The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 338: The white moonlight of the surgical boss (41)

  Chapter 338 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (41)

  She had to leave home for a period of time during the summer vacation, and Xu Yin moved back home after defending her thesis. Accompany Grandpa Xu and sell a batch of flowers and plants by the way.

  If the yard wasn't too small, she wouldn't be willing to sell it.

  Nowadays, the neighbors in the neighborhood all know that the granddaughter of the Xu family has a lot of flowers in the house, and they move a few pots out for sale every once in a while. This has started again not too long ago. Old men and women who like flowers and plants moved a pony and waited at the entrance of the alley as soon as night fell.

  When you meet someone you like, you bring a pot home. If you don’t have a close eye, it’s also interesting to sit by and watch her sell flowers.

  Xu Yin didn't know at first, thinking they were enjoying the cool air after dinner. In the early summer night, there were not many mosquitoes, so it was quite comfortable to sit outside.

   Until this day she came to her aunt, changed her clothes and was too lazy to come out, so she stayed at home and read the project materials that Professor Feng sent her.

  The group of old men and women waited left and right, but they didn't wait for her, so they caught Grandpa Xu, who was walking around with a teapot to digest food:

   "Where's your granddaughter?"

   "Yes, girl Yin? Why don't you come out to sell flowers today?"

   "Yesterday I wanted to ask her to buy a pot of peony, but unfortunately I didn't bring any money. I brought money here today. Why isn't she here?"

  Grandpa Xu had no choice but to bring them home.

  Xu Yin only knew that this is a group of flower lovers!

  Stayed at home for a week, produced more than a dozen pots of peonies, peonies, and summer crabapples in full bloom. During the period, I also received a group of customers introduced by Mr. Zhong, all of whom were die-hard flower fans in the flower circle.

   Originally came to her for treatment with flowers in his arms, but he was fascinated by the flowers and plants in her house.

   "Xiao Xu, is this a bamboo-jointed crabapple? How did it grow so well! How about selling me a pot?"

   "Xiao Xu, is Mirabilis sold?"

   "Xiao Xu, this pot of longevity flowers..."

  So, another batch of flowers came out.

  Changshou flowers and mirabilis were planted along the corners of the wall, still in the soil, in temporary pots.

  The flower pots are not enough, these flower lovers, just put them in plastic bags and carry them away, but forgot the flowers they brought.

  It was only after walking for a while that I remembered it. I slapped my head and called Xu Yin:

   "Xiao Xu, I'll leave my flowers at your house. It's fine, it's fine. You can raise them however you like. I'll come and get them when I'm free."

   "Xiao Xu, I can take care of my flowers at your house. I will settle with you for the flowers and fertilizers. I will move them after I arrange the house for the holidays."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Look down at their forgotten flowers. If the flowers could talk, they would probably tearfully accuse their master who loves the new and hates the old!


  At the end of June, Xu Yin took her luggage and her new husband, and followed Professor Feng to the plant research base outside Beijing.

  Professor Feng focuses on plant classification, and has approved an experimental field at the base dedicated to the research of the subject, where various plants are planted.

Knowing that Xu Yin likes flowers, I took her to the flower area as soon as I arrived, and said boldly: "From now on, this area will be yours to take care of. Whether it's research or interest, you can grow whatever you want. If you are particularly interested If you have any topics, you can apply to me."

  Xu Yin was happy, but she didn't expect to grow flowers in another place.

  For her, she is like a fish in water.

  Professor Feng saw that she was so happy, and nodded her forehead amusedly: "Don't be too happy, you have to participate in my project, and you will also go to the laboratory."

   "Yeah, no problem."

  Professor Feng also gave her several bags of flower seeds.

Seeing that there was a bag of epiphyllum seeds in it, Xu Yin thought of the epiphyllum perfume that she sprayed when she went out this morning. To amaze the world?

  So, she declared a project of epiphyllum.

   Gu Xijin spent most of her time at the plant base writing papers in front of the computer, followed by reading books. There are more professional books than clothes he brings.

   It will be his birthday in two days, Xu Yin plans to give him a surprise.

  So I asked Professor Feng for a day off, and planned to borrow a base cafeteria to bake him a cake, and then make a bowl of longevity noodles.

   "You know this? It's amazing!" Professor Feng said with a smile, "Why don't we take a day off and give little Gu Qing a life together?"

  Professor Feng's graduate students should be faster than Xu Yin: "Okay, okay! It's been a long time since I celebrated my birthday."

  Professor Feng scolded with a smile: "How many birthdays do you have in a year? It's been a long time since your birthday..."

   "Hey, other people's birthdays count too!"

  After it was decided, Xu Yin secretly prepared the ingredients without telling the birthday star.

  The next day, she didn't go to the experimental field, but stayed in the cafeteria all day, baking two chiffon cake embryos, one for birthday cake tomorrow, and one for afternoon tea.

  I also asked the chef in the cafeteria to buy some seafood he loves to eat, and then made a soup and stewed a pot of Buddha jumping over the wall.

   The rest will be done tomorrow morning.

  In the evening, when she came out of the shower, Gu Xijin closed the notebook, walked up to her, helped her dry her hair, hugged her and asked, "What are you doing today? I won't see you for a day."

   "Secret." She smiled mysteriously at him.

  He raised his eyebrows: "Can't even tell me?"

   "It's no secret if you tell me."

   "Really can't say?"

  Xu Yin wrapped her hands around his neck, smiling charmingly: "Wait for tomorrow..."

   "I don't want to wait for Umbro..." He pressed her on the bed with a provocative voice.


  The next morning, Xu Yin was too tired to get up. She poked the hard chest of the man beside her and said weakly, "The longevity noodles are gone! If you want to eat, go make it yourself!"

   "..." Gu Xijin remembered that today seems to be his birthday in the Gregorian calendar.

   "So you were busy with this yesterday?"

  Xu Yin rolled her eyes at him.

  He laughed happily, buried his head in her neck, sniffing her delicious body fragrance, his usual cold voice was gone forever, replaced by a magnetic and charming voice: "I'm very happy, Umbro..."

   "Hey, hey, happy if you are happy, why do you use your hands and feet..."

   "Today is my birthday."

   "..." Birthday is amazing!

  Birthdays are really amazing, who makes birthdays the biggest.

   A few days after his birthday, Gu Daxun had to leave his wife and return to Yanjing, and the summer internship for medical students began again.

  Xu Yin helped him organize his suitcase, and brought him a can of premium tribute tea and a can of chrysanthemum tea.

  This tribute tea is the real tribute tea, which was listed as a tribute by the fourth prince after ascending the throne in the last small world.

  Because the output is very small, there are not many stocks, and one can is less.

  She specially put a label on the tea pot: love brand tea.

  In fact, even if she doesn't post it, Gu Xijin is reluctant to give it to others. But after it was posted, even the jar was reluctant to be touched by others, and it was locked in a drawer when no one was around.

   "Old Gu, what treasure are you hiding? Is it tea? I can smell the fragrance of tea!" Sun Shuming shrugged his nose, "It smells so good! It smells so good without drinking it, how delicious it tastes!"

   "It's useless for you to praise it any more. It's a gift from my precious daughter-in-law, and I can't bear to give it to you." Chen Kejie said, winking narrowly, "Love card!"

  Sun Shuming felt that a big lemon was just right: "I'm going to post a marriage notice soon, and whoever gives me tea, I will make a promise with my body!"

  Chen Kejie ignored him, and turned to ask Gu Xijin: "Old Gu, do you still have chrysanthemum tea this year? Remember to leave a can for me if you have."

  Gu Xijin: "I don't think I'll be free this year. I'm very busy doing research with her tutor."

   "Oh, that's another year to wait."

   "I won't be free next year either."




   Another day of dog abuse.

  (end of this chapter)

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