The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 341: The White Moonlight of the Surgeon (End of this article)

  Chapter 341 The White Moonlight of the Surgeon (End of this article)

   "How do you know there is no wedding? I didn't intend to give you an invitation."

  Xu Yin glanced at him.

  People look like dogs, but they just can't learn to speak well.

  She bypassed the pair of cousins ​​and walked forward.

   "Xu Yin." Wen Heting called to stop her, "If, if I agree to your pursuit after graduating from high school, will we be the ones getting married now?"

  Xu Yin paused, thinking that this person is really strange, doesn't he like his sister-in-law?

  She turned around: "Is your sister-in-law in good health?"

  Wen Heting's expression turned ugly in an instant: "You don't have to stab me with this accident."


  Xu Yin shrugged: "I just care about it by the way. If you don't want to say it, let it go. I have to leave first."

   "Xu Yin!"

  Wen Heting strode forward to grab her arm, but was pushed away by a strong external force.

  He staggered two steps before he stabilized himself.

  Gu Xijin pulled Xu Yin into her arms, her eyes were cold: "Students, don't make too much trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Wen Heting raised his foot and brushed off his trouser legs that were scratched by the tree trunk, and snorted lightly, "I'm just apologizing for her. Marriage is such a big deal, there's not even a wedding? It’s too much to justify, isn’t it?”

  Gu Xijin took out her mobile phone, clicked on the electronic invitation card in her collection, and sent it to the other party's mobile phone: "Welcome! If you wish us sincerely."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and took Xu Yin to the place where he parked.

   "Why did you send the invitation to him?" Xu Yin pouted, "Eight out of ten sentences this guy says don't sound like human beings."

  Gu Xijin was a little depressed at first, but after hearing what she said, the sullenness in her heart suddenly dissipated, and she wanted to laugh.

  She really didn't take the other party seriously, let alone in her heart.

   "Then if you want to see our wedding, let him come."

   There is a word in my heart that I didn't say: let him see with his own eyes that you belong to me, and let him give up completely.

   "Xiao Xu, have you submitted your registration form?"

   On the way to Gu's house, Professor Cheng called to ask.

   "Submitted, submitted last night."

   "Just submit it." Professor Cheng said, "This year's selection has changed a bit, and I will send you the supplementary details later."

  Xu Yin received the supplementary rules, read them carefully, and found that there were not only a few changes, but the changes were too big.

  She had studied last year's competition rules. The participating flowers only need to be delivered to the exhibition hall before 9:00 am on the day of the competition, but this year they are required to be delivered to the exhibition hall half a month in advance.

  The tutor group is also talking about this matter, and the voice keeps chattering:

   "I heard that foreign flower lovers have formed a group to compete, so the organizer wants to design the exhibition hall better, so it requires the participating flowers to enter the venue half a month in advance, so that they can design a suitable theme."

   "Put the cart before the horse! Shouldn't the emphasis be on the flowers themselves? Why is the design of the exhibition hall so complicated!"

   "Save face! There will definitely be a lot of media reporters at that time. The exhibition hall represents the appearance. How can the organizer not pay attention to it?"

   "It's nothing else. It is said that the exhibition hall will set the temperature and humidity according to the maintenance environment of the flowers. It is only half a month in advance. Wouldn't it conflict with Yinyin's wedding?"



  Xu Yin's wedding is just a few days away.

  The teachers all sent voices, Xu Yin let it out to listen, and Gu Xijin naturally heard it too.

  He glanced at her quietly: "Yinbao, don't tell me you plan to change the wedding time?"

"how can that be possible."

  Xu Yin felt guilty for a moment, just now she had a similar thought and was caught by him.

   "Don't worry, the invitations have been sent out, and it is impossible to change them."

   "Meaning, you plan to change it before it's posted?"


  Man, you are making trouble for no reason.

  Later, Professor Cheng suggested that he ask a few students to send flowers to the exhibition hall in advance, and Xu Yin can just wait for the wedding to go there.

   "I'll let them stay there and take turns guarding the flowers. When the time comes, there will be a live broadcast. You can watch it whenever you want, don't worry."

   Xu Yin is definitely not worried!

  The non-flowering golden epiphyllum looks not much different from ordinary epiphyllum.

   It is said that it is a scene of rare flower appreciation, and flowers worth millions abound.

   Not to mention, Professor Cheng's proposal for a live broadcast has won the full support of the organizer.

   Simply set up a live camera for each booth.

   Firstly, it prevents external damage and facilitates supervision and management, and secondly, it can attract a wave of attention from the outside world.

  Originally, this kind of flower competition was only known to people in the circle, and few outsiders knew about this kind of competition.

   At most, after the appreciation competition is over, after the current Kao Queen is selected, the last headline news or something will be pushed. But because the popularity was not high, even if it was pushed to the top of the list, it quickly sank.

  This year, because foreign friends came to China to discuss, the organizer wanted to make it more grand. Not only did it open a live broadcast, but also bought a wave of hot searches. Netizens who are interested in rare flowers are welcome to watch.

  Xu Yin went up to watch from time to time while preparing for the wedding.

  In addition to looking at my own baby Jin Tan, I also look at the flowers that other people send for comments.

  Busy and full of time, it's her and Gu Xijin's big day.

  Family and friends flocked to offer blessings to the newlyweds.

  Gu Xijin booked the banquet hall on the second floor of the Imperial Court and the entire guest room on the fifth floor for relatives and friends to rest.

  The person in charge of the imperial court originally wanted to waive the order for him, but he flatly refused.

   What a joke! A once-in-a-lifetime event, paid for by the hotel? Where is his husband?

  Seeing that he was determined not to waive the order, the imperial court changed the way of congratulations—adding a few auspicious dishes to each table, and also sent a generous gift.

  Lu Rongrong, Jiang Yuanyuan and other college students who stayed in Beijing with whom we had contact from time to time after graduation were also present.

  In the guest room where Xu Yin was putting on make-up, I surrounded her and sighed:

   "It's not easy for Gu Daxue to marry you home until now, isn't it?"

   "It's better to look at you as a human being, and hold this high-quality stock in your hands before you graduate."

  Xu Yin smiled without saying a word, letting them make jokes.

   "Beautiful bride, the auspicious time is coming, we should go down." Mother Gu came over and knocked on the door.

  Lu Rongrong quietly asked Xu Yin: "Is your mother-in-law treating you well?"


  Jiang Yuanyuan talked about gossip: "Zhang Qing seems to be married too, but I heard that her relationship with her in-laws is very stiff, and she returns to her mother's house every three days."

  Xu Yin listened to the gossip for a while.

  As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw Gu Xijin waiting there. Seeing her coming out, she reached out her hand.

  She and his two classmates cooperated tacitly together and booed.

  Grandpa Xu specially wore a suit and a wine-red bow tie today, surrounded by a group of old friends, his face was full of red.

However, when he sent his granddaughter to his grandson-in-law, the old man's eyes turned red: "Xixi, I will give Yinyin to you, and you will take good care of her in the future. She is a good child, but it is a pity that she has eaten a lot with my old man. bitter…"

  Grandpa Xu choked up and couldn't continue speaking.

  Gu Xijin hugged him, then took Xu Yin's hand, and solemnly promised: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will do my best to protect her, love her, and never let her be wronged."

   "Good!" Grandpa Xu wiped the scarlet corners of his eyes, "I hope that from now on, you will stay together forever and grow old together."

   "Sir, won't you go in and sit?"

  At the entrance of the wedding banquet hall, the waiter pushed the cart to pour water and tea for the guests. Seeing a handsome young man standing at the door, he asked a question with a blushing face.

  Wen Heting's complicated eyes followed Xu Yin who was led by Gu Xijin to the ceremonial stage for the last time, put on his sunglasses, turned and left: "Sorry, I went to the wrong place."

  On the stage, the master of ceremonies announced that the most critical part of the wedding will begin, and the audience applauded enthusiastically.

  The master of ceremonies held the microphone and asked Gu Xijin with a smile: "May I ask our groom, from now on, no matter whether the bride is poor, rich, sick, disabled, or ugly, are you willing to love her for the rest of your life?"

   Gu Xijin stared at Xu Yin and replied, "I am willing!"

  The master of ceremonies asked again: "If you become poor, disabled, sick, or ugly, are you willing to let the bride live?"

  Gu Xijin's handsome face cracked for a moment, and she immediately replied: "I am willing!"

  Xu Yin thumped him lightly, and asked quietly, holding back a smile, "What word do you want?"

   "Sun Shuming found the master of ceremonies!" Gu Xijin gritted her teeth.

  Under the stage, Sun Shuming's table of elites from the future medical field laughed and lay down on the wedding banquet table.


  That night, after all the guests had settled down, Xu Yin and Gu Xijin returned to their warm little home in the alley.

"so tired!"

  Xu Yin removed the hair that had been coiled all day, and collapsed on the big bed full of festivities, so tired that she didn't even bother to wash up.

   "Shall I carry you?" Gu Xijin wrung out a warm towel and came over to wipe her face.

   "I haven't removed my makeup yet."

   "How to unload? You teach me."

  Xu Yin put her arms around his neck with a smile: "You are so kind to me, aren't you afraid of spoiling me?"

  He leaned down and kissed her brows and eyes tenderly: "I'm spoiled for you."

  The two stayed warm for a while before Xu Yin got up to wash up.

【Ding! The extra task has been completed, and the reward energy point is 5000]

  Xu Yin paused while brushing her teeth, the extra task was completed? when?

  Suddenly remembering that epiphyllum blooms at night, she hastily rinsed her mouth and ran out to find her cell phone.

   "What's wrong?" Gu Xijin thought something happened.

   "Forgot to look at my Jin Tan."


  Gu Xijin handed her her mobile phone, pulled him into her arms, and bit her earlobe: "I love flowers more than me? Huh?"

   "Didn't you say that? Flowers are like our children, why are you jealous with your children?"

  “…” co-authored or did he dig the hole himself?

  Xu Yin hasn't logged into the live broadcast room yet, and the tutor group messages are one after another, all of which are @her.

  Professor Cheng thought the voice was troublesome, so he dialed directly: "I didn't bother you and Xiao Gu's bridal chamber, right?"

  Xiao Gu: Ask knowingly.

  Xu Yin sat in his arms, held his hand comfortingly, and happily asked Professor Cheng: "Teacher, is the epiphyllum blooming?"

"Did you watch the live broadcast? It's on! It's amazing the audience...ah no! It's amazing the whole network! Your senior sister said that the live broadcast was stuck for a long time, and everyone flocked to your live broadcast room to watch it. So beautiful!"

  Xu Yin: Woohoo, I haven't seen my little baby yet.

  At this time, Professor Tong sent a photo of Jin Epiphyllum to the group.

   "The picture my student took, isn't it beautiful? I've been in this business for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen a pure golden epiphyllum. It's so beautiful!"

  Xu Yin was finally lucky enough to meet the little baby Jin Tan whom she had raised for a year.

   It is said that the petals of Xiyetan are like silk, and her pot of golden tan is the best of Xiyetan. The petals are like gold threads, and the stamens are like silver willows. In the Yingying night light, it blooms its own light.

   Epiphyllum is in full bloom, eclipsing the surrounding scenery.

   "Xiao Xu, I have some good news for you. No surprises, your pot of Jin Tan has been crowned the queen of flowers this year."

  Xu Yin happily thanked the teacher.

  Hung up the phone, turned around and threw herself into Gu Xijin's arms: "I succeeded!"

   "Congratulations, Mrs. Gu!" He smiled and hugged her tightly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for turning the fate of cannon fodder in this world, the task reward is being settled, and the new world channel has been opened...]

  (end of this chapter)

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