The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 356: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Wild Star Farming (15) (Third Watch, Please

  Chapter 356 Jiang Zhi's female supporting star farming (15) (three shifts, please ask for a monthly pass!)

  Xu Yin and Mrs. Simon give benefits to everyone.

   After counting, each person can be assigned a cabbage, a radish, and a handful of amaranth.

  Xu Yin didn't plan to hoard the first batch of crops, and distributed them all to everyone to taste while they were fresh.

  After tasting the sweetness, she is willing to continue to open up wasteland for her.

  Sometimes she can't help but think that doing so seems to be no different from the ancient landlady.

   Out of guilty conscience, give them more food.

  After distribution, there were dozens of cabbages, a dozen radishes, and ten catties of amaranth left.

  Xu Yin divided them equally among Simon.

   "Hero, how do you eat this Yuanbu Longdong dish?" Mrs. Simon didn't know how to do it either.

  Xu Yin thought for a while, and simply set up a fire pot at the door of the house, and demonstrated to everyone how to use the fatty parts of insect meat (similar to pork belly) to make dry cabbage, and how to use insect ribs to stew radish.

  As for amaranth, it is very simple, boiled in water and mixed with minced garlic, it is a delicious and refreshing appetizer.

  Everyone memorize the steps, go home and do it clumsily.

   After eating this, the taste buds were captured by the dry pot cabbage.

   "This dish is delicious!"

   "I didn't expect that there is something more suitable for fried insect meat than cabbage! It's so delicious!"

   "This white and fat ingredient called radish, the stew is also delicious!"

   "Unexpectedly, I can eat natural ingredients every day in my lifetime, so happy!"

   "My good sister-in-law, if she knew that I lived so comfortably in Exile Star, she might regret reporting me back then, and she might even want to report herself."

  Xu Yin also tasted the dry pot cabbage that she hadn't cooked for a long time. It was good, her hands were not raw.

  In other words, the worms here are very similar to the beef and mutton raised on the vast pastures. They taste very delicious. They are fried with crispy and tender cabbage.

  She couldn't help but want to hoard more worm meat.

   "Brother Hero, what is the name of this white, glutinous, and strange-smelling natural ingredient?" Kahn picked up the minced garlic from the amaranth, muttering that it had a strange smell, but he wanted to pick this one to eat.

  Xu Yin said that this is called garlic, which can not only be used as a seasoning, but also can be dipped in sweet and sour garlic.

   "When the garlic in the ground is all up, I'll soak a can of sweet and sour garlic for you to taste, and the taste will be different."

  As Xu Yin said, she tossed raw garlic the size of two fists.

  She discovered that the crops grown by the exile star not only have a short growth time, but are also large in size. Although ordinary seeds are used, they are grown twice as big as ordinary ones.

   I can't help but sigh once again for the soil of the barren star, which is as powerful as the soil, it would be a pity to leave it barren.

  So, she continued to mobilize everyone to open up wasteland and farm.

   From time to time, give everyone some ripe fruits and vegetables as benefits.

   On this day, the watermelons and melons in the melon field were ripe.

  Xu Yin asked Kahn to inform everyone that after work was over, she would come to her to take half a melon back.

   "It's not good, it's not good!" After a while, Kahn ran back sweating profusely and said, "Brother Hero, Andrew is fighting with someone."

  As soon as she heard that there was a fight in the land where she had paid for materials and hired them to open up wasteland, Xu Yin became angry, put down what she was doing, and followed Kahn to the scene.

   "Fight? All right! Beat me first! I'll let you have a good fight." Xu Yin said, smoothing her sleeves.

  The two who were fighting were immediately quiet as chickens.

  Who would dare to do this shit!

   Who can win a fight that can kill a giant beast with one punch?

  Xu Yin glanced at everyone coldly, and finally, her eyes fell on the two people who were fighting: "Tell me, what's the matter? I produce natural ingredients, and I hired you to open up wasteland, not to let you fight."

"He slandered me! I just shot because I was so angry." Andrew raised his head, looked directly at Xu Yin, and then looked away, "He said that I stole the supply package and you didn't get it. But the last few times I have, Only take one at a time, and come to open up wasteland after receiving it, Pieri can testify for me."

  "Yes, yes, yes! I can testify." Pieri nodded his head, "Every time I went to collect the supply package with Andrew, he did only take one, not more."

"He ran the fastest, and he didn't take more, so who would have taken it? It's impossible for the Supervision Office to miss out, right?" The black and thin boy who fought with Andrew wiped the corners of his bloodshot mouth, and said angrily, "Hero, I can't see Andrew taking your supply bag and earning natural ingredients from you."

  Xu Yin wanted to help her forehead.

   This BUG hurt her a lot.

"Actually, I got the supply package." Xu Yin pretended to take out a previous supply package from the "space button" in front of them, shook it and put it back, "I'm too busy, I'll go back after receiving it." Worked, so it's normal that you didn't see me."

  Kan felt strange and opened his mouth to say something, but his elder brother covered his mouth.

  Xu Yin continued: "The supervisory office counts chips based on them, so there will be no missed releases. We are also very orderly now, and we won't take more. Don't hurt your peace because of this trivial matter."

  Then changed the topic: "Just take a halftime break and eat some watermelon!"

   "Watermelon is here!"

  Mrs. Simon directed the men and came to the scene carrying a basket of watermelons.

   "What kind of melon is watermelon?"

   "The melons grown in the west?"

   "Does that mean there are winter melons, pumpkins, and pumpkins?"

  Xu Yin was amused when she heard the words, and while cutting and dividing melons with a watermelon knife, she explained: "You can also call it 'water melon', because it is full of water and can quench your thirst."

  The person who ate the watermelon opened his eyes: "It's so delicious!"

   "Is this watermelon? I declare that it will be my favorite in the future!"

   "Old Pi, every time you eat a natural ingredient, you say it is your favorite. How many favorites do you have?"

   "Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed.

  Pieri also said with a smile: "Whoever is delicious is my favorite!"

  Xu Yin tossed the melon: "Then try this again."

   After a while, Pieri shouted again in surprise: "No wonder it's called melon, it's even sweeter than watermelon! I declare..."

   "Hahahaha! Don't announce it, Old Pi. If you continue to announce it, your favorites will rebel collectively!"

  An unhappiness disappeared in the food sharing.

  Xu Yin found that from ancient times to the present, from the earth to the interstellar, food is the thing that can bring people closer together.

  Looks like it's time to show off the real charm of farming—growing some rice and wheat.

  A table without rice and noodles is not perfect after all.

   Coincidentally, Andrew’s group had already opened up the wasteland near the Kenghuan Lake, and Xu Yin used a military shovel to dig a canal to divert water from the Kenghuan Lake to the rice fields to irrigate.

   Calculate the time. Now the seedlings are planted and transplanted, just in time for the harvest before the cold season.

  While busy with her work, she was thinking about the work to be done in this winter season—planning to come out with the whole waterwheel. Otherwise, it would be too time-consuming and laborious to irrigate manually every time.

  Because I wasn't sure what kind of rice was more suitable for the soil here, I simply planted two acres.

   Today I clocked in another "first time in my life" - riding in a trailer.

   Thanks to the tow truck master who picked me up on the hot road and helped me tow the car with no gas to the gas station... The co-pilot of a tow truck for the first time in my life... ┭┮﹏┭┮...

   Everyone must look at the fuel gauge when going out in the future. I actually paid attention to it two days ago, but these two days I have been busy with several things and forgot...o(╥﹏╥)o



  (end of this chapter)

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