"From now on, no one is allowed to speak, whoever dares to say a word, whoever I cut my tongue."

For a while, the whole room was silent.

Spicy said: "No one is allowed to speak, no one is allowed..."

He turned to look at Dahu: "Including you."

Dahu nodded, and strained his mouth.

La Tiao walked over to those people.

He squatted in front of a person and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. As a person, I never like violence. I prefer to solve problems in a non-violent way."

La Tiao asked: "Do you want to live?"

The man trembling opened his **** lips, "think...think..."

His eyes were full of fear.

Spicy said: "From now on, I didn't say a word. You have to remember every word. Only by remembering my words can you survive, you know?"

"Good... good..."

La Tiao bent down and looked at the man, his eyes darkened a little bit.

He changed his words: "Look into my eyes, don’t be afraid that you will not die. From now on, forget this memory. You have not been caught. You have never seen people here. You have never been here. , You don’t remember anything... You are sleepy, you haven’t rested for several days, very tired, very sleepy, take a good night’s sleep, when you wake up, you will return to the place you are most familiar with... "

Following his words, the man's eyelids slowly began to close, his face full of sleepiness, and a vague sentence came out from his mouth: "Ok... so sleepy..."

Before he finished speaking, he had completely closed his eyes, tilted his head and fell asleep.

Moreover, the sleep is very dead.

La Tiao stood up, and when he stood up, the man started snoring.

This scene shocked the other sober people in the room, including Xie Xize.

Xie Xize knew that his son's hand was very good, but... when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, there was always an unspeakable complex mood.

Xie Xize is happy for his son's cleverness, tact, and wisdom.

But... I always worry about whether this is too good for a child.

Especially since he is only four and a half years old, is it really good to let him participate in this?

Xie Xize worries about the future of his son.

Others, it's simple, all of them are scared and dumbfounded. Isn't this a spell?

This is no longer an area that ordinary humans can understand, right? Is this special... special... is it a special effect?

When those people were still in shock and couldn't help themselves.

La Tiao has successfully caused the two people to fall into a coma.

After he finished the last one, he stood up, rubbed his head, and said, "Uncle, uncle, you throw them out..."

Hypnosis is a kind of highly concentrated activity. Continuous hypnosis makes the spicy strips feel a little overuse of the brain and the temples are full of pain.

Dahu hadn't reacted yet, he opened his mouth, staring at him, and couldn't believe it.

Xie Xize walked to Latiao and picked him up: "Is his head uncomfortable?"

Laotiao shook his head: "In fact, it's okay, but Uncle Dahu quickly get the person out."

Xie Xize scolded, "Big Tiger."

Only then did Dahu recover, he shivered, "Little...little master, you...how did you do it."


Happy Jimei Zongzi Festival, although it's a bit late, don't care about this little detail...

I have been trying to lose weight recently, and it is still effective, hahaha, trying to lose weight to lightning, a small skirt is waiting for me, I am coming...

Like cannon fodder, she is married to a wealthy boss, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Cannon fodder is married to a wealthy boss. The literature is updated the fastest.

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