in time, a group of newcomers came recently. After a few days, they were still in shock and bewilderment. They hadn’t started to open up wasteland and farm. They simply asked them to go to the saltwater lake to dry sea salt.

   "The salt is exposed, and the natural ingredients are exchanged with others, and both sides will benefit." Xu Yin sent them a watermelon and said to them.

  These people thought it made sense, and happily followed Xu Yin to the saltwater lake with the watermelon in their arms.

  Petri and the others watched from afar the group of new big fools being tricked by Xu Yin to dry the sea salt, all of them showed sympathy.

  Heart said these fools! After giving me a melon, I happily followed it. I don’t think it’s such an easy job to dry salt?

   Of course not easy!

  Especially these people don’t have Xu Yin’s great strength, and secondly, they don’t have an automatic thermostat, so drying salt in the open space with no shade under the scorching sun is like a punishment.

But Xu Yin would cut them a big watermelon soaked in the spring water of Lingxuzong mountain for them every day, and cook a pot of mung bean soup with rock sugar, cold silk and sweetness, which made them feel that after putting in a little labor, they didn't even eat it before. The natural ingredients seen are worth it.

   Just like that, a group of people were tired and happy basking in sea salt.

   This sun is a whole summer.

   With the sun-dried sea salt, it is not only enough for everyone to eat, but also enough for Xu Yin to pickle all kinds of pickles, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

  Mrs. Simon and others wanted to learn from her, so the clay pots that Xu Yin brought out were not enough.

  She thought about firing the kiln again.

   But kiln needs clay, where is clay? It seems that there are no muddy riverbanks in this area.

"River beach?" Kaxiu thought for a while and said, "There seems to be a lake in the insect forest. The soil around it is wet and sticky. Is it the mud you mentioned? But it's close to the core area, and there are many dangers. I'm just getting lost. I’ve been there, and I haven’t been there since.”

   "Does danger mean insects?"

  Xu Yin thought that if it was a worm beast, with her force value that could kill a giant beast with one punch, it seemed that there was no need to worry too much.

But Kaxiu pondered and said: "Insects and beasts are one aspect, but the most dangerous thing is not insects and beasts. Simon came earlier than me. He once heard an old man who had been here for fifty or sixty years say that the core area of ​​the insects and beasts forest The geology of the forest is very special. As you walk, you will suddenly sink in and cannot pull out your feet, and then you will be swallowed by the giant dire-tooth monster. Many people wanted to go through the forest before, but a few of them were swallowed by the monster as soon as they sank , and everyone dare not go there anymore. So far, I don’t know if anyone has successfully passed through the core area.”

  Why does Xu Yin sound so much like a swamp in a tropical rainforest environment? The giant beast that devours people when they fall into the swamp, shouldn't it be a crocodile?

  Thinking about the tropical rainforest, it is indeed dangerous.

   But then again, the periphery of the Insect Beast Forest is either temperate or subtropical vegetation, but the core area is actually a tropical rainforest?

  She couldn't help but click her tongue: "How big is the Insect Beast Forest?"

   Kaxiu shook his head: "I don't know, it's very big anyway."

   Unable to find suitable clay for firing a kiln, Xu Yin planned to try with the soil that had been plowed up.

   "Hero, do you know how to fire kilns? I've only seen them in star history books." Mrs. Simon praised her again after hearing about it.

  Xu Yin has heard a lot of her praises in the past few years, and she has become thick-skinned: "The kimchi jar is not enough, I want to see if I can burn a jar out of soil."

   "How much soil do you need? Let me dig it for you."

   "I don't need too much, I don't know if it can be used." Xu Yin sighed, "Actually, it's better to use the mud by the river and lake, but unfortunately we don't have river beaches here."

   "By the river and lake? Is it okay to have the one by the saltwater lake? I see some mud on the side of the saltwater lake. I don't know if it's the clay you mentioned."

  Xu Yin's eyes lit up: Yes! Sea mud is fine too! Who said it has to be light cement?

  There are still artists in this world who choose to use sea mud to burn kilns.

   "Thank you, Mrs. Simon!" Xu Yin almost hugged her and kissed her.

  Thinking about my identity as a woman disguised as a man, it is better to say goodbye, so as not to cause Simon to misunderstand.

  Seeing how happy she was, Mrs. Simon laughed too: "It would be nice if I could help you. I'll call Simon and ask him to find a few people to go digging with you."

   "Okay! When the cooking is successful, we will have a steady stream of jars to pickle pickles and make kimchi."

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