「Ha ha! Ai Bu Xing, it seems your luck has run out! Luo Shaoyuan said mockingly.

I sneered,"Luck? Luo Shaoyuan, don't underestimate us."

The young man clenched the weapon in his hand tightly, his eyes shining with unyielding determination."Don't worry, I will never let you down!"

We started a desperate fight with Luo Shaoyuan and others. Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, we nimbly dodge the enemy's attacks and then fight back fiercely. The young man's swordsmanship was extremely sharp. I followed his movements and used hidden weapons to attack the enemy's vital points.

The scene became chaotic, more and more people fell down, and the smell of blood filled the air. The sounds of laughter, shouts, and the clash of swords intertwined together to form a thrilling picture.

「You are seeking death! The current situation is not something you can reverse!" Luo Shaoyuan shouted angrily

「Luo Shaoyuan, do you think you can still escape?" I sneered and approached him.

Suddenly, a beam of light with powerful energy fluctuations shot from a very far distance, covering us all instantly. We are pulled by the force, and our bodies can’t help but fly in the direction of the light.

「What is this?!"The young man exclaimed.

I tried my best to resist this force, but I still couldn't stop myself from flying forward. Illusions kept flashing before my eyes, as if time and space had been distorted.

In the end, we were engulfed by the bright light, and in a void, my consciousness began to blur...

When I woke up again, I found that I was in a completely unfamiliar place. Surrounded by desolate ruins, broken buildings and black marks fill the sight

「How did we get here?"The young man asked doubtfully.

I looked around, trying to find clues."It seems that an accident occurred when entering the treasure house. We were teleported to this unknown place."

Just as I was about to continue exploring, a figure suddenly appeared from the ruins. That's a mysterious man wearing a black robe

「who are you? Why bring us here?" I questioned.

The mysterious man slowly opened his black robe, revealing a face that looked young but showed vicissitudes of life. He looked at us coldly."In this place, you will undergo a real test. Only by passing the test will you be able to return to the palace and defeat Luo Shaoyuan."

I met his gaze, determination shining in my eyes."No matter what, we will complete this test, return to the palace again, and completely change the rules of this game!"

The young man clenched his weapon tightly, with courage and determination burning in his eyes."Let Luo Shaoyuan see our power!"

In this strange world, we will embark on a journey again and face unknown challenges. The test of fate has just begun...

The young man smiled slightly and put down the long sword in his hand. His eyes shone with excitement, as if he was full of anticipation for this unknown test.

「What do we do next?" I asked.

The young man thought for a moment, and then said:"We must first find out where this place is, and then find a way to return to the palace.」

「Well, I agree." I nodded in agreement.

We started exploring the ruins, looking for clues. We searched every corner, looking for anything that might provide a clue

「look at this!"The boy suddenly shouted. He was holding an ancient rune stone in his hand, which was engraved with symbols that we could not understand.

I took the rune stone and looked at it carefully."This thing may be a key." I guessed.

The boy blinked,"We can try to use it to open the door to the next place."

We followed the guidance of the rune stone and came to a huge door. The door is covered with intricate patterns that look like they come from a distant ancient civilization.

「How to open this door?" I scratched my head, a little at a loss.

The boy tried to insert the rune stone into the groove on the door, and something miraculous happened. The door suddenly gave off a dazzling light, and then slowly opened

「It looks like we succeeded!"I said excitedly.

We walked through the gate and came to an even more mysterious place. It's full of psychedelic colors and the air is filled with sweet aromas

「this place......Could it be?" I looked at the scene in front of me in surprise.

The young man nodded,"Yes, this should be the location of the secret organization."

We decided to investigate in depth and find more information about the organization. This organization seems to be inextricably linked to the entire game.

As we explore, we gradually uncover the truth about this organization. They have mastered technology and magic far beyond modern times, and try to use these powers to conquer the entire game world.

We must stop them or the entire game world will face destruction. We began a fierce battle with members of this organization, fighting for justice and freedom.

After a thrilling struggle, we successfully defeated the leader of the organization and saved the game world. We were transported back to the palace and regained control of our bodies.

We felt the joy of victory, but also realized that this adventure was not over yet. We still have to face more challenges and continue to protect the security of the game world.

I looked up into the distance, my eyes shining with determination."Next time, I will defeat Mr. Luo and use my true power to change the rules of the game!"

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