The tower is full of traps and mazes, and we rack our brains to find a way out. Finally, we came across a huge iron door, and there seemed to be a greater secret behind the door. We worked together to push open the iron door, and we were all stunned by the sight in front of us.

Among the piles of glittering treasures, there is a gleaming sword with countless gems inlaid on it. At the same time, a powerful energy emanated from the sword, making people's hearts flutter.

Ai Bu Xing looked at the sword, his eyes shining with excitement."This is the legendary sword of light!"

I approached the sword excitedly and stretched out my hand to touch it. But at this moment, the light on the sword suddenly disappeared, and a man in black appeared in front of us.

「Congratulations on finding the Sword of Light, but now it's time for me to take it away!"The man in black sneered.

Ai Bu Xing and I held the hilts of our swords tightly and decided to fight the man in black. We wielded the sword of light, emitted a dazzling light, and launched a fierce duel with the man in black.

The man in black is extremely powerful, and every attack makes it difficult for us. But we were not willing to give up and devoted ourselves wholeheartedly to the fight. We cooperated tacitly, constantly adjusted our tactics, and gradually gained the upper hand.

The man in black let out a shrill scream, then turned into a black smoke and disappeared. The darkness was driven away, and there seemed to be a glimmer of life in the dim tower. Ai Bu Xing frowned and looked at me, and whispered,"This thing, so unbeatable? It's so weak."

I chuckled,"It seems that the man in black is not the real person, we have to be careful, in this tower These are not necessarily the only tricks of the agency." In my mind, the cold-blooded and domineering Luo Shaoyuan will undoubtedly have more countermeasures.

Ai Bu Xing nodded, a hint of determination flashing in his eyes."Then let's take advantage of the opportunity and quickly find the secret of this tower."

Although the sword in my hand gave me a warm intuition, I couldn't indulge in the illusion it brought. I understand that getting it is not the end, but more likely the beginning of another situation.

Carefully, we stepped over the treasure and continued exploring the tower. Every step may be a trap, and every corner may contain an ambush. Sure enough, in a long and narrow passage, we triggered a mechanism, and sharp arrows shot at us like a rainstorm.

「careful!"Ai Bu Xing shouted, drew his sword and swung it. The sword energy was like a wall and knocked down all the arrows. Not to be outdone, I weaved a web of light to block arrows. Our cooperation has become more and more tacit, as if each other's will and actions have been integrated into one.

After many difficulties we reached the highest level of the tower. Sunlight pours through the top window, illuminating a dust-covered pedestal. Reaching out to brush away the dust, I was surprised to find that it was an ancient book with a shimmering light.

「Is this the real treasure of the forbidden land?"Ai Bu Xing frowned,"A moldy old book?"

I tentatively opened the ancient book. It was densely written with words, but it was a kind of writing that I had never seen before. I observed intently, but I couldn't figure out why.

「Perhaps, there are important secrets hidden in this book." I muttered to myself.

Ai Bu Xing looked at me for a while, then suddenly showed a joking expression,"Don't think about it, maybe this is called......Pretending to be a fool, let’s get out of here quickly."

I glared at him angrily, but I also found that his words were not unreasonable. After all, who knows how many unknown crises are hidden besides this ruthless struggle. Anyway, the confrontation between His Highness the Second Highness and Mr. Luo has reached a fever pitch. Even if we get the sword, we may not be able to sit back and relax.

We slowly made our way downstairs, preparing to leave the tower. But just as we were approaching the exit, a thick black fog surged in from all directions and blocked the exit.

「It seems that we are being watched."Ai Bu Xing's tone was filled with cold teasing, as if he was well prepared for the situation at hand.

Whether the swords and ancient books obtained through risking one's life are enough to cope with the coming storm, we have no way of knowing. However, at this moment, heavy military drums were heard outside the tower - the city guard troops surrounded this forbidden area without any warning.

We looked at each other and knew that this journey to the forbidden land might have just begun.

We stood back to back, staring into the black mist, only the sound of each other's breath was still clear.

Ai Bu Xing sneered and said in a relaxed tone:"Humph, that's all Luo Shaoyuan's henchmen are capable of, right?"

I gripped the hilt of the sword tightly and responded in a low voice:"Don't be careless, the rhythm of this war drum is......Something is wrong."

Suddenly, Luo Shaoyuan's voice was like a ghost traveling through the black fog,"Everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm sorry.」

「Luo Shaoyuan, what do you mean?"Ai Buxing asked slowly, not hiding his disdain.

I could hear his artificial ease, but behind it were tense nerves. It seems that the weight of the sword and the book has fallen on our shoulders.

Luo Shaoyuan's laughter became even weirder,"Your Highness thought that he could fight against me once he had the military power, but in the end he could only use his loyal dogs to come out and die."」

「ha!"Ai Bu Xing burst out laughing,"Death? Just the two of us? Do you think this is a dancing master who can collect his soul by singing casually?" But

I didn't have time to pay attention to Ai Bu Xing's teasing. There was an ominous premonition in my heart, which made me listen carefully to Luo Shaoyuan's tone. Sure enough, there is a breathtaking and strange rhythm hidden in his voice, as if inviting us into a hunting ground from which we cannot escape.

「You stinky old man!"Ai Bu Xing roared in a deep voice, the sound wave was like a sharp blade that shattered the black mist,"Stop showing off, just come over if you have the ability!"

I know that Luo Shaoyuan will not show up so easily. It seems that we have to do it ourselves. Find a way. I waited for that moment of airflow, and finally, the warmth on the sword guided the direction again.

「Walk!"I quickly pointed to a dark passage on the left,"I found the way!"

We ran almost blindly, and the hoops under our feet became more and more dense. But with the sword in my hand, I seemed to be able to detect the traces of the mechanism, and as we ran, the guidance from the sword became stronger and stronger.

Ai Bu Xing kept teasing, but he kept his steps steady, blazing a trail for me. Even though he was approached by the black mist, he still seemed fearless. The point pointed by the sword was our hope of escape.

Finally, we saw the sky again. Outside the tower, there were many houses far away, but it was completely silent. Ai Bu Xing breathed a sigh of relief,"This almost cost me my life."...

Suddenly, we were all silent. Above the tower, a crack opened in the void, like a wound opened by a sharp blade, slowly expanding. I stared at the crack, sweating. This power and violence cannot be controlled by Luo Shaoyuan alone.

「"You," the voice sounded heavier and darker than ever,"do you want to turn all of this into ashes?"

In an instant, what emerged from the cracks was not a living creature, but swords and shields piled up into a military formation. The invisible soldiers and horses are organized to an incredible level.

Ai Bu Xing clenched the hilt of his sword and straightened his posture,"It's rude to come and not go back. Since you are so warlike, let us have a good game."

Under the military formation controlled by Luo Shaoyuan, we There are no more options. The secret contained within the sword might be able to turn the tables, but that will take time—time, a luxury we don't have.

Yes, this game has just begun, and we have just shaken the dice on the game board.

「Zhang Chi, we meet again."

I have already expected that Luo Shaoyuan's ultimate goal is to restrain me and control the tower?"

However, when I really faced Luo Shaoyuan's lifeless eyes, I still felt chilled. There was no light in those eyes, they were like a pool of stagnant water, but they contained enough power to overturn mountains.

Ai Bu Xing had already revealed his true strength the moment he appeared in Luo Shaoyuan. The sword edge had not moved yet, but the sword energy was already approaching Luo Shaoyuan's face. This blow was his provocation to those dull eyes, and it was also the release of years of trouble.

Luo Shaoyuan was unmoved, his voice was low and hoarse,"You are no match for me, Your Highness." Before he finished speaking, Ai Buxing had already swept to a position less than one meter in front of Luo Shaoyuan, his sword pointed directly at Luo Shaoyuan. The throat of the young hospital. Luo Shaoyuan's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he didn't expect Ai Buxing to be so strong.

But in this moment of lightning, something unbelievable happened. The tip of the sword that was supposed to pierce Luo Shaoyuan's throat unexpectedly deviated from its direction at the last moment, as if being pulled to another space by a thread in the air.

Ai Bu Xing's eyes narrowed, and then he regained his composure. The sword in his hand seemed to be pulled by some force. It circled a semicircle, and the tip of the sword pointed at Luo Shaoyuan again.

「This is impossible!"Ai Buxing swung his sword across, interrupting Luo Shaoyuan's guidance,"No one in this world can take my sword forcefully!"

Luo Shaoyuan had no expression on his face and just said coldly,"Yes, But you can't either."

Ai Buxing obviously didn't want to agree. His sword moves became more and more fierce, and there was a hint of freedom and ease that broke the situation between the opening and closing.

However, in this boundless sword shadow, Luo Shaoyuan still looked calm and unhurried, and all the offensives seemed to be easily resolved by him.

The confrontation between Ai Bu Xing and Luo Shaoyuan became more and more intense, with alternating sword moves and fierce momentum. Ai Bu Xing's sword edge flashed with cold light, and every attack was full of killing potential. Luo Shaoyuan's figure was like a phantom, nimbly dodging Ai Buxing's sword energy. The battle between the two became more and more fierce, almost covering the entire tower in the aura of swords.

I clenched my fists tightly, feeling anxious. Can we make a comeback in the face of such a powerful enemy? I couldn't help but doubt my own strength. However, at this time, I felt a powerful force coming from my heart.

Suddenly, my body became extremely light, and an unprecedented strength filled my body. I felt as if the world around me was under my control, like an invisible master, making me feel omnipotent.

I took a step forward and looked at Luo Shaoyuan firmly. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes, as if he was mocking me. I was not afraid and waved the sword in my hand resolutely.

The sword energy is like a rainbow and flying like a dragon, showing my true strength. Under my sword moves, Luo Shaoyuan was gradually forced to retreat. His eyes became wild, as if he was shocked and angry at my strength

「You, you actually have such power! Luo Shaoyuan murmured in a low voice.

A proud smile appeared on my lips,"Do you think you are the only one with power?"

Luo Shaoyuan was furious. He waved the sword in his hand and launched a fierce attack. However, my movement is extremely flexible, and it is difficult for him to catch me every time I attack. Gradually, Luo Shaoyuan's offensive became weak, and he felt that his strength was no longer enough.

I took the opportunity to launch a counterattack, and the sword in my hand suddenly burst into dazzling light. A ray of sword light slashed towards Luo Shaoyuan. He tried to dodge in fear, but he could not escape the lock of the sword light.

The sword light cut through the air and instantly penetrated Luo Shaoyuan's body. He fell to the ground in pain, blood flowing from the wound and staining the ground red

「You lose, Luo Shaoyuan."I said calmly.

Luo Shaoyuan raised his head with difficulty, his eyes full of unwillingness and hatred."You may think you've won, but you can never escape the clutches of fate."

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