The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1000: The school grass's first love who took a check and went abroad (38)

  Chapter 1000 The first love of the school grass who took a check and went abroad (38)

   "Father, I also want to go to Taiwan Island!" Nine-year-old Shuanzi stared at the away third uncle's family, pouted with displeasure on his face, "The little **** monk can go, why can't I go?"

"Didn't you hear what your third uncle said? You need a pass to go to Taiwan Island, and you can't go without it." Aunt Xu frowned and complained, "The third is really true, such a good thing, I would rather make it cheaper for outsiders than bring My own nephew. I don't believe that their pass has been issued long ago, and it must have been issued in the past few days. If you tell us in advance, you can go?"

Uncle Xu glanced at his wife: "It's not your fault! Women are narrow-minded, and they refused to adopt Shuanzi at the beginning. If Shuanzi was adopted by the third child, our two families have been walking around. Will Yinyin come to see us?" ? It's all right now, it's just cheap for that little bastard."

   "You blame me? When your mother insisted on adopting Shuanzi, didn't you also yell that you refused?"

"Okay, parents, stop arguing, and think about how to win over third uncle when he comes back." Xu Ping, the eldest son of Xu Boss, interrupted the couple's mutual complaints, "I heard that the town is going to build The industrial park is invested by Yinyin, the benefits are good, the middle class and above can share the house, but the interview requirements are very strict, if only the third uncle can be entrusted, so that our whole family can go to work."

   "My son is right! We are the most qualified to enter the factory invested by my niece."

   "Father, I want to join the purchasing department. I heard that purchasing is very lucrative." Xu's second eldest son also said.

  The youngest son patted his chest: "I don't ask too much, just give me the head of the security guard. I don't need to do any work. Just take care of the security guards below. Just smoke and walk around. How free it is."

  The two families were discussing in a hurry, as if these positions were like meat on a chopping board, and how to allocate them was up to them.

  Unfortunately, they are destined to wait for it.


  Xu Yin took her father and younger brother to play in Taiwan Island for three days. On the last day, she took them to the largest shopping mall in the area and bought them some clothes for the four seasons.

  Cashmere and wool clothing are easy to buy in New Zealand. Cotton clothing is still cheap in China, and the style is also good.

As for leather shoes, Xu Yin didn't plan to buy them on Taiwan Island. New Zealand is a country rich in cowhide. The pair of cowhide boots she bought in Queenstown were not only cheap, but the leather was particularly good. She plans to buy a few more pairs herself.

  In addition, there are some daily necessities and children's books and picture books suitable for Xu Lin's age. Proper enlightenment is still needed.

  Xu Yin also wanted to take them to several other shopping malls, but Xu Qishan and Xu Lin were frightened by her desire to buy.

   "Too much, too much! Sister, don't buy it!"

   "Girl, it's enough to wear enough clothes, buying too much is a waste."

Afraid to stay longer and spend more money, Xu Qishan asked: "Yinyin, haven't you bought the air ticket yet? Are you going to buy it after playing with us enough? No, no, we've played enough, really! Hurry up and buy the ticket, we Go to the city you mentioned earlier."


  The next day, the family of three took a direct flight to Christchurch.

If it is said that when he was in Taiwan Island, Xu Qishan saw the courage (speed) of his daughter's shopping (prodigal) and wanted to persuade her; Eyes are lost.

   Be good! The fields here are not measured in mu, but in hectares?

  The cattle and sheep here don’t matter only, but in groups?

  Looking at the past, the land as far as the eye can see is the daughter's pasture?

   The golden wheat waves that can't be seen at a glance are all the daughter's farmland?

   And the lake on the mountain, the fruit forest by the lake, and the magnificent manor at the foot of the mountain, all belonged to the daughter?

  Damn it! Is this what my daughter said, "buy a little land"?

   This "point" is larger than the entire town of Hongmuchang.


  It's so exciting!

   Oh yo yo!

  Xu Qishan held his heart and was so shocked that he almost fainted.

  Xu Lin was having fun on the pasture excitedly.

Compared with farms and lakes, he prefers the vast pastures like blankets. This season, New Zealand has entered autumn, and the pastures are turning from green to yellow, and the grass is dry and soft. He turned several somersaults in a row, and then lay on the dry and soft grass Looking at the clear blue sky, I couldn’t stop grinning happily: It’s so nice here! No matter how many somersaults you turn, you won't hit a wall.

  It's a pity that the grass is not tender now, otherwise such a large grassland can dig a lot of wild vegetables.

Thinking of wild vegetables, his eyes lit up: "Dad! I forgot to bring a small shovel. Sister, do you have a small shovel at home? I know many wild vegetables. When spring comes, I will dig wild vegetables. If I dig too much, I will take them away." Sell ​​it, sell it to buy meat for you and dad!"

  The four-and-a-half-year-old child patted his chest, expressing that he also has the ability to make his family eat meat.

  Xu Yin was happy: "If you want to eat meat, you don't need to exchange wild vegetables. Have you seen those cattle and sheep? They are all raised by my sister. If you want to eat, we can kill one."

  Xu Lin sat up abruptly, Wu Liuliu's eyes widened instantly: "Is it all sister's?"


   "No, no, no!" Xu Lin was happy for a while, showing a distressed expression, puffing up his cheeks and shaking his head, "These sisters have to be raised to sell for money during the New Year, so they can't be slaughtered to eat! Otherwise, there will be no money for the New Year."

  It’s like this in the village. The chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs raised at home are usually saved for the New Year, and sold at a good price when they go to the big fair, and then exchanged for some things for the New Year.

  The little guy lived in the temple before he was one and a half years old, and he had simple meals with the old monk, and his life was poor; after being adopted by Xu Qishan, he moved to the village at the foot of the mountain, and lived a relatively poor life. Not only the Xu family, but other villagers are also similar. The poultry they raise are not willing to eat at ordinary times. At most, they can pick up an egg and steam a custard.

   When it comes to Chinese New Year, the little guy feels that he can't turn his head: "I remember that before the flood, the early rice in the field hadn't headed yet. Why is the wheat here ripening soon? And it's getting cooler."

"Because this is the southern hemisphere." Xu Yin took them back to the manor, and took out a globe to give the little guy popular science and geography knowledge, "Look, we are here now, have you seen it in Christchurch, New Zealand? It is located in the southern hemisphere of the earth, New Zealand is now autumn, Cooktown, where we live, is not far from Christchurch. This raised mountain range is called the Male Alps, which is the one we just saw... and our hometown is here, here is the northern hemisphere, and the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres are opposite ..."

  Xu Yin's gentle explanation made Xu Lin fascinated.

   "Sister, you know so much! When can I be like you and know everything?"

   "Go to school and study. Schools and teachers will teach you all kinds of knowledge, and you have to be like a sponge, constantly absorbing knowledge..."

  Xu Yin was persuasive and persuasive, and Xu Lin was fascinated by what he heard.

   "Sister, can I go to school too?" His family is so poor, maybe they can't afford it?

   "Of course. After Linlin's sixth birthday, we will go to school. Before that, you can go to kindergarten if you want."

  The kindergarten in Hongmuchang Town normally requires the town's household registration to go, but she invested in the factory and donated money. Isn't it easy to get a place for her younger brother?

  Wait until the factory is put into production, the funds are returned, and then a sum of money will be donated to the elementary school in the town.

  She thought that when the factory's production stabilized, the number of employees' children in the factory would definitely not be small. If the schools in the town were unwilling to accept the children of migrant workers, then she would open a school by herself.

   As long as the money is in place, are you afraid that you will not be able to hire excellent teachers and afford teaching materials and experimental equipment?

  (end of this chapter)

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